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A member registered Sep 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Just to set things straight, saying it overrides the InBattleStatus, BuffStatesCore and StateCategories is misleading. The only thing the plugin overrides is whatever is drawn on the Window_BattleStatus, so if you have plugins that modify the status window in any way then you can expect a conflict. I see it conflicting with your YEP_BattleStatusWindow, but my plugin doesn't override the functionality of those three other plugins you've mentioned.

The animation will play wherever the sprite is located as long as the position isn't set to 'Screen'. You can offset the sprite with the Sprite Offset X/Y parameters. If you suspect it's being caused by a plugin incompatibility, then you can try turning off the other plugins to find the erring plugin. 

Also, the latest version is v.1.2.

Yes, make an fv_actors folder inside the img folder and put your battler images there.

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That's a line of code from YEP_BattleEngineCore. Last I've tested, it should be compatible with his core engine & battle core plugins. Put my plugin below his.

No idea.

Released the MV version of this plugin just now. You can get it here

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The Pseudo 3D plugin is designed to work with this one, or as a standalone plugin. However, this plugin isn't expected to behave properly of the box with MV.

An MV port of this plugin is already a planned release. Currently busy at the moment with client works, but I will be getting into it as soon as I have free time. 

There's a name offset parameter there. Put 9999 to shift it out of view.



The first person point of view battle plugin will be donning multiple cameras-one for each actor, and possible one for each enemy as well. Without that plugin, the party members will be sharing a single camera. You can still pan around the battlefield though.  

I did not include a multi layer feature as I was also thinking of performance, but I did test and it run perfectly fine (at least on my machine) with four 360 videos. I can re-add the feature anytime. 

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Perhaps you meant the default front view? Here's how it looks like:

If  by third person you meant the side view, then it wouldn't look good as this was designed for the first person pov battle plugin, or the default front view battle.

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Sorry, but I can't help you with this one- at least, not for free. While some of my plugins happen to be compatible with others, I don’t typically bother testing plugin compatibilities, especially if those plugins are obfuscated.

Compatibility patches for obfuscated plugins will need to be commissioned work here.

I stayed true to the reference system, so only inheritable skills require archetype points. Innate skills are unlocked normally as the class' rank/level increases. I may add your request in the future if I see the demand for it.

I've updated the files just now and have added this feature. Re download the files for the update. 

1. Max upgrade is the same for all equipment.

2. All equipment is upgradeable by default. You can define certain equipment as not upgradeable with the <notFortifiable> tag.

Nope, since the classes themselves can change which equip types an actor can use. 


Possibly, in a future update, but not anytime soon.

I'll look into it when I have the time.

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I have been very clear in the product description about this, but I'd like to reiterate it again here as I keep getting complaints about the tool not working. The tool is indeed working. You just haven't done enough reading to make it work. 

You will need two things to make this tool work:

1. An OpenAI API Key which you can generate here.
2. And API credits to make your API key work. You can top up credits from this page

After checking off those two things, simply copy your OpenAI API key and paste it in the settings within the tool and you're good to go.

Does that mean there is an additional cost on top of the one time payment for the tool in order to get it working?

- Correct. You will need to top upyour OpenAI account with api credits so that your api key can work. 

How much would the additional cost be?

- That'll depend on your usage of the tool. As of writing, the minimum amount you can top up from OpenAI is $5. A $5 credit should suffice for a full game or two with normal usage

Do the credits expire?
- No, they do not. 

If you need more help, my discord is open. 

I discourage the use of obfuscated plugins, so I have no intention of updating my plugins to work with theirs if there happened to be an incompatibility between the two. I can still do a compatibility patch , but it'll be a commissioned work.

You can reach me here for commissions.     

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There is a 'Switch On Complete' field which you can use when defining a collection. That switch will be set to 'ON' if it's completed.

You can also use the following script calls:


Both return the same thing.

When targeting actors, make sure to wrap the actor id(s) in brackets like so:


Or simply put 0 (without the brackets) to target all actors. Did you double check the template item and made sure it has stats?


Last patch should have fixed that. Open up the plugin in a text editor (notepad will do) and search for the onMouseEnter function. It should look something like the below.

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You can call the below script call to access the collection scene.

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I have added this feature in 1.1. Call the following script call to change the image:


A $5 credit would go a long way, joelhealth42.

Just skip a chocolate bar or two and you'd have saved that amount already, joelhealth42.

Saves you some extra calories too, joelhealth42.

Sounds like a win-win investment to me, joelhealth42. 

Yes, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. I've been getting a lot of these posts as you've mentioned, and none of them seems to have bothered reading the app description. 

Also, a $5 credit should suffice for a full game or two. If you had $10 to spend, what's $5 more? 

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It's as simple as getting a key and pasting it in the settings. There is even hyperlink to a youtube tutorial on the product page that shows how you get the api key.  If the key doesn't work, then your OpenAI account doesn't have any credits. It doesn't get any simpler than that. 

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It's as simple as getting a key and pasting it in the settings. There is even hyperlink to a youtube tutorial on the product page that shows how you get the api key.  If the key doesn't work, then your OpenAI account doesn't have any credits. It doesn't get any simpler than that. 

I have updated the windows version so I can see what's up. Try again and let me know what error it says. 

The Mac version is left behind. I will update it one of these days.

Which platform is this? Windows or Mac?

All of them get updated. There's no concept of  item individuality / instances with the vanilla engine, but you can try to make it work with other plugins that offer such a feature. I can't guarantee compatibility, however.

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If you meant a dedicated UI to reset weapons, then no, I did not add such a feature as I've stayed true to the reference system. Perhaps if demand picks up, then I may add it in the future, or you may also commission me here to customize it according to your preference.

For now, you will have to make do with that script call, and a combination of the Input Number command to get the desired weapon/armor to reset: 

1. Add an NPC that resets weapons/armors

2. Add a Show Choice command to determine if the player wants to reset weapons or armors

3. Add an input Number command to get the weapon id or armor id to reset, that id would then be stored in a variable

4. Call the below script call. Replace accordingly. 

$gameParty._synthBonusForWeapon[$gameVariables.value(variableId)] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; 
$gameParty._synthBonusForArmor[$gameVariables.value(variableId)] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
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Use a script command and type that in. Replace weaponId / armorId with the id of the weapon and you want to reset.

$gameParty._synthBonusForWeapon[weaponId] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
$gameParty._synthBonusForArmor[armorId] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
$gameParty._levelForWeapon[weaponId] = -1;
$gameParty._levelForArmor[armorId] = -1;