Awesome, thanks for the submission. =)
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Hi my friend, thank you for you insight. answer to b) attacker does burst damage and then apply all attack increases added to the original burst value, (all/most cards ADD to to original burst value) then the defender can mitigate any damage. The final total is then subtracted from the aircrafts airframe. I keep track of the airframe damage with a d20 or on paper.
I didn't post the solo rules and after the warm response from 3 playtesters at SDHistCon, i am focusing on finishing the game in 2024.
thank you for playing Richthofen - Bloody April
Thanks for dropping by the stream, i didn't recognize the name. =) If you haven't yet, here is a link to our discord... also we would love to have you on the show and play your game. =)
just in case you are interested...
not exactly. when resolving combat you are only resolving one game board column A,B or C at a time. it is a 1v1 in each column, although i can see that you may have been doing all three game board columns with the three card columns. it should be; resolve combat for game board column A, the Column B, then column C. so you only have 1 unit that gets to move.
second question, you resolve each column separately. example column A - Union has a 7 and I played a 3 and a 5, I win the column 8-7 and get 1 point, column B is uncontested, Union wins 1 point, Column C, Union has an 8, i played a K, I win column C and win a point. I win the combat 2-1 so check the +1 row in the combat results table. I really struggled to explain this to fit on the postcard...LOL