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A member registered Apr 26, 2022

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I'm confused, why isn't there any music when you start the game? Also, spacebar doesn't seem to do anything...

Rage induced XD Very frustrating but for good reasons (mostly). Pro : I love the fact that you can change the color of the traps, it makes the player feel like the designer in a way. Cons : the controls are very hard to master, maybe adding a very short hovering effect on the jump would make it less frustrating.

Cool idea, but the biggest problem here is that you can't see what's coming before it gets dark. So you're basically pressing up and hoping there's nothing to kill you in the way until there's light again.

Good idea, but the song is too long, I got bored after a while because it's so hard. It would probably be easier/more satisfying on a phone or tablet.

LOVE it! Guitar hero but with a car, so good! Great music too, fits the style super well!

Good idea but the levels are too long for nothing (feels like a walking simulator) and the bang-bang-bang sound gets very annoying. 

A little confusing at first, but once you get how to use signs, it's a cool little game, and the use of rhythm is very clear thanks to a simple drum-only music :) Cool 8-bit visuals with vintage palette, love it!

Can you actually kill the monster? I just stood at its side, spamming spacebar until I'd eventually get killed by some projectile. The visuals are good but the gameplay is generic and doesn't respect the limitation.

A very nice and simple way of using the limitation, but the platforming is extremely precise and frustrating, especially when you have to jump under a low ceiling. I think I got killed by the same spike 30 times before giving up :')

Fun, beautiful, and tied to the rhythm! Good idea and great execution :)

Great puzzle game visually and conceptually, I think the only problem is it's very hard to predict what will happen when you press Start, so I ended up trying different values until I had it instead of thinking ahead, which is not great for puzzle design. Maybe the grid is not obvious enough right now. But as a whole, very solid game and top-notch presentation!

Great-looking game, but I'm disappointed by the gameplay; I was expecting the music to kick off at some point and raise the difficulty level, but it never happened.

I enjoyed it, and the visuals and music are great, but I didn't really feel the limitation or the theme. Still, incredible job in 72 hours!

Fun rhythm game, the interface is clear, though some kind of metronome would help a lot since the pattern changes a lot. I couldn't finish the second song, the end it so fast and confusing :'( (maybe I just suck lol)

Very good! Two simple fixes would make it even better: the symbols (OK, smile, heart) should be more visible, and you shouldn't have to press R to retry (spacebar or simply auto-restart like in Celeste). On the whole I enjoyed it, good job!

Very good! Two simple fixes would make it even better: the symbols (OK, smile, heart) should be more visible, and you shouldn't have to press R to retry (spacebar or simply auto-restart like in Celeste). On the whole I enjoyed it, good job!

Very good! Two simple fixes would make it even better: the symbols (OK, smile, heart) should be more visible, and you shouldn't have to press R to retry (spacebar or simply auto-restart like in Celeste). On the whole I enjoyed it, good job!

Very good! Two simple fixes would make it even better: the symbols (OK, smile, heart) should be more visible, and you shouldn't have to press R to retry (spacebar or simply auto-restart like in Celeste). On the whole I enjoyed it, good job!

The fact that I played a second time to try and get a better score is proof that this game SLAYS! Good job!

La période de vote est terminée et 4-Week Studio remporte le Game Jam Lasalle 2022 avec Edge of the Blade!

Merci à tous ceux qui ont pris le temps de tester et de noter notre prototype!

Merci aussi aux profs Nicolas Bucco, Jean-Philppe Gaumond et Olivier Vézina qui se sont montrés super disponibles pour nous aider tout au long de ce mois intense!

Et enfin, félicitations à toute l'équipe : Fil, Xavier, Emerik, Lucas et Fred! On l'a pas volée!


Poll is over and 4-Week Studio WINS Game Jam Lasalle 2022, with Edge of the Blade!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to test and rate our prototype!

Merci pour les commentaires ! 

Merci beaucoup pour ton évaluation, toutes tes critiques sont justifiées et on va en tenir compte!

À part le sound design réussi, le prototype est très incomplet... Un shooter où on ne peut pas shooter, c'est plate. L'objectif n'est pas clair non plus : à part les marques brillantes sur le sol qui mènent à des ennemis intuables, rien n'indique au joueur le but du jeu.

Un Portal sans autre énigme que de regarder un peu partout à la recherche d'un mur bleu, ça devient vite ennuyant... Et le saut semble mal calibré, j'étais incapable d'atteindre le pont en grimpant sur la pile de caisse. Je ne sais pas si c'est parce que je ne me suis pas rendu assez loin, mais je n'ai pas compris l'utilité de la barre de vie et de l'arme à feu, puisqu'il n'y a aucun ennemi en vue.

Merci pour le feed-back!

Vraiment impressionnant au niveau du visuel et du combat, on croirait jouer à un AAA sorti en 2010! Quelques irritants par ci, par là, mais pour un prototype créé en quatre semaines, chapeau!

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J’avais hâte de tester ce GTA-like, mais dans son état actuel, il y a tellement de bugs que c’est injouable... Je n’arrive pas à utiliser l’auto (elle est catapultée dans les montagnes), le marqueur d’objectif est coincé sur ma maison et le narratif est brisé par moments, au point où je n’ai aucune idée quoi faire, alors je quitte le jeu… Dommage, parce que n'eut été de ces problèmes techniques, le prototype est visuellement charmant et engageant et j'aurais aimé m'y plonger plus longtemps. 

Concept original et bien exécuté! J'avais du mal à comprendre le jeu lors des présentations, mais une fois les commandes en main, on saisit rapidement le but et on a envie de parvenir à la fin des niveaux. Aucun bug de mon côté et vraiment moins "clanky" que la plupart des jeux participants. Bravo!

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Bon platformer qui demande de se creuser la tête et de se pratiquer avant de maîtriser les passages les plus difficiles. Une carte ajouterait à l'expérience. Audacieux de la part de l'équipe d'avoir fait un side-scroller 2D ! Bravo !

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27 avril 2022 : Game Jam terminé et remise du prototype réussie dans les temps ! Félicitations à toute l'équipe ! 

April 27th 2022: Game Jam is done and the prototype has been submitted in time ! Congrats to the team !