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A member registered Aug 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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The game jam welcome screen is a waterfall with water "cascading" down its rocks!

cool good luck!  I'm struggling to think about how to format the art and design for my idea in a short space of time

I guess widen the concept to “chaining”. Like puzzle games where you score combos for chaining things, or some kind of dominos-based physics games, or maybe a game about pouring jugs of water into different waterfal cliffs to attach enemies at the bottom of a cascade of cliffs. 

dunno. I’ll see what happens. I usually suck at these because after a few hours I realise the game I’m making sucks or I get sucked into a rabbit hole focusing on unimportant things 

That's the spirit :D

The rules say no but if you have to then you have to, just make sure you have a message on your splash screen and menu saying what other assets you've copied or imported. But you'll probably be excluded from all the categories to be fair to the other people that had to find time to make everything fro scratch :/

No no, I'm just saying it's better to get something done than bang your head forever... although just making walking or hitting sound effects shouldn't take 8 hours lol

Erg :( I think the game has become too complex to make in a week, even with my holiday from work time. I don't think I'll be able to make a non-rubbish version by tomorrow.

Well sometimes, if you had a strange file format that somehow depends on deprecated OS features? But yeah you're right, in general updates on any modern operating system should be trusthworthy

I mean, if you are just short of time you can just break the rules but have a note at the start of your game saying where you used other sounds and where you got them. I wouldn't want your game to suffer just for a technality..

You can make glow effects VERY easily with Shader Graph if you're using Unity 2019.1 or 2019.2. There are lots of good YouTube videos introducing you to using Shader Graph. You might need to switch to the Low-def render pipeline, which might mean you have to change some existing shades because the default 3D standard shader doesn't work with LDRP.

No, you have to make your own sounds either through a digital audio workstation like LMMS or Garage Band, or through recording sounds down your microphone and recording in Audacity or other free sound editing software. Editing other assets is still using other assets and that's against the rules.

Day 4 and the game isn't all that much progressed from day 2. I've mainly been stuck fixing bugs and then having to replan the game around this bug fixes. Now my map is either way way too big (400 rooms in one level!!) or it doesn't fit the scale of the game (it's kind of hard to exlpain without giving away the mechanics of my game, which I'm still happy with).

I still haven't got any good particle effects running and haven't started on the music or level design and today is my last real day. Erg. This is depressing

I think that's ok, it's clearly a generator of sorts and you control the output data, so I think it's fine

Did you save a backup with Git or Dropbox or something? Why does an update delete your data anyway..?

Eh, I suppose. The word "generator" isn't defined in the rules so I don't really know what they mean :/

haha better safe than sorry. It would suck if we worked hard on a game only to have is disqualified :( (To be fair, I don't think they'd be that mean if it's a honest-looking mistake that doesn't give you too much advantage).

I mean, it's part of the default Unity set up, and in the package manager, so it's definitely ok.

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No. But Unity has loads of built in shaders that you can use. But if you need a really niche effect, then you need to make it yourself. If it's going to take too long, then it's too complex for a game jam anyway.

You can use the same methods/classes/properties from a tutorial or stack overflow to help you figure out what to code. As long as you don't just copy and paste then that's just learning to code in C# (or python or C++ etc), which is of course allowed.

What aren't you sure about?

That's a bit of a cheaty loophole, given how hard many of us are trying to make a game where the game itself is a liar, and that's part of the game, not just a get-out clause in the splash screen... 

"much" more?

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No one seems to know, the converter tool is an external asset (ie it's not part of a vanilla game engine) but you could describe it as a generator at a push. But the fact that's free and commercially-viable is irrelevant. It's not about how free assets are,  it's about challenging you to make do with the plain and simple tools you have in Unity (or a different game engine), plus any assets you make yourself.

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I think you could make two versions of the game, one with and one without the sound effects? Or maybe you could make it with them but you leave a note on your menu to the reviewer saying "the sound effects were premade by other creators before the gamejam, please ignore them when reviewing". I don't know. Just, don't. It's not that hard to use Audacity or LMMS or Bosca Ceoil to make your own sound effects or music

Asset store assets are not allowed either, except for the ones that don't contribute to the game itself but make the workflow easier. You can use the tools that are in the Unity Package manager, except for the standard assets.
That says that your "don't contribute to the game itself" is for asset store things. But Package Manager things CAN contribute to the game itself (hence why it's a separate sentence). Cinemachine isn't an Asset Store asset anymore, it's a Packake Manager tool, so we can use it as much as we want

I think anything to do with your splash screen, credits etc are fine. If it's not really a part of the game then that's fine. If it's just cheap advertising in your game, I'm sure that's ok too, but make sure you have copyright usage rights!!

No but what you can do is use the 2D extras kit (can't remember the term) from the Unity Package Manager. It has a cool tilemap editor window, so makes making tilemaps easier for you. Since it's in the Package Manager, it's allowed

Don't worry about wasting time! In a whole week you need to let your mind wander and procrastinate and moan and get annoyed. It will be better to do one great day of gamedev with a happy clear head (and make a small simple game that you like) than do 5 days of high-intensity stress gamedev where you get a big complex game that you hate.

Yes, it's in the Package Manager. So yes, you can use it. Same for Cinemachine.

Technically no, but what you can do is look at the Unity standard assets scripts for hints about how to write your own code. But you can't just use scripts (code) in the standard assets pack. Although I'm guessing you're a very new beginner? I think no one would blame you for using some standard code here and there just to help you get started

I want to play this entry now, it must be just a screen saying "this isn't really my entry" or something trolly like that

Hopefully enough of us will do that that they consider that within the scope of the theme

On an unrelated note, your English is very good for a French person!

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Yes thanks, KrisBijnens pointed this out, my mistake


Huh, Hmm. I'm sure I wrote the game is a lie? Strange, thanks!

What do you mean? Your NPCs could be liars, but that doesn't make the game itself a lie.

I think it is "Truth and Honesty"