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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really like the visuals and music of the game! The gameplay is simple, but fitting for a short puzzle session. I like that there are different kinds of dice, each with different number sets.

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you liked the art and the mechanic of the game. Definitely needs some better polishing and more playtesting and adjusting. I'll probably update the game in the near future, so I'll be applying your advice then.

Thank you for the detailed feedback! There are differences in using different emotions regarding bullet speed and rate in the game, but I do agree that it could have been made clearer and more unique from each other. Now that I look back on it, I can see how the sfx can be noisy at times, and there are definitely ways I can easily improve them. I added the dash mechanic for the heck of it and the fact that I see it used a lot in 2d shooter games I've played, so I understand that it could appear unnecessary to other players. Maybe I'll go experiment with its features just to make it more useful or something. I will take everything you put here into consideration and hopefully make the game even more polished and unique. Thank you so much for playing!

Thank you for the feedback and support! I agree with you on adding more levels. I hope you had fun.

Thanks for the feedback. I see what you mean. I'll adjust the health bar and put more directions in the future. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it. I do have some ideas that I wish I could've added, but I'm still very grateful I had finished it.

A little confusing at first, but it got pretty fun when I got used to shifting between platforms. The movement feels a little hard to control for me, but that might just be a personal thing. Interesting use of the color palette. The music sounds cool and the game design is good. Nice job.

I love this game. It is so polished and fun and well-designed. The hat is so much fun to move around with and is clearly very multi-functional. The game is full of very smart platforming and impactful effects. The dialogue is also pretty funny. The art is clean and beautiful and the restriction doesn't feel like a limitation to the game at all, but rather an aesthetic. The wizard was a very cool boss to fight against, but the enemies spawning in the end can get a little too many. The ending is well-executed and makes perfect sense. A lot of potential and polish here. This game is definitely a highlight this jam.

This is a really relaxing game. I think it could be used as a cute tool for creating melodies. At first, I was confused on what was happening, but once the game gave me audio and visual signs of getting the pattern right or wrong, I understood what to do. Overall, a really innovative take on the minimalism thing.

Love the color scheme and the overall design of the game. The mechanics are a little confusing though. I'm not sure what I should avoid and how to stop the characters from moving in circles. I do see the potential in the mechanic of the game. It could get really interesting with several obstacles and shapes in the way. Great job!

The visuals are very cute and the sfx and music fit really well. I understand that the movement of the character is supposed to be physics-based and precise but its a little too slippery and hard to control. Some levels required a lot of focus and patience from me, and it got a little frustrating. On the other hand, it also made finishing the room more rewarding. The game is polished and short, perfect for a game jam. I also really like the scheme you used. Overall, a cute game that's a little too hard. Congrats on your 1st puzzle game!

Hi, I can see how the game can get confusing. If you try the game again, you could get luckier at finding the other orbs to see the ending because they randomize position each replay. Thank you for playing!

The music, graphics, concept and overall vibe of the game are great. I like how the characters look the same, it gives me the impression that their bodies are separated from the same brain cell. I think assigning the characters to numbers would probably make it less confusing instead of one-button switching because it takes me a while to get the right one. I wish the music didn't restart every scene since it kind of ruins the "zone" I'm in and the game could use some sfx to make it more alive and a death or victory sequence to make it more rewarding. But that's about it. Great job!

Yeah, a lot of people said it was confusing so I will probably add some more hints in the future. Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I understand that can be confusing, but that was part of my intention to make the game seem like a learning experience. I will probably put some instructions in the future.

Thank you! That 100% was my intention when I was making the character movement. I wanted to give myself the challenge of showing (instead of telling) the player how to play so I tried forcing the player to keep pressing the star so it could signal others. Some people got too confused though, so I'm glad it got through to you. Thanks for playing!

I have 19 ratings as of now. Would love for you to be my 20th! When I have time, I'll also play your game. Thank you!

Graphics are adorable, sfx is really funny and fit the game well and the bg music is dope. The concept of the game as well is pretty great because it's both sad and funny. I really wish I could control Lucy better with the brrrrrr because I lose really fast. It would feel pretty cool if the brrrrrr was stronger since I could escape the closest of situations. I still had a good laugh and enjoyed the game!

Great title and concept! I have played a game in the jam with a similar mechanic the other day, but the label of die and respawn made it unique. Sfx fit well and though the music is repetitive, it doesn't sound annoying since the game is pretty short. I saw in a comment that you couldn't figure out auto-respawning. If you are checking the "E" and "Q" in different scripts, maybe you should use event actions?  Visuals and style are also good. The game overall is short and polished and the level design is well-executed. Congrats on your 1st jam!

Graphics are cute, sfx and music are ok and I'm a fan of the death sequence you made. Shook me a little the first time. I agree with some of the others that the movement is a little clunky. Climbing up the ladder is slow and the player is slippery. I also wish the bird was faster at flying. I like how you put environment details even outside the areas the player is supposed to go to win the game. Placing an open hole above one of the ladders was like showing a glimpse of hope from above. I enjoyed it!

This is a really polished game, it's very inspiring how this was made in a week. I was very impressed with the art, the sfx, the animations(the splash animation is really good) and the music is top-notch. The 1st puzzles are pretty hard but the game more or less makes up for it with how polished it feels and pretty it looks. Great job!

1st of all, adorable concept. Lovely how you used your family's voices in the game. The game didn't feel too challenging because the timer was very long. Maybe, if the game had went all the way with rushing and pressuring the players like Overcooked, it could've been more engaging(and realistic I'm assuming). It is still a game jam game after all, so it is still very impressive. Overall, it was a pretty fun experience. Best of wishes!

Very cute character designs and concept. Some simple sfx would be nice. When the levers showed up, I was instantly reminded of Fireboy and Watergirl, but in a Good Omens au where they have to work together. The mechanics aren't new to me, having played games in this jam with similar ones, but nevertheless, they are well-executed. Nicely done!

Really cute visuals and pleasant art style. The soundtrack was relaxing and made me less frustrated when I couldn't figure out how to pass the level. Quite a simple game, so there's not much to say aside from adding some polish, for example in a situation where the player can stick to the side of the platforms. The animations are nice and the level design is easy and smart, perfect for a game jam. Overall, it is a short and nice relaxing game that I really enjoyed. Congrats on submitting!

The graphics are pretty polished, the animations are cute and the music is a vibe, but the movement feels a little heavy. Sfx for winning and losing, killing enemies, getting powers and batteries would make the game pop more. The theme is not very obvious for me, but other than that, it's a good game.

The game feels like a hidden gem. It is very innovative, its music is really great and fitting and the gameplay is simple, straightforward and fun. I love that the story is shown through a  minimalistic visual approach and  through the mechanics of the game. The puzzles are smartly designed and I didn't mind how simple the solutions were. What made the game stand out for me is how it applied the theme. The "self" is an interesting choice. I really would have liked to see how the story elements play out. Well done!

Thank you! I used the URP(Universal Render Pipeline) in unity which allow me to use 2d lights in my game, upped the intensity and other elements and made the background darker. For the trail, I used a line renderer component and messed around with the gradient setting. I'm sure tons of tutorials will show up when you search this stuff. I hope this helps you!

It's probably my computer but I couldn't get past the menu screen, the app just closes itself. Maybe if you made a web ver in the future? No pressure though. The graphics look great so far.

Thank you for the feedback! I can understand how the game could be confusing and maybe I'll consider making a tutorial soon. :)

Thank you! The stars randomize position each time so maybe if you try again, you could get lucky and see the ending! I'll check out your game soon. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for playing! :)

Hey there. I'd love for you try my game if you still have time.

Hey there. My game's a short and simple one. Hope you like it.


The art is cute, the alien scenario is great and the sfx fit the game but it gets a little boring for a number of reasons. The player and the aliens move slow and the bullets are slow. A quick way to fix this would be upping the timescale. Particle effects, loud sfx after killing enemies and camera shake are always big factors in classic 2d shooter games. As mentioned by others, bigger bg music would make the game more fun, something chiptune or alien-like. A little more challenge with the aliens would also be nice, such as more bullets shot or faster bullet speed. 

Despite all my ranting, I do find potential in the idea of being able to use only certain areas that you put down for firing. It's like a mesh of tower defense and shooter games, two very fun genres for me. Nice work!

Oh my gosh, that's a real big compliment for me! Journey is an amazing game, though I've only watched let's plays. I definitely wanted to try to make the player understand what to do without words and such, so I'm glad you enjoyed that. I see what you mean by putting more challenge in the middle. Thank you for the feedback.!

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to make sure that the player was constantly pressing the orb to make a signal, so their movement gets weaker without that signal communication. Nevertheless, I can see how it could get troublesome. I'll take the 4/5!

It's impressive how you made a solid shop system and a tutorial in a week! The game in this state can get repetitive and a little boring after you finish the 1st few levels but it has a lot of potential. I think one of the best features of top down shooters which make it so fun is the game juice/feel. Huge particle effects, camera shake, loud crunchy sfx, enemy death sequences- I feel like the game would feel so much more fun with these. Basically, go all in and experiment with player feedback. A way to keep track of enemies' hp(like an hp bar) would also be good since I can't really tell if I'm getting close to killing one and an aim line thing(not sure what it's called) to help the player know where they are shooting  would be great. Maybe a way for the followers to respawn after they die would also be good since it feels like the game is pushing me to fail when most of my followers die even tho I still wanna win. The formations would also be a lot more useful with more followers in the area.

Sorry if this comes off too pressuring or harsh, but I just see a lot of potential with the followers + shooter mechanic. The game was still quite addictive and fun to play and I really did enjoy it!

Hey, my game is a really short one. I'll check your game out soon!

Thank you very much for your feedback!