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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Also TODO: Redo Instruction Sheet

The whole emotion dice mechanic originated from the game originally being a sort of visual novel/point and click game where your emotion determined what responses the player could pick in a given conversation. Unfortunately that didn't work out in development, but I wanted to keep that concept in the game. So when I remade the game to what it is now, I simplified it the dice to give small powerups. Another thing lost was the actual expressions of the main character (the deer) changing based on their emotion, and their heart socket thingie on their sweater actually changing color like the big heart does in the center now. I couldn't really translate that into the actual animations of the character, which definitely made the game lose a bit of personality and further removed the impact of the dice. So yeah, I agree. I wish I could've made the die and emotions more impactful, but I had to spend most of my time remaking the game in the later half of the jam.  It's a pretty big fault of the game that you could basically just replace the die with a ball, and remove the emotion mechanic entirely while still basically having having the same game. Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk and thank you for the valid criticism. Same to all the people who mention the lack of tutorial, having to learn through trial and error, and the dice getting stuck in the corners (I actually made the wall colliders at the edges slightly slanted so the dice would better bounce off of them but obviously that wasn't a full proof solution).

Also sorry for not getting to rate it in time. I didn't really know what to give it since the only other game is my own and my sisters. I also really wanted to play the daze maze, but the person deleted the post instead of re-uploading the correct game file to the project.

This game is pretty fun, and I appreciate that you can adjust a little mid air for that extra bit of precision. The game does break a little the more you play it. Your score seemed to be multiplied (Both the required amount, and amount per pickup), and the timer goes faster and faster down each time you restart. Eventually the timer goes so fast that it goes into the negatives and you can barely move from the beginning. I never managed to get all 69 pieces before the timer ends on the first run, but I did on the next couple since the pieces increase your score more even if the required amount goes up to and you keep the pieces you got previously. The movement is interesting, and fun to mess around with since you can just fling the player around. Very cool.

The first person to beat the game (Including the final level) was Rene E. Valdez. The will be awarded 5 buckeroos.

Pretty interesting game and is decently polished though the menu that appears when you run out of time doesn't seem to work. Its pretty obtuse at the start and your constantly flipping between the manual and game which hurts the flow of the game. It does take a while to get accustomed to, at least for me, but is pretty enjoyable after that.

Just tried in-game per your suggestion and it helps a little bit but still fails due to the same reasons which it that the walls are set up with a composite collider which only has a collider on the edge. There are systems that could prevent or deter this, but I didn't allocate enough time to them such as raycasting, setting up multiple collision boxes on the player or designating the wall colliders by hand. But thank you for your comment and suggestion.

A pretty unique and creative idea. It could use some adjustment on the physics, and the sensitivity on the platform rotations. This short of a timer doesn't give the game any favors either.  A good idea, but needed a lot more work.

I loved how the timer was implemented, and how it encourages you to be aggressive since you gain time from killing enemies and getting even more time from explosions. The visuals are nice, but the sounds were kind of irritating, especially the shooting. It sounds like it's peaking my headphones or when you mutate a sound too much in sfxr. Other than that, the game is good and I personally love rogue-likes.

A frantic yet fun experience.. The game is exactly what it needs to be, and the only real fault (in the context of what it is) is that it's a bit too much at the start and can be quite confusing. I also find it very amusing that your on the conveyor belt with all the food.

(2 edits)

Very polished, and enjoyable game.  A nice gamplay loop that engages you, and it doesn't take forever to reach your goal. The visual and sound design are very nice, and the concept of a theifing magpie terrorizing pedestrians is quite unique and interesting. The controls are a little unintuitive at the begin but are quick to adjust to. Very nice job.

A little boring, but it does have a proper gameplay loop that can keep people hooked for a little bit. It's also got a nice spawning system that makes sure that you can collect enough gold if you keep upgrading your tools and speed. The timer is well implemented with the gameplay, and works well to make sure your getting stuff done. It's a very simple game but it's well scoped and the systems work.

Wot...  I loved it

But also,  whats the point of the one pickup at the start?

A super solid game. The grapple is great and is very satisfying to use. The visuals are clean and simple. The concept is quite unique regarding the fuel system and the grapple points. The one thing that is bringing this game down for me is even being able to survive long enough to even reach the end of 60 second timer.  Around 40 seconds in everything is decayed, and you've exhausted ever resource. It's not impossible to reach the next stage, but is quite difficult and requires some luck with blue orbs. Overall, very fun and polished game but the balancing is a bit off.

I really wish I could like this, but I am not a fan of rage games or just unfair difficulty in general. Having to repeatably go through a level just to figure out where all the traps are is not fun nor rewarding. I do however, like the solid color visuals and the controls feel snappy.

Added slightly different (just visually) html web version of my game

A visually striking game that couldn't really used some audio to sell the atmosphere, and weight of everything. The menu screen is a bit broken and the UI is scaled wrong so you have to click above the play button so there's that. It took me a while to find out how to shoot, but I like how to have to stance using right-click to shoot. I can't say this game was that fun unfortunately, and I wish their was more to it to engage you whether it be story, gameplay, or just background world-building.

Then the black and white demon and the golden girl get married. The End!

A very simple infinite shooter, and I do like the fact your gold shooting down silver enemies. It is repetitive and their isn't a lot of decisions to make when playing besides when to reload which in itself seems inconsistent on how long it takes. The timer doesn't really take affect since running from enemies isn't an option and it increases over 60 seconds when killing enemies. I do enjoy the shooting effects and that the enemies have a light aura around them. It allows you to notice them before they enter view, and when you see a large light blob, you know your in trouble.

(1 edit)

The early game is pretty boring, but it ramps up fast into total annihilation of the earth. I didn't finish the last level because it got tedious and felt impossible even with the laser and atomic pickaxes.  It's fun for a little bit, but it doesn't last very long.

It didn't include the limitation, and it has one of those impossible pong AI and you only do damage to it if you use one of the powerful specials(Especially the splitter though it makes it harder for you to defend too).  The abilities make the game decently fun with other people since they don't do a lot of damage directly, but they are the only way to beat the AI. Also if you make the AI the Ice one, they do a instant ice wall before your ball hits. It's pretty funny.

I like how you have to balance between sorting your items, and frantically throwing the right stuff into the boxes below, but I don't think the 60 second timer adds anything and instead takes away from the game because it makes your score feel random since you have to wait for the right boxes to come along and/or get lucky with the golden objects.  But, it's still very enjoyable, and I could see this being a sell-able game with some overhauls to the systems and more variety.

Very nice change of pace from all the difficult platforms, and a decent puzzler. I like the music, and relaxed feel.  The visuals are simplistic but clean and appealing. The physics are a little troublesome at times but it is quite to restart and retry. Very good submission though the limitation isn't particularly ingrained and the concept of a bank robbery isn't very unique.

Very nice change of pace from all the difficult platforms, and a decent puzzler. I like the music, and relaxed feel.  The visuals are simplistic but clean and appealing. The physics are a little troublesome at times but it is quite to restart and retry. Very good submission though the limitation isn't particularly ingrained and the concept of a bank robbery isn't very unique.

(1 edit)

It is still really frustrating, and a checkpoint at least half way through would've been appreciated

Ok, before I rate the game, I would like to know if there is a win condition or your just supposed to survive as long as possible.

This game has great visuals, and movement. Though I feel like the latter half is too rage game like with the hard to time jump onto the back and forth platform(Especially since you don't have a lot of time to wait if you miss it), and having to time your jump and shot really well to kill the shooting enemy above you. I did beat the game however, and am more frustrated then contempt. This just how I feel, and the overall game is quite good/polished.

Pretty ok platform climber, and the jumps a little floaty. The timer has no reason to exist outside the game requiring the limitation as your forced to ascend anyways though you don't die even if completely off the screen.

Pretty fun though the controls are a little sensitive for me, and game speed allows you to collect everything pretty fast and avoid every obstacle. It's a nice balance, but goes by pretty fast. Of course, the visuals are amazing, but the game is lacking sound which I don't mind that much. 

Mixed feelings about this. I like how you traverse through the level and the different challenges are fun if a bit easy. But, I just don't feel like the timer was a big enough factor because it resets after every transition, and actually stealing the gold doesn't affect the game much or make it harder to escape besides being slower.  Overall, I did enjoy the game, but it wasn't very satisfying and didn't embrace the limitation enough in my opinion.

Sometimes the enemies just become invincible, but it's not that big of a deal since you can usually just avoid them. Very fun and simple game

 I added an alternate version without the weird .exe

Thanks, and sorry. Yeah, a big glitch in the game is going through walls before of all the moving/ disappearing walls combined with the tile map using a composite collider. I wish I got to implement a better system to prevent it, the best I got to do was make sure you couldn't place teles inside the walls.

I wish you could jump through platforms from below, and the generation can be unfair where you literally can't make it to another platform. But otherwise, it's quite fun and interesting. Also, I don't understand the lifetime counter and the random slow downs.

Please click the .exe with the name "Space Marine Escape" with a custom icon. I kinda rushed the building and somehow a broken default .exe got in there.

You clicked on the wrong executable. Click the one labeled Space Marine Escape and has an icon