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A member registered Oct 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Super polished and stylized submission, well done! The music and art really played well together to create an intense vibe. The gameplay was fun too, I just really wish there were more levels.

I started out with a keyboard and mouse but then I couldn't figure out how to dash when I unlocked it. It was easy to figure out with a controller though.

I thought the yakuza squid concept was really funny. I only played the first level but the gameplay was solid, I found it really satisfying to land hits on the enemies, even without sound. I don't understand why the attack buttons needed mouse presses, why not just make them keyboard buttons so it's easy to play? (actually I guess this might be for mobile). I don't think the option to watch an ad to revive is in the spirit of a game jam.

I have so many questions... why is this duck underwater? why is he dodging milk bottles of all shapes and sizes? why does the music go so hard?

Overall it was a strange experience, but I had fun and that's what matters

That was a fun! I like that it was short enough that I could try to improve my time over multiple runs. I got 6 minutes on my first run and 1:20 on my second. One thing that bothered me was that the wall jumps seemed really unreliable to get. Another thing was one part of the level where I kept trying to jump to something that looked like a ledge but couldn't stand on, because I didn't notice the downward ramp. But overall a pretty good entry!

That was a really fun game! The movement was satisfying (especially the dash) and I felt like I was getting better the more I played (I made it to 98). I really liked the variety of enemies - even though there were only a few types, I found each of them uniquely challenging. I especially liked the angry clock guys. The art was simple but unique and endearing.

Initially I was going to comment on how I kept randomly dying, but after I unlocked the branch visibility upgrade I understood what was happening.

Also I just pushed you over the 20 rating mark! I'm sitting at 19 right now and I'd appreciate it if you checked out my game :)

It took me a few tries to understand, but once I figured out what I had to do it was really fun! It got quite stressful and frantic towards the end. Like others have said, some sound effects would have added a lot to the game.

Haven't finished yet, but...

This game is incredible! Probably the most detailed gameplay I've seen in the game jam, and it really makes me feel like I'm operating a massive machine deep in the ocean. The music and sound design are really well done too. The pixel art is all really high quality and the 3d water effect at the top of the ocean is super cool. On top of all that it's polished and nothing really seems broken (except somehow I can't repair my sub a second time). That's saying a lot for a game jam! The only thing I would have hoped for were some more detailed instructions on how the game works.

Awesome job!

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Nice work, I respect your persistence! I just opened up the project to check, there are actually 26 treasures so not quite. I'm curious, did you get the puzzle? There's a single treasure hidden behind the water current below the whale, and there's a trick to getting through. The rest are scattered around pretty randomly.

BTW it is possible to win - once you get 15, you can talk to the parrot and you get an ending dialogue (then get kicked back to the main menu). I probably should have made that clearer but I was so sick of working on this by the end hahaha.

I've never been fishing in my life but this is pretty much what I expect it's like.

But seriously this game is awesome, the core gameplay is fun but the story (and hidden story) adds another dimension to it. And the crappy art is so endearing.

I'm actually not sure if I made it to the end - I got all the upgrades but I wasn't sure if the last text I saw was the end of the game. I didn't find anything new at the deepest level.

Overall, awesome work!

I had fun, nice work for 2 days! I got to the balloon but didn't have time to find the last thing.

I did find I was relying more on luck than skill to pick up items, because it was hard to control when going fast. I think using the mouse to control could have helped with that. And some sort of progression when going deeper (different items, different art) might have given me more incentive to keep playing.

Nice work, I had fun :) Really well done music too, so many games just used other music and it always makes me happy when I find a game with custom music.

I'm curious, what game engine did you use (if any)? It doesn't look like a normal Unity build.

This game was super ambitious for a game jam, and from what I saw of it you did an amazing job! The story was captivating and made me want to keep playing. I did find the pace quite slow as it was mostly walking between nodes and looking for objects, and I eventually stopped playing when I got overwhelmed with the options. I see there's a cheat sheet in the comments so hopefully I'll be able to come back later and play through the whole thing more efficiently.

Also I thought the "brain world" was very cool, definitely what I would imagine it would be like to be in someone's psyche.

The art style is incredible and I really liked the crystal mechanics. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to collect treasure, and after two runs that ended in bugs (falling through world once, and screen instantly going black in another) I got impatient and stopped playing. I only noticed the instructions in the images afterwards, maybe I would have had an easier time if I had noticed them!

(1 edit)

Really cool concept, and you created a really unique horror atmosphere. This is always what I'm afraid will happen when I open up system32.

I wasn't able to complete the game, there were a few things getting in the way:

  • I found the visual effect way too intense and couldn't look at the screen for too long. I had to write down the files and try to solve the codes on paper
  • I put in a solid effort at solving the codes, and I am no master but I wasn't able to figure anything out. I tried some basic things like applying the Crypt*.txt keys and offsetting the letters in the cipher. Maybe I am just dumb, but here's my very subjective take: In my experience most good puzzle games I have played start by teaching the player the rules of the game with simple puzzles before moving on to complicated puzzles. If the player has to guess the rules of the game while solving a complicated puzzle then they have no chance of solving it. I guess what I'm saying is I would have expected one of those basic techniques to work somewhere just to tell me I was on the right track, before moving on to anything more complicated.

That said I still did have a great time playing the game.

I also figured out you could click and drag the battery to get more time. I learned this on my first playthrough by dragging it to zero and giving myself the jumpscare lmao.

I really enjoyed this! I thought the level design was really well done (although I only made it to level 3). It was varied enough to not get boring, and it was exciting to discover different environments and enemy types when advancing through levels. My only criticism is that the platforming did not feel great, I would get caught on corners pretty often.

Our game has been sitting at 14 for a while, I put in tons of effort so I'd appreciate some help :)

I'll go through and rate all the games in this thread from the top.

Would you mind giving us a rating :)

Overall a fun and complete game with interesting mechanics. I thought the sonar was really cool, and I really enjoyed navigating the darker levels with my light. I did run into the "ship death" issue on my first playthrough but luckily I came back and beat it.

I thought it was really cool how you control a whole flock of fish. Fast paced and quite hard but it was the appropriate length for that level of difficulty. I had fun :)

I was able to mess around with the aspect ratio in the inspector to stop the sides from being cut off. This the most creative take on the theme I have seen so far, and a really well executed roguelike. I especially liked how the heat mechanic added a lot of stress early in the game, although towards the end it didn't seem to do much. The markers for looted/unlooted paths were a really useful feature. Nice work!

I'm assuming I need a 16:9 monitor to play this in the browser, mine is 3:2 and the sides are cut off in fullscreen :(

Fun and very polished typing game. We used the same tileset :)

I did encounter one issue where a long word was obscured by the environment so I couldn't see it before the fish got to me.

Ah silly me, I came back and figured it out. Thanks!

Totally missed the theme, but you made a really polished game with a funny and unique take on tetris that holds up as a fun game, good job :)

Unique and well-designed platformer mechanic, and genuinely challenging (in a good way!). I liked the detail that you could keep momentum from previous moves (e.g. getting more speed by jumping into the wall).

I love this so much, it feels like a cross between subnautica, iron lung and KSP. You really nailed the ambience too, and I liked that sound was part of the gameplay. 

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it :)

This is the most polished game I've played so far, nice work :)

I thought the harpoon and knife were a really complimentary and satisfying weapon combo.

This was a fun game, unique mechanics and surprisingly funny story!

I did find it quite grindy, I actually sunk quite a bit of time in it and only ended up getting to 5000km. At that point the upgrades just seemed too expensive and it was taking too long to build up the cash to get them.

There were also a few bugs/UX issues. The pressure shield factor would sometimes stack for each run, making the game super easy. And you'd sometimes get caught in a loop where time warp is at 100x and you don't have enough time to change it back before exploding.

But overall, an enjoyable and very creative entry :)

Thanks for playing :) I'm happy you made it to the speed upgrade and figured out how to cross the barrier. I've been playing your game, I'll leave a comment!

I   managed to gget  a big    sspeeedd boostt by messing    wwwittth    my keyyybboaaaard   settinnngs,     maakes it   kkkkind   oof harrd      ttto     typpeeeee  thhhhougggh.

I liked the art and the music, and I liked the use of procedural generation (I think it was procedurally generated?). I did find the movement quite clunky though, it is strange to have movement speed tied to key retrigger rate.

Nice work! Very polished look, and fun to manage your momentum. I wish there was a health bar.

It was satisfying to progress from mining slowly at the start to insanely fast by the end. I did find that the game felt a bit under-polished, e.g. moving left and right felt buggy (and needed an animation), and I'd constantly get killed by magma by changing lanes right after it. But overall, nice work!

Really good art! Nice colour palette and well animated :)

I wasn't able to figure out the first level, the boxes kept teleporting back to their starting positions after I pushed them on to the buttons. Maybe I was missing something?