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Good Monkey Tries Kissing

A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you!!

Thank you for the feedback and thank you even more for being fair! <3 Glad you got satisfaction about watching the explosive chain reactions unfold! :D

Big think of kababoom! Yes!!

Thank you for your feedback! The random strategy can sometimes work, especially on early levels but there are some better, more consistent strategies such as covering the corners first and then building connections or creating a chain reaction path throughout the board.

<3 pig man

thank you so much!

Yeah there's definitely quite some random luck to this. I just hope that the game feels satisfying enough to not be too discouraging if bad luck sometimes prevents beating a level. Thank you for your comment!

Thank you! Glad you like my art&sound. Smaller board kinda makes it necessary to have fewer rolls which does lead to more randomness overall since you've got a smaller sample size of rolls and it can't even out as much. We are already doing some controlled, rule based randomness but I guess it could be possible to allow more control with some sort of weighting mechanic perhaps...

Thank you so much! I agree, that would've been a cool move on our part to make earlier levels a bit quicker

In a melancholic way, this was really quite beautiful, aside from the art looking gorgeous. I only wish there were some more train sounds to give me better feedback for how well it's going, how close to slowing to 0 is it etc.

104500 Points!

Interesting take on the match-3 genre for sure! It's also presented in a quite nice pixel art style and all the different dice types look and feel quite distinct! Just a really good entry :)

A wonderfully enjoyable and pretty to look at game with a unique way of controlling a top down shooter. Very good! The only thing to criticise is that it got kinda boring after 2000 kills and I was actually not able to die unless I actively did nothing for a long time. Somehow the game doesn't manage to keep itself difficult enough. It was still really fun nonetheless!

Really cute bunnies on these cards, I like the overall look here, though I wish there was some audio too.

I think there needs to be a little more gameplay depth and player agency as right now, I don't seem to have a lot of an influence by choosing which ones get paired up.

Really liked the style here and the way the level comes together with every wave was quite creative and refreshing.

At some point it gets quite overwhelming with the amount of bullets everywhere and it can get a little confusing where enemy bullets are in 3d space. I got some significant lag-spikes whenever a new wave was spawned which dampened my enjoyment a little bit but it was overall still very fun to play! Also enjoyed the variety of cool weapons a lot :)

Yo, really creative use of the theme. It was interesting to play a dice and card game at the same time, essentially. Art and audio are also top notch again. Only wish the narrative was a little bit more more explained in the beginning. Why am I doing this? Who am I? Why do I have these dice?

Thank you! Yeah the game turned out a bit longer than we first anticipated but I'm glad you made it through! Good job :)

Thanks for your comment! How would you personally improve upon this, first and foremost?

Thanks! Your comment: 5+!

Thank you so much! Happy you mention the sound design - I spent almost a full day on that :)

Thanks a lot, glad you like my art so much!

Thanks, I feel humbled!

Yay, seems like all the polish is paying off for people. Thank you so much!

Wow thanks so much, I don't know what to do with all this praise :D I'm really glad you liked our little game though <3

Thank you! Satisfying is definitely something we were going for in ideation!

Awwww  <3

It's really beautiful to look at and a creative game concept that seems very fun when you start to understand more. I love the word play in the title too. Giving you top ratings on creativity and presentation for sure!

I only wish that you didn't have the hard day limitation. As a regular player, there's just a small chance to have any experience of success. 

If you had just dropped the day limit and instead made it more like a highscore game where your needed days are your high score, everybody could have played through and experienced the full game. At the same time, those who would want to go for optimizing it more, could still do so.

Thank you so much! Our plan worked then, everybody's cuteness levels are maxed out by piggly pig!

Awww that is so cute, thank you for sharing your experience with our game. Truly heartwarming :)


Thank you so much! <3

Ah thank you for explaining. I think that if something inside the die changed every time you lose and respawn, the "bad ending" would have a more obvious lead up to it.

Played through the whole game and enjoyed my time a lot. Wish it was a little bit easier to see how exactly the upgrades affect the deck of dice I have

Your comment warms my heart and gives me a bright smile :) Thank you so much!

Really enjoying the mood and look of this game. Also very creative approach for this theme. I just didn't know exactly what I had to do once I landed on the cushion with the big alarm clock. Didn't understand where to go from there.

Very cool idea that sadly suffers from poor readability of the text and a difficult to understand game system without a tutorial. But I enjoyed the humour and the art was generally quite nice looking.

Wow I am extremely impressed by what you made here! The visuals are simply amazing, the game cleverly balances itself out using the dice rolls and the fact that you're faster when you have a good roll makes it harder to avoid dice again. It's just really clever design throughout the game system. Nothing not to like here :)

Thanks, yeah seeing the submissions now, I'm quite happy we didn't choose to make one of those puzzle games where you have to roll the die onto the correct side on a specific tile haha

Thank you, glad you like my art! <3

Thank you so much! Your game also looks super cool, gonna try that out next!

Our goal of player hypnosis and mind control has been achieved :)

Thank you, pig based games are a special kind of treat we all need more of :)