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A member registered Feb 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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I hear lovely calm garden sounds. I think I will be keeping this game open in the background at all times when I'm on my computer.

You obviously put a lot of heart into this game. I think you've done great work. Alas, I don't understand the puzzle. I had never heard of 2048 before, so I found a website to try that. Now I think I understand 2048 but I don't understand what the tiles are in your game are with the purple background and the silhouette of the flower. Also, the font of the numbers on your tiles is very difficult to read.

I think I could absolutely LOVE this game but I need your help to understand the basic way to interact with the pedestal. How do I select which section I am interacting with? I have been able to get a couple of the glowing letters to show up but not where I wanted to put them. I think one way you could make the interaction so much simpler would be if the input buttons were G, C, A, and T on the keyboard instead of Q, E, and the mouse keys.

It does have jump scares.

I reached the end of the game and overall enjoyed the experience despite not being your target audience. The horror aspects do nothing for me but the picture puzzles were pleasant.

 You might want to consider giving the user a bit more direction on the initial pizza puzzle. I was stumped for a long time because I thought that I had to select each of the 8 slices in order. I thought stepping on the arrow button pointing to slice 1 would select that slice. I wanted to select slice 2 but couldn't understand  how to select it since it doesn't have a corresponding arrow. It took me ages to understand that the arrows reordered all the slices in the row. Maybe that kind of confusion is exactly what you want your user to feel, but maybe not.

You have created a lovely and cohesive gaming experience! For me, the work of building sunflower ramps feels a bit tedious (plant, water, water, water, water, plant, water, water, water, plant, water, water, plant, water, plant--- that's a lot of button clicks to get the desired result) but I am sure that a lot of other users will find it very relaxing.

Absolutely mind-blowing contribution to puzzle jam! You deserve a thousand million accolades! That said, you need to improve your onboarding so that users comprehend the "none of the same colour beside itself" rule from the start. 

Also, I'm not sure if I won or not? I solved the one with four colours. Is that the last level? Is Potomax correct below that I would have heard a congratulations if my sound had been on? I would like many more hours of this game. 

I really, really enjoyed watching you play my game. You clearly know what making a word game entails and brought real insights. 

To answer a few of your questions:

-  the Priscella who dominates the Leaderboard is my mom. Of all the dozens of games I've made, this is her favourite. She plays every day after she Wordles.  

- I used a dictionary of the 23110 seven-letter words culled from the 172820 word list on Peter Norvig's website. I would be curious to compare it with the one you mentioned.

- Yes, Bingo Buddy handles anagrams. If it wants GALLERY, but you find ALLERGY, you get full credit. It shows you're cool that you thought to ask that.

- I fully recognize that it is not unique enough to compete with similar games. My main goal in making it was to learn how to use a StreamReader to speed up processing large text files. On that measure, it was a success!

- It connects to the theme of "the odds are good" because when the jam started I was reading a book about Scrabble championships that mentioned that the odds of your first seven Scrabble tiles containing a word is 12.6%. I became interested in exploring the mathematics of how those odds would increase if one were allowed a single swap of any number of tiles of your choice. My hunch is that for expert level players, just one swap would make the odds quite good. Allowing a single swap wasn't a fun game for non-experts, though, so I upped it to ten.

This a delightful game.

Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I will let you know when I release a mobile build.

I'm so happy to hear that! I would love to hear your suggestions for what I should polish.

Thanks, Noodlebird! I will make a new version with descriptions. I resisted putting written words in the jam version because aliens don't speak English.

Hello. The FAQ states that we can reuse code we have made in the past and that we can use publically available assets. Can we reuse assets that we have made in the past?

The situation you have described is when you get to use the Fern of Renewal (bottom-right). I did design the game with my four-year-old son in mind but my husband and brother have been loving competing for high scores. Thanks for playing! Your profile pic is adorable. 

I love that it's top-down but especially that the eye icon filling up makes it explicit when the skulls can see me. I love that I have time to course-correct. 

This is a remarkably well-constructed demo. It salvaged an entire genre for me. Prior to playing it, I would have said I had zero interest in stealth games. This showed me the appeal. Thanks!

I beat the game and enjoyed its unique vibe from start to finish. You do need to figure out a way to make the puzzles challenging but possible. At present, they are either impossible (more that four ships spawn directly beside another ship of the same colour) or trivial (four walls are adequate to seperate them all.) We need something in the middle. I see a lot of potential here, though.

Well done! I love the art and the difficulty level is just right. My top score was 11.

This game is a masterclass in executing a simple vision perfectly. It's visually stunning (I love the shape of the houses) and the sounds are great. I love how you used the barrier fences to create a small playfield within a wide-open world.

Hi, Joshua! I showcased one of these tracks in a stop motion video of my son's dinky cars. Enjoy--

The only inputs are the three buttons corresponding to the three different wheels that you can guess.

I really loved watching you have fun with the game! You were the ideal audience for it. You are welcome to use the poem and will find it as a .wav in the Assets folder. Just to be clear, though, I did not write the poem myself. It is a classic from 1794.

I am not good at racing games and I have never studied Latin so I was not able to do well at this game but I enjoyed in nonetheless. I like the goats and the overall look. My main suggestion for improvement would be to use your games to teach rather than just test.

Thank you for letting me know. I don't get that problem on my end. Does it occur when you hit the Create button? Are you still able to see four colour versions of each icon when you scroll over them?

One oops in the game. I notice the instructions still say 'hover over any step for more information' but I never did implement that. I think the tool is fairly self-explanatory, though. Do let me know if you have any questions.

This is my personal favourite game of the jam,  exactly to my tastes. It works well and I like the graphics. My main suggestion for improvement would be that the boar should never move more than one tile per turn.

This is my personal favourite game of the jam,  exactly to my tastes. It works well and I like the graphics. My main suggestion for improvement would be that the boar should never move more than one tile per turn.

I am thrilled that your children liked it! My three year old was one of my playtesters. You should drop me a Follow because I have posted several and am soon to post several more games specifically for preschoolers.

Elegant and addictive! Every detail is on point up to and including the font choice for the logo. The  robot vs. dinosaur theme is perfectly executed and super fun but I personally would love to see a re-skin of this game with a gentler aesthetic as I actually find the act of playing it quite relaxing. It is one of those games like Tetris where you can get in a groove and time just slips away. Change the minute to ten minutes and replace the rapid robot building with a koala braiding flowers and you'll have another great game.

Elegant and addictive! Every detail is on point up to and including the font choice for the logo. The  robot vs. dinosaur theme is perfectly executed and super fun but I personally would love to see a re-skin of this game with a gentler aesthetic as I actually find the act of playing it quite relaxing. It is one of those games like Tetris where you can get in a groove and time just slips away. Change the minute to ten minutes and replace the rapid robot building with a koala braiding flowers and you'll have another great game.

(1 edit)

This is a stunningly well-constructed game. My only suggestion for improvement would be to add a tutorial or cut scene at the start that teaches the basic mechanic of rotating the mirrors.  I wandered around with no idea what to do for a lonnng time then watched Jupiter Hadley's stream to figure out what I could interact with.

This game a wonder! The funky, heartfelt art makes it distinct from every other game in the universe and the game play and the sound design complement the art perfectly. Since I am bad at playing games, I appreciate that yours does not penalize ludicrously janky pipe systems that wouldn't hold water in real life. My only suggestion for improvement would be to replace the 'x marks the spot' cursor with some other icon because 'x' makes me think I'm doing something wrong.  

This game a wonder! The funky, heartfelt art makes it distinct from every other game in the universe and the game play and the sound design complement the art perfectly. Since I am bad at playing games, I appreciate that yours does not penalize ludicrously janky pipe systems that wouldn't hold water in real life. My only suggestion for improvement would be to replace the 'x marks the spot' cursor with some other icon because 'x' makes me think I'm doing something wrong.  

Educational game for young children that teaches reading

Hello again! When you return from vacation, please also let me know if you would like to collaborate on an Arabic grammar game. Please check out the draft version on my page if you are interested.

Great game! Congratulations on completing your first game jam. I hope you had a great time and will participate in many more. Our two games are similar in many ways. The movement is smoother in your game and I prefer your eating sound effect. I was very surprised when touching another axolotl lead to Game Over in your game since it is the goal of mine.  One thing you might want to look into: When I played the game in my browser (Google Chrome), pressing up and down didn't just cause the axolotl to swim up and down, it caused the whole game page to move up and down. As a result, the whole game window could eventually go off screen. 


This is great! Your voice is beautiful and clear, the quality of the recording is excellent, and, except for a some inconsistencies with when you use hyphens, the file names are easy to work with.

I have used the asset pack to create an elegant Arabic Alphabet Trainer that I've just posted. I hope you will check it out. It is helping me learn quickly.

I would love it if you would record another set of Arabic words that includes the colours, numbers, fifty common object words like pencil, bed, and milk, and a set of sentences to demonstrate the grammar of "to be" and "to have" (example: I am smart, you are smart, he is smart, she is smart, we are smart, you (plural) are smart, they are smart, I have a dog, you have a dog, he has a dog, she has a dog, we have a dog, you (plural) have a dog, they have a dog.) I would pay $10 for that asset pack. Please let me know if you are willing to make it and if the price is okay.