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A member registered Feb 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really creative and very good execution!
Was really fun to play :D

This game involves a surprising amount of strategy for it being such a simple Idea. 

Really well done! Was a lot of fun to play

Very interesting idea

Interesting idea! I think the graphics look cute and the gameplay is fine considiring you made it in 48 hours :D 

(1 edit)

Very fun game! I liked the strategic aspect of it where you have to think fast which dots you have to stamp/unstamp.

When the enemies came in it took a bit of getting used to them and taking their bullets into account, but once you get the hang of it its a blast!

Great entry!

(2 edits)

Really fun game where youre forced to think fast! 

Also the tutorial was implimented very nicely and I was able to understand everything without much trouble :D

The art, sounds, and music were also really nice!

All in all I enjoyed it a lot and the idea is very unique

Really clever Idea! I enjoyed it

(1 edit)

Tysm for the feedback :D

I totally agree with the balancing part

Im pretty sure yt uses this...

Thank you for the honest feedback!

Appreciate it!

Well I guess one is better than zero

I instantly understood what the twist was without any form of tutorial so thats good!

The game itsself feels satifying to play and is generally really fun! :D

My highscore was 10 thousand something something

Really addicting game! The best I could do was level 9 but getting there was lots of fun!

I really like the Idea and the art

The gameplay is okay considering you did it in 48h

So all in all pretty intersting and solid game :D

Thanks for the feedback! While I was developing the game I realized that it was kinda weird/ unfair that if you rolled a high amount you would get the same number of points as if you rolled a low amount. My solution for that would be that if you roll a 1-2 you get 1 point, 3-4 2 points, and 5-6 3 points.

Also concerning the enemies I think it would have fixed the problem if I added a dodge roll of some sort so you're absolutely right!

I didnt have to have the sound on to hear a heartbeat that was getting faster

Those were the most intense 5 Minutes of my live lmao

Really simple Idea that got turned into a very fun game!

The tutorial is great!

Loved the gameplay and Idea but it can be a bit annoying to have to click the player each time you want to move

I really love the arcade feel of it

The Sound design and sprites are great as well :D

Though the controls can be a bit sloppery at times, all in all the game was really fun to play!

Nice Idea and nice execution!

Really nice graphics, sound and satisfying gameplay! I love that the further you go the more the game breaks but its still really satifying :D

Georgeous graphics and the gameplay is simple yet fun!

I really enjoyed the 3 mini puzzles and the fact that it has a level editor is mindblowing!

Nice job

You need screatch to run the game! (Disclaimer for everyone)

But I think you still did a pretty good job!

I love everything about this

The Art,Sound/Music, And gameplay are amazing and make this game really addicting

Great job!

Really simple yet enjoyable! :D

Really great Idea! And new mechanics are introduced really seamlessly so that you instantly understand them :D

Really nice visuals and music! No idea what you mean with blurry sprites everthing looks nice and sharp to me :)

The best I could do is 15 seconds

Nice visuals and creative gameplay!

Really nice visuals and music! No idea what you mean with blurry sprites everthing looks nice and sharp to me :)

The best I could do is 15 seconds

I love the chaotic feel of it

Was very fun to play

I like the Idea and the art :)

I love it! From the gameplay to the art and music

Its really addicting and I love what you made with the theme!
Good Work!

Really like the artstyle, gameplay and music! Good Job

(1 edit)

almost cried very emotional

Thank you so much! :D

I'll be using Game Maker Studio 2 since for now it's the one I'm most familiar with