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A member registered Dec 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Oh I get ya. Lol misunderstood. I've heard a free things but I'm still learning about porting. Apparently it's doable. Thought you had some secrets. Lol nbd though. Thanks for playing!

Oh yeah? Do tell. This is my first project with it 

This was incredibly addicting. it had the right amount of progressive difficulty.   I really enjoyed it

This was great! addicting and fun. I beat the first level without even putting the door down. lol   I would love to see this made into something bigger!

this was so much fun!  I definitely felt the pressure from trying to balance things out.   no real issues i ran into.  I have an ultrawide setup and it seemed to work out just fine.  

I'm excited to continue working on this even if I dont go beyond round 1. Thank you for the feedback and playing it

Thanks!  Might I ask what made you struggle? was it the steepness of the camera angle? would a straight top down perspective made the experience more enjoyable?

Thanks for the feedback! I think I might know whats causing it.   I will def fix it up when I continue working on this!

oh oops, he doesn't do anything lol.  the other things work when they shake and you interact. Thank you for trying it out though!!!

My high score! 17

Hey, moving from Unity to Unreal. wanting to learn Unreal and looking to join a team potentially. I am also a low poly 3D modeler so I can also add to the game like that.

Not bad. A few bugs but its a good attempt. Nothing game breaking. what I encountered was if you fall off the stage with the jetpack turned on, it'll continue making sounds even when you respawn. Another time I kept dying when   i touched  an enemy but didn't restart at  spawn.  These aren't game  breaking but just wanted to let you  know.  Keep up the good work and improving on your craft.

Sure, so here's a video link of a similar enemy type. The bigger enemy, something that can patrol an area, give small chase to the player, and attack when they get close. Anything else like the enemy going back to their original location after losing the player, or if the player attacks from afar then they'd go in that direction. What I would like though I guess would be a state system or such that this enemy is created with so I can just add on another enemy later on.

(2 edits)

Hey there, I'm currently looking for a Unity Programmer that can help out with creation of AI. The project is an action platformer(3D on a 2D plane), so what I'd like to do is have a base AI for each enemy and then be able to add to it. If  this sounds doable then feel free to add me on discord Harlock#0009 or respond here . Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

If you still have some free time, I've got a project that could use some help.

Hey there I'm currently working on creating a demo for a game and looking for help with level design and possibly art (2d and possibly 3D).  The game is a 2.5D platformer reminiscent of MegaMan crossed with a bit of Tomba.  I have premade assets ready to go and be placed just need help with design and we can discuss payment ( I have a weird pay schedule).  If you're interested feel free to message me on discord at Harlock#2426

cool. How may I get in contact to talk about things?

(1 edit)

Still available?

Hey there, I just sent you a Discord Request if you're still looking for something small term.

Thanks for the Map Generation Compliment

Awesome game, reminds me of my submission last year. great work!

tons of fun and very addicting

this one is great! love the gameplay and style. had a lot of fun with this one. great work!

Thanks for all that very helpful feedback.  We're definitely finishing up this tech demo to be a full thing. Feel free to follow its progress , future feedback would be appreciated.

thanks very much for the wonderful feedback. We plan on continuing updating this game so please feel free to follow development.  As far as design goes,  we have since interesting things we didn't get to implement before but we still plan on adding it all in even with the jam being over. 

Thanks! ha, yeah I was considering that. Feel free to watch the game if you want to keep up with out other additions and polish! I'll be sure to check out your game too!

Thank you!

Thanks Very much!  feel free to keep watch of the game for upcoming additions. Just updated the controls so I'd like an additional opinion from you if that is ok

Thank you Very Much! That was the intended goal, to be simple and fun

Thank you Very Much! that is what I was hoping to achieve, Simple yet fun.

Thank you very much.  I liked how the explosions came out as well, this was my first jam doing any sort of art for a game and please give all thanks to for the audio. He's a wonderful individual and great to work with