Oops! Well spotted! I've replaced the text with a little easter egg for you.
Friend Factory
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Bought STM yesterday, keen to use it but ran into this problem.
When I use screen space - overlay (which I need to), the text renders as below, which is far from ideal.
I can't seem to figure out any rhyme or reason to it, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In a separate project the text was broken as below, and now it is working.
Is there a known cause of this?
@TeamKwaKwa - Thanks! Yeah, that was the plan originally, but my week ended up being busier than I had anticipated so I had to compromise some things. I wanted to have a boss level too!
@MidiPixel - Thank you :)
@MuscularHair - Yeah, it can be a bit too brutal at times I think. I need to reset the enemy's attack swing if they get hit, or give the player some immunity.
@Jupiter_Hadley - Thank you very much! That was so cool to watch, and thank you for the kind words in the video :)
Thanks for the kind words!
I agree with all of the suggestions. Ultimately I just didn't expect to have as little time as I did for the duration of the jam. Originally I wanted to have an opening and closing cutscene, punch and kick buttons, sequential combos, a boss level, and multiple enemies.
Glad you liked the ending :)