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Humble Forge

A member registered Dec 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great take on the theme and well executed, this is a good idea and quite easy to extend!


  • Very cool BGM and SFX
  • Crispy pixel art
  • Gameloop is short, easy to understand and feels great


  • the UI triggered me, sometimes effects are quite hard to read because of formatting (see below)

Miscs: I think by adding a grid system you could introduce adjacent building mechanics that you would allow you to add more depth to the game.


Amazing execution! Every action feels great in this game from mining a block to discovering a new fossil.

If you want to add new features: an evolution system where mining the same fossil increases its level until it evolves? pokemon intensifies

I don’t feel the theme sadly, I saw your explanation but I mean “Does any game without combat would not go wrong?” TBH, I even thought “Ahhhh this would be so fun with combat!” when reading your comment

(2 edits)

Great work overall!


“My super planned murder can’t go wrong ? Wait ?”. Good take! IDK how but maybe you can push this idea a bit further with things that change your plan.


Good idea to have such a simple design for the target vs other people. I think it’s maybe lacking a simple background


IMO this is where you have the most positive and negative things…

Positive: It feels great to fire, the sound effect, the bullet animation and the announcer at the end. Nice!

Negative: the mouse movement is too slow, it feels sluggish. This can be a bit frustrating as you lose X seconds every time you replay a level. This combined with no level selection hurt the replayability.

Overall: Nice Work !

Ooohhhhhh ! This game seems quite similar to our idea! *wink* *wink*
The game is very interesting and well-polished :) 
Nice work in such a limited time!

We have added an .exe version if you have performance issue with your web browser ! :)

Yeah I don't know why but the web version isn't working, you can still play the exe version if you want :)

Yeah I don't know why but the web version isn't working, you can still play the exe version if you want :)

Hey ! Sorry that the game wasn't accessible at first, it's now fixed

Are you still looking for another member ? (I can do both pixel art and code)

It's so sad the game was such a good starting point ! I think the mashup roguelike X tower defense hasn't been used yet. I clearly see various loadouts with mechanics like 'hungry',  'pay to charge' turrets...

I would love to try to extend / push this prototype ! I mean if Vlambeer is ok !

If anyone is interested DM me, I'm a unity dev !

Anyway was a cool proto glad I tested it !

(1 edit)

j'ai déjà une équipe qui parle à 66% français (2/3).
On travaille aussi sur Unity.
L'équipe est composé de 2 devs polyvalents et d'un composer.
Pour être franc, on voulait plutôt s'orienter vers un jeu 2D / en pixel art pour limiter le coût de dev et essayer de faire un truc assez clean...
Officiellement, on prévoit de parler Anglais mais je pourrais faire l'interface si tu veux (tu pourras parler en français).

En tout cas si ça t'intéresse, n'hésites pas à me DM sur discord: Doomky#0301 (même pp) ;)

(3 edits)

Hi, I'm 22 years old software engineer and I've been using Unity for 4 years.

I can also do some pixel art.
I've participated in 6 gamejams, so I'm pretty used to gamejams.

I can already say the game I would like to make is a Unity 2D / pixel art game:
Unity: I'm super familiar with it (low development cost)
2D: reduce the scope of the game (and asset creation cost) 
pixel art: only style I'm familiar with.

the title is both humour and true.
I'm a huge tryharder and I want to make as high as possible, but I still want to have fun will make the game!
If you're new to gamejam, game development, programming or art, I'm not interested.

Also, ideally I prefer if you're between 17-25 years old.

I'm looking for a team, but respond / DM if you're also looking for a team, we might build a team like this.
You can respond here or DM on discord: Doomky#0301 (same profile picture)

Kiss Kiss

Hi, I really love the art. You have a really cool mood / ambiance here. I would be interested in working with you!
DM back if you are interested ! :)

Hi everyone,
I have  started a roguelike / survival project.
The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible to zombie apocalypse !  :0
To do so,  you will have to manage and order a colony of humans with specific jobs like: lumberjack, miner, doctor, builder... 

Currently, I have: humans, zombies, jobs, towers, buildings system and orders.

But I don't have any partener yet so DM me if you're interested ! :)

zombies and towers

jobs and orders

Hi, thanks for your feedbacks !

For the theme somes events are trap and the game lie to the player,  exemples: fake merchent you sell you another item that the one which is described, the event where you meet a stranger and the narrator ask if you want to greet him but then swap it to attack him

Good Puzzle Game overall ! I think the game design was innovative and refreshing. The theme was followed. Grahpcis were simple but efficient but I didn't really like the audio of the game...


Game Desgin: 4/5

Fun: 4/5

Innovation: 4/5

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 3/5

A very pleasant game with papers please vibes ! I think the game design of each case is intersting and the multiples endings add a lot to the replayability. Even if it had some papers please vibes the game was still innovative. The link with the theme could maybe be more present. The Graphics were fine. But I didn't liked the music of the game :(

Great Game overall !


Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 5/5

Innovation: 4/5

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 3/5

The game was really fun and frustating at the same time. A good game design when you swap between lies and truth. The game was kinda innovative (with the end). The link with the theme is kinda obvious but nonetheless good. Graphics were beautiful. Audio was simple but that's sometime all you need ! :)

The only thing to really improve here is the movement/jump which is sometimes a bit sliperry and unprecise :/


Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 4/5

Innovation: 3/5

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 4/5

Ok. thank you for your clarification, I didn't notice the annagram and the power of lies :)

(1 edit)

Cool game ! I like the fact that we have a large variety of option between units and all. The game design is simple but efficient. The game is fun but it units aren't really beautiful and I didn't feel really rewarded when buying them... I think it's probably linked to the graphics which are readable but not really pleasant. I didn't get what the link with the theme if you could help understand it, I will update my update my rate ! :) Nothing special to say on the audio which is good. 


Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 3/5

Innovation: 3/5

Theme: 3/5 

Graphics: 2/5

Audio: 4/5

Very cool game ! Intersing game design splitted into 2 phases even if it's not really innovative.  The game is fun as you try to solve the case, It works with the theme, Graphics are understandable and audio is very pleasant ! My only little complaint would be that I didn't really get how could I solve the case "without a doubt" and so I just bet on the guy who was mainly targeted... 


GD: 4/5

Fun: 4/5

Innovation: 2/5

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 4/5

Hi !

The game is really fun ! The idea of collision between games make the clicker really juicy and addictiv (it would be even funnier if there was different kind of object like differents games boxes)! The panel of things we can buy is also intersing. I think the game lacks some scaling/balancing (price of things should increased) and some audio... But nice job !

Great game overall ! The game is fun and has a good voxel vibes. Both audio and graphics are cool. They work fine together (even if I don't know if it's supposed to be scary becuase it's not really scary). The two major problems of the game would be that:

 the theme isn't really linked to the game.

the game is bit too much  repetitive maybe only 3 minions waves and more boss waves would help.

The game has a nice ambiance but I think the link with  the theme "the game is a liar" is really fragile.  Ok choice are useless and it's a lie because it changes nothing but It could have a greater impact on the gameplay...

Hi all !

I've just published my game for this jam: Dirty Human it's an arcade/rpg game were you have to survive as much encounter as you can ! There  are few weapons, armors and helmet !

I aslo tried to add some humour to the game !

Hi i'm currently using it for a roguelike/plateformer game, you can find a demo on my page (link) . I love your work and I'm looking for an artist, so I would love to work with you. You can contact me if you interresed. And thanks for the art !