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Guilherme Cahú

A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I remember this adventure from the Sci-fi jam from 2022 and I just ran it for two players today as a filler session since the other two couldn't come. It was great! We did it in 1h30, just as I planned, using The Expanse RPG setting (AGE system). It was easy to find an insertion for that in the narrative.

So here's what happened: one of them broke the printer (but I forgot the boss would leave his room because of that); the other one entered the supply room, stole all the food and put fire on everything, including the servers. Then, the one who broke the printer tried to enter the boss' room without success while the other waited next to the car. When both met next to the car, security arrived, storming the office, but it didn't see them. The guy who raided the supply room sent a granade through the boss' window to knock him out (he had a granade launcher) while the printer guy was turning the car on by himself. All the objectives were already completed when the granade guy decided to throw another one to distract security, that had already spotted them, but he failed the throwing test, the grenade fell just behind the car, exploding its rear end, the tyres and sending into the office wall, so they fled by foot.

By the way, I found the rules very clear and straighforward. It's a really good job.

I thought I wouldn't make it. I had to submit mine as v0.8 (still in development) but I'm happy to be part fo this.

Since everyone is sharing their work, here is mine:
It's a gang backstory and statblocks for The Expanse RPG. Fishblade is the sushi bar operated by the guys.

Please send good vibes. I'll try to write one

lol 🤣 that's a good sign

I wonder if they count as supplements. Is it also valid if I write a fish blade gang backstory with stat blocks?

Thank you!

I might wrtie a short adventure for The Expanse RPG. After I did my first jam, I got very involved with that.

Loved to open the "print this at work" version and find it's completely printer-unfriendly. You had me chuckling here, good job. Great layout and writing. It's easy to understand, leaves comfortable room for imagination without expecting me to create more rules to fill supposed mechanical gaps. I like your irony as well. I can't wait to run it someday for my group.

Thanks a lot!

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Thank you! I'm happy it made a positive emotional impact on you. I wanted to present that contradiction between normal people living their life while there's something uncommon and important going on.

Regarding the dog and potential buyers, I can imagine all the Sol System would be after the players if the discovered that. The OPA would be very interested in the matter too, and we could have an interesting conflict growing here. Could be the beginning of an overarching campaign.

That's my first time writing an adventure, and I'm probably influenced by the way the official adventures are written. After reading both your comments here and on your page, I re-read your adventure and could understand it better. I might write a one-page adventure soon for the Community's jam, so it's a chance to experiment another way of dealing with the narrative information.

Sorry, I'm really unfamiliar with reading adventures in pamphlet form. Now that I'm re-reading it, I can understant it better. I think I didn't understand the title well, too, but now it makes sense.

Great leayout, use of icons and overall sheet design. I like all the suggestions you've put in there and I think I could use some in a future game, even if I play a different system. Good job.

Hey thanks a lot!

Thanks! Well it's a hunting dog and it's supposed to be aggressive towards the PCs. The GM can change the balance here to make it more or less likely for the players to fight it.

I like the efford you put into designing the pamphlet and the maps (were they traditionally painted on paper? That's amazing), but I found it difficult to understand what the adventure was about. I think a general explanation in the beginning, contextualizing the situation, clearly stating the problem and the resolution would be perfect to help guide any reader, even if they're unfamiliar with the system. And if it's good for such readers, then it'll be good for those who know the system as well.

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Amazing adventure. Good suggestion for introducing characters and for dealing with the denouement as well. Even though the game I run (The Expanse) doesn't support psychic entities (or kinda, if I consider something related to the Protomolecule), I'd like to adapt it into a campaign someday.

Edit: I'd like to recommend making a printer-friendly version too by removing the images and making the background white. You never know when someone might want to print it.

I like how you guided the GM and how narrative is your writing. Regarding the rules, I particularly liked your suggestion about "collisions and near misses between PCs/NPCs and among PCs". Good design for the maps provided and good explanation for them as well.

"No killing the competition" was interesting for that premise. I like the notes about possible consequences at the end of mission too. That's an interesting adventure that I might adapt for my group someday.

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I like the irony of the situation and the reward. Funny effect for the dog's saliva too. I just had some problem realizing the text was disposed in pamphlet form and that it started on the right section (... or not?), but it was an interesting idea to design it like that. I think that indications about the dog and the xeno creature should be clearer when they're first introduced, preferably being present within the first words of their sections. I'd write it like that:

"Subject Rho
Subject Rho is a dog descended from a line of (...)"

"Xeno Delta is a huge gray beetle-like creature initially found in (...)"

Good idea by listing character occupations and random encounters. Great map design and information about the rooms.

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Thank you! In addition to using a crocodile, how about having one of the NPCs being a Florida man?

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May I organize the information differently from the provided template? I'm still keeping Contributors, Adventure Assumptions and Sensitive Content Warning but the Players’ Introduction part left me confused and I'd like to deal with that kind of information in my own way.

This is a lovely game. As soon as I understood the specific requests that the game makes, I started having a lot of fun. I'd like to suggest the addition of goals or achievement-like things for future versions of the game, like requesting the player to build a village without fields with a given number of houses, or asking to build a rail with X straight pieces directly connected, for example. It could be a hard mode, for example.

There's also something else I'd like to suggest for future versions: having the game export a satellite view of the map at the end, showing the player what he accomplished and being able to save that in JPEG or PNG, for example.

Anyway, I love this game. You guys did a great job!