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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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We play-tested the cubes in order to maximize frustration just before rage quitting, thanks for confirming that players will usually persevere ;)Sorry about the wrench, it was a last-minute addition and there were some "issues" with audio and such that made it really hard to figure out on your own. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the lovely feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for your lovely feedback! The cubes are intentionally annoying ;) The wheel needs to be fixed with a wrench (we had intended to repeat the instructions which may have been hard to hear but... lack of time hehe). We also plan on updating the game in the future to address some of these issues.

Oh thank you very much, what a lovely comment! The wheel can only be fixed with a wrench. There is no connection with the clipboard, it's just there to give you hope there is an answer (hint: you always succeed on the 3rd try, we just wanted a reason to make people pick up cubes off the floor in frustration).

Nice art, especially love the hand-drawn instructions. Nice "particles" for bubbling water, and nice attention to details when the fire is crackling, and the water is boiling. Really cool idea for a delivery game, having to build your own potions is fun! It took me 30 seconds to understand the instructions but afterwards I was popping out potions and filling up vials for delivery. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the game  because I got a bit motion sick from walking around (I lost my VR legs) but that's just part of the demo Unity project, it's not your fault, most games in this jam don't have teleportation :(

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Thanks! You need a wrench to fix it :) We really should have repeated the instructions after awhile. Blocks always take 3 tries - the clipboard is a distraction ;)

Thank you so much for the kind words!

(2 edits)

Oh that's cool I just checked out the windows, great work! I also noticed if you go to the back/right corner window the sun starts to go down so you can change what time of day to play haha! Nice little details. I keep trying to play with the computers in the room, they look like fun to throw around :P

Aww so nice, thank you for the compliments!

The cubes on the floor was a point of contention internally - we were deliberately trying to piss players off a bit, also since the game is so short. We may have gone a bit overboard in that regard. BTW you can also use laser pointers to pick up the cubes if you don't want to bend down to pick them up :)

After you get to Deja Vu you have to "deliver the packages" (I won't tell you how but it's not too hard to figure out). Somehow that voice instruction doesn't get played properly - we implemented a bug fix for it but our final submission was 2 minutes before deadline so we didn't have time to build + test the fix :( If you want to try again, it's a "happy" ending worth the show ;)

Thanks for the feedback and compliment!

If you want to try again: after the cube puzzle it should tell you to toot the horn but it's possible some other sound effect was playing so that you couldn't hear the instructions. Regarding the clipboard glitch, we definitely didn't test that case. If you end up outside the train, you can usually move around until you are falling, then it will fade to black and teleport you back inside.

We definitely needed some more time for QA before release hehe ;)

Wow that intro screen is AMAZING! I spent 10 minutes walking around the room just checking out all the computers, blinking lights, etc. Really fun but.. I guess it's the Cyber Room asset? Looks great in VR in any case.

Took me awhile to figure out how to drive, holding both side buttons on the Oculus Touch controllers, then using the right/left trigger to drive/break. Once i finally got going things got crazy fast! Traffic is crazy, cars constantly cutting me off or running right lights at intersections! Once I finally found an empty stretch of road the physics of the car got a bit messy when i was going too fast that it would just slide out and i'd spin around until hitting a light pole or a building... but maybe this is how it is in real life, i've never driven a Porsche before :P

I'm pretty sure I know the music track (it's copyrighted) but it definitely is a great song for driving :)

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Hands down best game in the jam! 

Just kidding, but thanks for uploading this - it really helped with the groundwork for our submission.

Ah yeah I didn't read the description, too many games to test, ain't got no time to read descriptions :P

Fun being a drone! Nice idea to deliver organs (those are definitely special). Reminds me a bit of Sonic the Hedgehog with the rings. Environment is nice.

Starting in the green tube confused me a lot since everything was green and hard to read. I quickly learned moving forward made everything readable. The mission text was a bit hard to read because it was so spaced out (I realized in retrospect I could have just flew with the drone higher/lower to read it, haha). First (and only) mission is pretty hard, I managed to do it with 1 second remaining. I wish there were some more levels to play.

AMAZING IDEA! I love how your hand is a duck, this is what Jaron Lanier was talking about in his book about his VR research in the 80s/90s! Finally someone has the guts to try something unique to VR. And great use of hand tracking. The cute ducklings and the music and the visuals are all top notch as well, and really cute!

But... (sorry if this sounds harsh, after 30 minutes of playing and not finishing the first level I'm a bit frustrated haha). The instructions are written twice (I understand why) and this confused me that i had to read a lot, and it was just the same. Also just trying to understand the controls took about 10 minutes and help from 3 friends also playing the game - we were all struggling to figure this out. Nobody managed to get across the bridge because it's just so hard (frustrating). And there are way too many ducklings! After 20 minutes I finally understood how to move the duck for the first level - the sign was blocking them and i had to use the platform to get over the sign - of course some ducklings got stuck inside the game, so I picked them up and put them on the other side. Then the holes.. wow talk about a tough start getting even tougher haha! 3 tries to get the ducklings over but they kept falling in the hole. My 3rd attempt I gave up because I finally got them all to the other side but while trying to move the duck accidentally made them all follow me so they all went crashing into the hole :( Poor little ducklings, I feel guilty.

Unfortunately I'm having the same problem as everyone else that on Oculus Quest I can't pick up the phone to start :( But the environment is really cool!

Nice office labyrinth - environment is very nice to wander around inside. The goal is clear with the sign but unfortunately I don't have very good VR legs so I got sick as soon as I went upstairs (I need at least snap turn) so I couldn't ever find the boss.

Nice work using Unreal engine! I think most of us used the demo Unity project which saved a lot of time so BIG RESPECT for doing everything yourself with Unreal.

Throwing boxes mechanic is kinda wonky but it works - after 10 minutes I was definitely getting better. I like the fire pit idea but I feel like you should get more points for burning boxes since it happens so rarely? I like how the boxes bounce around on the conveyor belts a little bit. On the 3rd level the boxes got stuck for a while in back, I thought "oh no, game over bug" but I was pleasantly surprised after the 4th box piled up, they eventually all went through and all at once, which was a bit hectic to deal with but good job handling that case.

hahaha the concept is hilarious! Giving me some GTA vibes. Had to lose a few times before I figured out what I was doing. Not exactly a special delivery but I guess porch pirates are delivering something ;)

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