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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the well thought out reply! I agree with everything you said, and if I decide to continue to work on this game, I will definitely take all this into consideration. Cheers! 

I loved the art in this game. Controls were a bit strange, but after that fact, I really enjoyed it. Nice Job!

This had a cool concept. Once I figured it out, it became really fun. Good Job!

This was an amazing submission. I absolutely loved the art, story, and levels. My only critique was that the player moved a tad too fast for my liking, but I was able to get over it. Nice Job!

Hey, fellow game dev here. I would love to play your games, and give a fair and honest rating. I will try to get to all of them as best as I can. Thanks!

This was a neat little game. I thought that the idea of the mouse controlled player was very clever. It took a bit to get used to, but over all, it worked well. Nice Job!

Done. Good job

This was a nice game! I felt that the player movement was a bit off, and it was rather frustrating to have to move in small bursts to be in control of the player.  I liked the art and the camera effects though. Nice work!

Done. Nice Job!

This was a fun little platformer. The controls felt very nice and clean. I did feel like the art could have used some work as it seemed to be a bit messy. Over all, it is a solid submission. Nice job!


Nice idea. I really liked the player running animations. I felt like the camera was zoomed in just a tad to much.  Other than that, it was a nice game! Good Job

Done! Nice job

This is just one of those games that you just want to keep playing! I was really impressed with how polished it felt. Great job! 

I would love to see all of your games that you made! Put them in the comments, and I will play them when I get the chance

Here is mine. Thanks for doing this! I will check out yours once I get the chance



This was a great game! I had a blast playing it. Nice Job! If you get a chance, I would greatly appreciate a rate on my game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/928867

Good Job!


I liked this game a lot. It was definitely frustrating and I didn't make it all the way through. I had fun trying to figure it out! Congrats!


This was a great game! Nice job. I really enjoyed the models, they looked really good. Congrats!


I liked this game. The graphics were on point. Good job!

Just played your game. Nice Job! I was really impressed. In order to switch weapons, you need to use the scroll wheel, so that may be why you couldnt see it. If that didnt fix it, then it was a bug, and I apologize... Thanks for the rating!

Done! Nice job

I enjoyed this game. I agreed with Coreylr, that the combat is rather complex, but once I figured it out, I really enjoyed it! Good job!

I had fun with this game. I enjoyed the cutscene at the beginning of the game, but because you had to go through it every time you died,  it got old pretty fast. Overall, solid entry and I had fun playing it!

Done. Nice Job!

You have to die... I ran out of time and wasn't able to make a pause menu. Sorry

Really fun game. I enjoyed the simple graphics. Congrats on the first game Jam!!! If you have time, I would love it if you would rate my game as well. https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/928867



This was an exceptional game.  The graphics were on point, and once you figured out the gameplay, it was super fun and engaging. I think that at tutorial would have been nice, but other than that, it was a great game. Good Job. 



Done. Nice job!

I enjoyed this one. I thought that the concept was very interesting and you presented it well.  Nice Job

Here is my game. Thanks https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/928867

Solid submission. I really enjoyed it.  As some others said, some pointers or tips would be nice in the future if you decide to flesh it out. Nice job!