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A member registered Jul 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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I don't know how many mimics this is, but I think I beat your high score.

This is a really great game although I feel it's too reliant on the memorization aspect. At the beginning before I knew all of the levels, it felt a bit unfair to just randomly encounter a spike without any real way of knowing or preventing it. A way to know what's around you would be great and would help the player to have more control over what happens. The music and sound effects were so good and if they weren't I probably wouldn't have kept playing. The memorization part is nice as you learn more about the game and get used to it, but after you know everything it's just repetition of the same things over and over again. But overall this was an amazing entry!

Really fun idea and executed very well!

It was pretty short, but unique twist on the theme was such a great idea. The sliders/toggles doing unique things was a great idea that I wish was expanded a bit more beyond the gravity toggle. Like maybe when changing the quality just completely change the look of things or something. Also it would've been interesting if the itch page was expanded a bit more to include more entries and you would have to figure out which entry the game was.  I also felt that going from the itch page to the video tab was a bit confusing because there wasn't much of an indication that pressing entry 3 would unlock it. But overall, this is such a creative approach to the theme!

Really fun small game!

The level destruction is such a great idea and it gives the player a lot of agency to just do whatever they want. Like for the shrooms on the far left, the player could just break through from underneath to collect the shrooms or they could shoot out the block under neath the falling tiles and crush the enemy guarding them. The platforming felt nice, although a slight problem would be that it felt weird to slip off of completely flat tiles sometimes. Nonetheless, I would love to see this expanded to more levels and features in the future! Good job!

The door with the book next to it at the top of the first room is the museum. If you're ever lost, you can always find your way back by following the book sign doors.

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! I feel like I overscoped, but I wish I could've added more types of humans and more exclusive things that you can only reach by using a specific human. Glad to hear it was fun!

Hi fellow "Dark Lord" dev! Thanks for the feedbback. The title could've also been "search for the macguffin" and I kind of just picked randomly between the two because I didn't have enough time to really think about it.  You have to disguise in order to sneak around and you can also take advantage of the different floors to get behind people. Energy does come back after you win a battle, but you do have to ration it pretty strictly. Thanks for playing! I tried out your "Dark Lord" game as well.

This was a fun little dungeon crawler. The amount of dialogue was great and the writing isn't bad. The puzzles were all pretty enjoyable and the amount of content is amazing for 48 hours. I would've loved to see more rooms/abilities but you already did a lot under the time constraints. Good job!

Both the idea and the execution are amazing! The models and art are extremely well made for 48 hours. Although you didn't make the audio, it still fits amazingly well with the theme of the game.  The idea itself is really creative with the role reversal being something as unique as a guide dog and their owner. The gameplay itself is, I feel, intentionally weird and quirky with the weird physics, hitting things, and the wonky controls. I do feel the gameplay could be updated to have more than just hitting things, maybe a bigger map and things you can interact with/unique things to bump into like maybe  dragging the electrical box into some water or something to add to the chaos or like pressing buttons to open doors or something, human fall flat/just die already style. Overall this is an amazing game!

This game was great! Bullet hells are really fun and the trade off of the gun getting stronger but harder to dodge is great. The different upgrades also felt impactful and unique each time you get them, making it noticeably more difficult to dodge but easier to shoot down enemies. The aesthetic, sounds, and visuals are all amazing! The visual theming you used of like the 80s is really unique. This was an amazing game!

The game was really fun and all of the different abilities and the heroes were really creative. It was a bit annoying to have to have to use the number keys to use/toggle all of the different abilities. The visuals and the music were all amazing. I especially loved all of the over the top effects with the explosions from the nuke or the slow mode blood splatter burst things. I had a great time with the game and the bullet hell aspects from the later heroes were also fun to dodge around. Good job!

very fun yes :)

But actually, this was a great game! The concept was simple but the mechanics and ideas made this game very unique and fun! The snake's acceleration is a really cool and unique mechanic. The strategy of swerving and like going diagonally took some time to get the hang of and I died a lot but I eventually was able to collect all 7 fruit. This was an amazing game!

Thank you! I'm glad to hear you found it very fun. I may decide to expand upon this idea in the future, although I feel some of the systems in this jam version could definitely be reworked and improved. Thank you for the offer, I'll definitely consider it if I do decide to expand the game. Your game was amazing as well!

Thank you so much for such positive feedback! Don't worry, a lot of other people were also saying the controls were a bit much. Clicking on the buttons in combat was definitely something I was supposed to add but slipped my mind until after the jam ended. Thank you for the encouragement! Good luck on the jam.

(1 edit)

I already thanked you on discord, but I'll thank you again here! Thanks for the feedback! :)

Thank you! Party management was something I really wanted to implement but didn't have enough time to, I'm glad you still got a feel for what I was trying to go for in the game though! I'm also really happy to hear that you liked the two different "strategies" of playing the game with battling or sneaking.

Thanks! I'll definitely keep your suggestion in mind if I decide to update this game.

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback. I'm a bit new to this, is it okay if ask what are some specific ways I can add post processing/effects that I could add? I didn't use an engine to make this and just used HTML and Javascript. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Thank you! I've uh never heard of this game "Prototype" before but it looks pretty cool! 

The music is amazing! It matched really well with the gameplay. The abilities are a great touch to help kill the heroes faster, although they feel a bit difficult to use without getting hurt yourself. Also, although probably intended, they become very weak and not worth it as the game goes on. The projectile ability especially feels just completely useless. If you were to expand this I feel some upgrade/leveling system would be great and being able to heal yourself would also be good. The art style is quite charming and I actually like it quite a bit. The gameplay is overall pretty fun, maybe a different enemy type or two would help add some more variety. The game is great, good job! The music is great.

Thanks! Yeah, entering a battle with the battle theme playing is very sudden. I'll definitely give your game a try!

Thank you!

Thanks! I did mix a bunch of different ideas together when making htis game. I'm happy to hear you had a lot of fun!

Thank you! Your game was really good as well!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad to hear you had fun and liked the music!

Thanks for the feedback and for streaming! I know that the sfx are lacking, there's literally only one and I don't think you even encountered it in your playthrough. I agree, clarity is something I really need to improve on, although under the time constraints I had to skip it. I know it was really late for you on the stream, but I feel you didn't really experience much of the game. I would really love it if you could try it again!

Thank you for the feedback. I really wish I could've added more places where disguising as a specific person was required, but I really didn't have enough time. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the stealth though.

Thank you! The dark lord is probably the only decent drawing I made(that's why they're on the thumbnail). Yeah don't worry, the procrastinate ability will get nerfed in future versions, game jams really don't give you enough time to do balancing.

I agree, I really overscoped the game, I'm glad I was able to get some semblance of a city out the door before time ran out. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you

Thank you! I know, the UI was very last minute for the combat screen and clarity around how much damage is being dealt/received isn't the greatest. But, I'm glad you had fun!

Thank you so much! Do you have any suggestions as to how I could make the controls a bit better?

(1 edit)

Thank you! Your game was also "very fun yes" :)

Thanks, I do feel the fighting part of the game has a lot of room for improvement. I didn't really have enough time to make the UI better and also there's a lack of communication to the player around how much damage is being dealt or how much health a unit has.

Thank you, I sort of mashed together a few different ideas I'm glad it didn't turn out too badly.

Thank you! I might expand on it one day.

The idea has a lot of potential! The quick switches between night and day and trying to run around finding or avoiding ghosts keeps player on their toes to make sure they survive the night but can also catch the ghosts in the day. The transitions between the music and the lighting make a such a great contrast in the presentation. I feel you could've tried adding different types of ghosts or maybe some upgrades or tools to help the player get the ghosts. At night, other than avoiding ghosts there's not much to do other than standing around so you could try adding a ghost that chases you down constantly at night.

The concept was very interesting and having to micromanage all of the different things that you need to do to allow the person to survive is fun. This could be expanded quite a bit, I feel you could try just increasing the amount of things you have to keep track of like maybe add the need to breathe or blink, etc. This could really help keep the pressure on the player and if each are tied to different tasks that would be even better. Those are just my thoughts though, great game overall!

The art style is great and the music really fits! The idea for the game is nice and simple, it flips the original idea of a memory matching game but is able to keep the need to remember card positions with the rabbits. I didn't read the rules initially but the idea of making the cards that appear suddenly the rabbits is really smart! Fun game, although there is a slight exploit where you can just keep spamming the cards.