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A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a nice list of updates.

Brilliant I may just try that. Thx

Thank you for trying  VarcyonSariouGames , you would have to install a trial version of Game Maker 2 and import in order to play it.  I plan on purchasing a license since i'm doing quite well with Ver2.0 of the game on a different project.  A licensed copy will allow me to create an executable virtual machine version of the game.

Kudos ... i stopped in the 80s , my game is actually getting to be an interesting adventure.

Yeah sorry about that i was reading today and it seems i can Publish with a built-in virtual machine to make it stand alone.  i will do this for the remake ( ) of Ver 2.  This is all new to me.

(1 edit)

Final code for Player [ Step ]   Walk + Jump Animations

/// @description Player Collision with walls
// Assign direction variables
key_left = keyboard_check(ord("A"));
key_right = keyboard_check(ord("D"));
key_jump = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space);
// Moving
var _move = key_right - key_left ;
hsp = _move * walksp;
vsp = vsp + grv;
// Jumping
if (place_meeting(x,y+1,oWall)) && (key_jump)
    vsp = -jumpsp;    
// Horizontal  Collision  ( Moving Left <> Right )
if (place_meeting(x+hsp, y, oWall))
   while (!place_meeting(x+sign(hsp),y,oWall))
           x = x + sign(hsp);
       hsp = 0;
x = x + hsp;
// Vertical Collision   ( Falling for Jumping )
if (place_meeting(x, y+vsp, oWall))
   while (!place_meeting(x,y+sign(vsp),oWall))
           y = y + sign(vsp);
       vsp = 0;
y = y + vsp;
// Animation
if (!place_meeting(x,y+1,oWall))
        sprite_index = sPlayerA;
        image_speed = 0;
        if (vsp > 0) image_index=1; else image_index=0;
        image_speed =1;
        if (hsp == 0)
            sprite_index = sPlayer;    
            sprite_index = sPlayerR;
if (hsp !=0 ) image_xscale = sign(hsp);

wow didn't even know there were widgets in here.  Thx Red!

Todo [ 03/10/2020 ] for today is done

  • Create new project in Game Maker 2
  • Prepare default screen ( background, floor,  player )
  • Add gravity
  • Add code to get character moving, running, jumping

I figured it made sense to start clean and take my time to build each section properly and then add features after the fact.   i'll post my updates here going forward and leave comments to the comments page.

Now that the 48hrs is over, i have started my project from scratch again and i'm doing a FULL documentation ( sprites, code, todo list ) if you are interested in following.  I figure by documentation i'm going to retain it much easier.  ( ) 


Todo [ 03/10/2020 ] for today is done

  • Create new project in Game Maker 2
  • Prepare default screen ( background, floor,  player )
  • Add gravity
  • Add code to get character moving, running, jumping
(1 edit)
Sprite NameObject NameSprite Image

Sprite Name Object Name Sprite Image
(1 edit)

Player [ Create ] code

/// @description Set Player variables
vsp = 0;   // Vertical Speed
hsp = 0;   // Horizontal Speed
grv = 0.3;  // Gravity
walksp = 4;   // Walk Speed
jumpsp = 9;   // Jump Speed

Player [ STEP ] code for basic gravity and LEFT<>RIGHT movement

/// @description Player Collision with walls
// Assign direction variables
key_left = keyboard_check(ord("A"));
key_right = keyboard_check(ord("D"));
key_jump = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space);
// Moving
var _move = key_right - key_left ;
hsp = _move * walksp;
vsp = vsp + grv;
// Horizontal  Collision
if (place_meeting(x+hsp, y, oWall))
   while (!place_meeting(x+sign(hsp),y,oWall))
           x = x + sign(hsp);
       hsp = 0;
x = x + hsp;
// Vertical Collision   
if (place_meeting(x, y+vsp, oWall))
   while (!place_meeting(x,y+sign(vsp),oWall))
           y = y + sign(vsp);
       vsp = 0;
y = y + vsp;
(1 edit)

Todo [ 03/10/2020 ]

  • Create new project in Game Maker 2
  • Prepare default screen ( background, floor,  player )
  • Add gravity
  • Add code to get character moving, running, jumping

Todo [ 03/10/2020 ]

  • Create new project in Game Maker 2
  • Prepare default screen ( background, floor,  player )
  • Add gravity
  • Add code to get character moving, running, jumping

... yawn ... i have played 77 games in 48hrs ... this is a tough job, but everyone deserves to be heard at least once.  1st jam and i'm loving it, will be attending more in the future.

(1 edit)

i would have to place the following as my top 3 so far

  1. Light Is Precious
  2. Lux Ducks
  3. The Lonely Wisp

i ... ummm .. yeah ... but ... Great effort it made me smile.

3 stars for the artwork alone .. missed the theme but this has potential.

Yet again someone amazes me with a new concept with angles ... love it

i personally enjoyed the graphics on this one.  Great job

i was hoping for some visuals related to the theme but great job either way.

very lovely game, great quality of graphics and the mechanics work very well.

Very nice concept idea, easy phone game idea as well.

Reminds of the Arcade days .. great job

Ouch one tough game.  Nice submission

(1 edit)

sorry i simply exported and have no idea how someone would load this ... [ EDIT ] i was able to import the YYZ file into GameMaker 2.

ah great .. added this to my list for tonight .. thx Vlak

Great skills with the 3D, would love to see this finished with sound. Cheers!

I love the bomb event .. this was fun to play and well worth a 4 star.  missing that last star because i'm thinking this was more Opposites than Light & Shadow but that's just me being a stickler for the rules and at the same time not understanding the rules of the engine you used.  Great submission.

Great use of light/shadow mechanics.

Now this is a very cool game, i could see this been used in the classroom to teach logic.  Smashing product my friend.

Good stuff .. not sure what engine this is but i would prob give it a try.  Great submission.

hmm i don't see what you're showing on your screenshots, it seems that the same white circles/shadows just rotate for me.  Nice concept either way, it followed the criteria for the challenge.

perfect use of white,black, gray(shadows).  congrats on your submission.

Great effort on the art, congratz