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A member registered Aug 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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PENDULUM community · Created a new topic holly fuck

holly shit

wajuu gracias!!

glad you could win :-)

sí, somos chilenos

no, we're americans but we spend a lot of time in chilean forums to understand their culture

haven't played it but really awesome beautiful graphics 

i really like this one

thank u man! 

Heyyy asumí que hablaban español por sus nombres. Muy buen juegoooooo, me encantan los juegos de memoria, y creo que no había jugado uno desde pequeña (únicamente memorice). Hay muchas cosas que aprecié del juego. 

En parte de la estética, la idea de ponerle cara a los modelos 3D me recuerda a cómo se implementaban en consolas antiguas, ciertamente le da más personalidad al juego. En ningún momento se siente nada fuera de contexto, ni incomoda la baja resolución de los modelos. Los toques de humor del detective jefe, y el baile que da al final del juego son increíbles. Quizás buscaría una fuente que se adecuara más al estilo de baja resolución de los modelos. Debe ser lo único que siento que no encaja tan bien como los demás elementos. 

Al principio no me di cuenta sobre las tres oportunidades para hacer rewind, quizás una posibilidad puede ser que destaquen más en la pantalla principal (con colores que no se difundan tanto con el resto de la estética del juego). 

Diferentes cosas que aprecié del diseño del juego, fue la opción de darle skip a la intro (gracias por eso!!!), y el hecho de que las configuraciones de color, y ubicación de los objetos,  fueran cambiando en las escenas, en conjunto con las preguntas que hace el jefe. 

Creo que en general es una idea muy buena y bastante bien pulida. El movimiento del player se siente natural y no encontré ningún bug mientras lo estaba jugando. Ha sido uno de mis juegos favoritos, tanto por la estética como por las mecánicas del juego. 

i remembered playing the game the first day of the submissions, simple game but loved the graphic and sounds 

we really enjoyed watching you playing the game! we appreciate your time and effort in solving the puzzles. thank u!

funny  game, i finished it :-), i liked the  focus on the graphics. i appreciated the minimap in the left corner, did not use the rewind mechanic tho

i really appreciate the narrative of the game, cool desing and music. really inmersive and an original way to bring up the rewind theme. good job!

didn't considered as a bug, i tought it was neat lol

nice and simple concept. funny to play, i tought some levels where quite the same, the first one was the hardest haha. also, i also think it would be nicer to keep rolling the music, i don't think i listened completely while playing. 

as an artist, the graphics of this game are definitely inspiration, keep up!

i really liked the graphics of the game!, the game in general feels good, such as the shooting of the enemies and the movement of the player. maybe i would find a better way to implement the rewind mechanic so it takes more progatonism in the game. 

HAHAHA omg the easteregg..... let's say it is one. well despiting that fact, thank you for the toughtfull comment and feedback! we appreciate it :-) <3

really cute graphics and music, i liked the mechanics of the game and level desing, but it was quite hard to pass the level against the witches(?)

couldn't figure out how to play it :-( loved the story and art tho

so sad i can't play it :-( i liked the thumbnail

cute idea!, but if the purpose of the game is to record sounds, wouldn't be nicer if the music sounded a little lower so we can also hear the sounds? just a thought :-) 

sometimes it was kinda akward to move, i would work on the velocity of the player, and also the distance of the plataforms. had some troubles rewinding the projectiles also. i liked the art, i bet you can improve it :-)

really nice and well designed 3d models, the gameplay it's a little bit boring (i was on a computer tho, i supose it's funnier playing the game on a smartphone) i bet you can do a really polished game if you work on it

oddly funny, really loved the concept and art 

thank u!

amazing and beautiful desing, really reeaaalyy hard, but super entretaining, rememberd me of super meat boy

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due to the fact that you wait sometimes to become a caveman, i would appreciatte some type of checkpoint so i don't feel like i'm wasting time starting all over again. i would work in the movement and jump of the character. really welldone graphics 

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really complex game! hahah (at least for me), but i think its a really innovative idea. i liked the artstyle (altough i would put more attention in the colors saturation and font of the GUI ).  i read the rest of the comment section so i'm not going to talk about the physics of the jumps and the speed of the characters. 

I really appreciatted all the features that you put in the game (specially options), the game is really polished, you guys really took your time to make it and it shows. I think you can work more in the art, and me movement, the physics of the jumps are quite difficult, especially when you are trying to jump the plataforms with spikes. I think the idea of the shurikens is quite innovative, when you catch up with the flow of the game it's really fun to play it. 

woow, thanks

i'm glad you enjoyed the art, thank u for your comment! :) 

i appreciate that the words "interesting" and "cool" are in the same comment, thank u! 

i'm glad you enjoyed the concept and art style! thank u 4 your comment 

thank u!! <3

Thank u, I'm flattered, honestly ✨

Thank u!

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thank you, we'll check it out
