Wow this was really cool. I got stuck a few times, but I loved it
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Great puzzle game! Love the buttons. My only feedback is the other part of the UI: It was hard to find which pawn i was selecting(maybe you could also select from the board) and that I was constantly trying to put the pawn before the action, this one may only be me though. I think its because in spanish (and english too, I think) you usually say the subject before the action ("Mable turned right") so while I was thinking the puzzles the solutions came out of my head in that format.
That nitpick aside I had a fun time with your game!
Oh I'm so sorry the instructions weren't clearer. Your objetive is to go to the right and get the water hidrants, then cross the street in the right. When you are next to water or sunlight a button at the left of the screen pops up and you can harvest it.
Thanks for the feedback, glad you could enjoy the mechanic even if you got stuck!
Thank you!
Originally the idea was to climb a building at the end, there were also plan for power ups that give greater movement and a mecanic that you couldn't grab to diferent surfaces until you had the power up. But I didnt have the time :( and there were also problems with how to visually convey them.
Thanks a lot!
Ps: I retried A Story of Creation, I used your tips with the platform and got a little further!
Oh I'm so sorry the instructions weren't clearer. If you want you could try to click on the green ends of the branches to continue growing them, then if you are next to water or sunlight a button at the left of the screen pops up and you can harvest. Your objetive is to go to the right and get the water, then cross the street in the right.
Thanks for the feedback anyways!
Thanks a lot! Since the game was short, my intention was to let the player explore the mechanic, but it seems like i've gone a little overboard with the lack of instructions.
I`m so happy you could finish it! I believe the ending is the strongest part but unfortunatly a lot of people didnt get through the lack of instruction and finished the game :(