Nice take on the theme! I found the game quite difficult, especially as the movement is a bit buggy, sometimes you get shaken up and down a lot. The music was really enjoyable and you even have two levels, so congrats :)
Green Acorn Studios
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"A Pigment Formed in a Realm Outside" -
man, lvl 3 was hard, I think it took me 18 minutes. You could have included some hints (maybe with lights?) or some more powerful ability to discover new terrain. Paint gun with timer is very tedious if you have no clue where the next platform is.
Cool concept though, and definitely made me want to beat every level! :D
I love:
- the name
- the assets (the unicorn omg <3)
- how different colors have different properties (a lot of potential on this one, imagine e.g. sticky - can roll on vertically or upside-down, glass/viscous slows down bullet but doesn't stop it, ....)
- the level design slowly introducing how to solve different levels
- the "history of last delted stroke" (there could be even more of them in different intensities)
- the cute 2D in 3D inclusion
- very accessible controls with keyboard
Some things felt a bit rough around the edges (e.g. post its could be removed after the first level to not clutter the canvas, camera could be zommed out a bit, particle effects on drawing could be smaller, so I can see what I am drawing - or was hiding that intended?, physics behave differently in subsequent runs, and of course one or the other bug, not being able to restart properly is particularly annoying), but I like this entry a lot and it also reminds me a lot of the old "Line Rider", good times! :D
I like how you combine colors to some "target", but must dodge colors that you don't want. However, the controls are awkward, the platform rotates in slow motion and the top down perspective does not give me a sense of where gravity is going right now... Also the balls seem to not react at first, but when they do, they start rolling way too fast to stop them in time (e.g. to stop them in red, to not pick up "double red" - which is a strange feature imo)