if you used a zip file people could access the pdfs without needing to unzip everything, which I think would make stuff a lot easier
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I understand where you're coming from, but a run of bad luck against one of those turn-skipping pirates or getting the wrong ally stunned can lose you the run on the spot. the only counterplay available is to hope you can get that one trinket that makes you immune, and you otherwise have no real solution or strategy to stop it
The fact that starpaths don't have checkpoints within them makes completing them incredibly frustrating, as losing once means you have to start from the very beginning. It's a shame, because the base mechanics are solid, but I couldn't keep patience through the first after dying several times and needing to repeat the entire sequence of levels from the start.
I enjoyed this game. In particular I really like the way skills are done in this. Each level up feels like a noticeable improvement, the final upgrade in a line being an extra-strong one is fun, and infinite rerolls is a clever way to balance being able to make your own build with offering the player ways to branch out.
well made, and quite fun. my main complaint is a couple of the rites don't really serve much purpose, particularly the healing one (since you only heal while below 20% health, and even at max health most monsters will instantly kill you at the health level, so getting healed to stay there doesn't mean much)
also a button to pull up a level map would be nice
The base game has potential, but I feel like the ability to theorycraft (and thus a lot of the fun) is cratered by the fact you have almost zero control over what the upgrade items do to your prospective equipment.
If you've got a particular build going, and you see a good item but want to boost it a bit, you essentially have to roll the dice on if the part of the equipment you actually
want is completely deleted or not.
The rest of the game is a lot of fun, but this flaw is fatal in my opinion.
the idea this game has is pretty good, and would be awesome with some elaboration. However the game has a notable flaw, in that the movement system is rather imprecise. You speed up too fast on the ground but can barely control movement at all in the air, making platforming more difficult than it would be otherwise.
I'd like to preface this by saying that I've never listened to any of this group's music before. but even so, this game is awesome! the amount of effort taken to make sure that everything is on beat, from the enemies to the platforms to each explosion and even the spikes.
the music itself was also really good, but I'm not really big into music so take that with a grain of salt. my only real complaint is that you have to start from the very beginning, going through all the stages to get back to where you were.
Short version: this game is great.
This is a well polished game with a good movement and tight controls. However, there are a few glitches I encountered(there's a sequence break I found, and one of the samurai ended up falling through the floor after I had killed everything and needed to beat him to proceed). This could be alleviated by some form of "pause" or "menu" button, which should be added regardless of glitches