Looks amazing.
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'Tombs' show as a 6x2 room on the 'Player Aid' but 'Tombs' are a dynamic room size. It's a little confusing because it should be similar to the 'Prestige Room' which is 'X x X'. The rules don't mention any minimums for the 'Tombs' so technically, a valid room size is 1x1. The game generally feels as though 2x2 would be min size for a room otherwise it is just a hallway.
I thought that 6 x 2 might be the minimum room size since you specified the value unlike the 'Prestige Room' on the 'Player Aid' sheet.
Special Information Revision?:
'Cost is 1 times the length of the room'
'Must have a height and length of at least 2'
I randomly just watched a playthrough of Dwarf Mine wondering if it's been made into a video game (yet) and then realizing I confused Star Solo for a video game when I made this comment. I don't normally download .exe so I didn't look at the contents. Now I see it's a new space game of yours. Exciting.
Fellow game-dev here. Heya! Came from reddit (web?) post. Looks amazing and all the particle effects are great. Well done. Started working through a few levels on my lunch break and had a few thoughts for your consideration.
- Minor thing but maybe a few rooms for introducing core mechanics such as orb for opening the door.
- Picked up a blue diamond but have no idea why I did or what it did. Oh, found a red diamond and it was health. Only noticed because I was so low.
- The movement controls feel a bit floaty to me which could steal from the overall quality-feel.
- The steam vent on the second screen is a bit annoying in that I have no option but to wait. It would be nice if there were a risky path or the safe-and-wait path instead of just the wait path. Had to retry because I'm not getting how to latch onto a rope-swing very quickly. After half-dozen rope swing attempts to add the orb to the cliff "bowl" and failing...
- I just found the throw mechanic out of desperation to figure out the swing mechanic. Managed to throw from the ground instead of swinging over to do it which is what most people are going to try and do and it's a tough swing and it's a tough drop because there is no room to drop with you standing on the bowl.
- Made it a few more rooms before lunch break is over. It's got a decent learning pace. Feels like a few mechanics can have simpler introductions (swinging, throwing).
- Changing up the music a bit when fighting a little might help mix things up.
- Creatures have been pretty great. Shotgun vs orb felt overpowered although I felt like it was to easy to run off screen and make a mess of the overall encounter.
- On future runs, I will likely turn up the brightness because I couldn't see those black balls at all. Kept getting surprised by them and it felt a little unfair.
Really nice work all around. Game looks amazing.
Neat concept and interesting mechanics. Really well done for a game jam too. I may have run into a bug at the end. The boss walked into a pillar and died on the 2nd turn.
Couple things I'm curious about.
- Why the cross and what are the red/orange tabs. Just realizing post-game that I didn't notice those.
- Why do arrows show up in the top that I didn't choose?
- What does the blue icon do?
Good stuff!
- To clarify some things (as the dev):
- Read the known issues on the game page before you start.
- I created all the art except for the player avatars. Mainly the match. :)
- I did not create the one sound in the game. See in-game About for more details.
- Nim is a 2 player game but I provide a list of active public games.
- You can run the game twice locally and connect to your own hosted session to experience the back and forth.
- I posted a demo video on the game page so you don't have to install/run to experience it.
Great concept all around and I like the mechanics and wanted more which is always good. Got to the boss and the red dots aren't my favorite. I dropped a single ball and lost 8+ health. Not exactly in my control so I'm just sitting there watching in disgust as I gobble up every red dot all the way down. I tried bypassing a couple red dot boards by just getting the min to block but that didn't help. Ended up losing to red dots which killed my replay interests pretty fast. Great work. Love the stick theater bit as well.
Watched some of your videos recently which brought me here to give this a go.
I didn't look at comments or at any instructions on the page.
- Took me a while to figure out that I had to have ore in the action bar and have it selected to use/activate the furnace. I left and came back to the furnace about 3-4 times before I finally stumbled upon it.
- After smelting some copper bars, I didn't really get the point of grabbing and cooling. I tried to grab and forge but that didn't seem to work. I smelted about 5 bars at once and it caused some glitching/problems for grabbing them.
- I tried to forge some things but don't understand how to get a heated item onto the anvil. I gave up at that point.
- I felt odd not having a specific objective. Should be I collecting copper or iron? How much do I need? How much coal should I get? Just felt at a bit of a loss. Should I just gather forever since there is no weight concerns?
- I think you should randomize the initial state of ore based on rarity. In short, show more copper states instead of just one pixel. It's fun to see veins and look at so have a lot of copper fully exposed to various extents with more hidden near by. It's also a joy to have a few easy (one shot) picks to mix it up.
- The game was a bit sluggish for me on my low end system and the sounds were often times choppy and glitchy. Felt like they were competing with other things. Maybe not enough channels?
_ I played the web version. Not sure if another is available.
- What device are you playing on because I don't ever hide the cursor? Should always be present and standard.
- The thrusters are always facing backwards but the thrust animation is very subtle which might be the issue for you. I have a backlog item to enhance those.
- The hook is for collecting asteroids and building up your base. There is no hook cooldown. You have to retrieve it which is a part of the fun/strategy. As you get better with it, you learn to use it at the right times so you don't have to chase it around as much. Still playing around with that behavior though. I'm thinking of adding a capture ring that will provide a visual collision space to retrieve the hook.
- I designed it to be super friendly so while you can die, it's tough. I wanted people to reach the end-game content which takes about 10-15 minutes. I plan to add two modes. Story Mode (as-is) and Challenge Mode which will be a lot tougher.
Appreciate the feedback. Really helps.
I haven't done a game jam since before they were called game jams so it's been a really long time. I consider this my first official game jam and it's my first godot game so I'm really excited about that. I can't believe how much I was able to accomplish in such a short time. Thanks for hosting and for helping me get something done for a change. I learned so much. A lot of new good stuff (pinjoints, cutscenes, path2d, and etc) and a lot of "wow, this is not the way to do this" kind of stuff. Feeling really good about my submission.
I disabled everything in the settings (for fun) and to see if I could do better and I honestly didn't notice the difference. Game has tons of really great polish. It's not that fun though. You don't get to do or see much before getting your ass handed to you. I have no sense for what the game has to offer beyond the first few screens and it's directionless. I mean, I don't know how deep it's supposed to be but I feel like I want to like it. Anyway, great job on the polish and what not. Music was pretty good too. About blew out my headphones with that bass.
I checked it out after watching a little bit of your devlogs. I'm drawn to the boat (visuals) big time. I wasn't to keen on the maneuverability of the boat or the fishing experience. I think you definitely have something with the boat and especially if it sloshed about with some sounds. I feel like waves and bigger menacing boats should be involved some how but that might come from too much time in SoT or Thomas the Train experiences. Anyway, I really like the potential of this one.