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A member registered Jun 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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100% agree, and thank you!

I wanna start off by saying this is such a beautiful breakdown and reading this made me so happy. I also wish that I had time to make a tutorial for the game, a lot of these details would be in that tutorial.

Okay so you are mostly right, almost everything you said was spot on.

To Play: 

Completely correct. The deck is supposed to disappear once its exhausted, but for some reason it did not end up working in the final build?


Ace is indeed high only, though I wanted to add low as well.

Deck is spot on: 54 cards with 2 jokers, no repeats.

Play Values:

(I really don't know why I made money only visible in the case, I thought it looked cool but from an accessibility standpoint that was a very wrong choice.)

Your play values are correct. I meant to make a Two Pair worth more before I finished the game but I spaced it. Jokers would have been in the tutorial as a "free money" card.

Fun fact: Jokers can never start as the trick card, but can be changed into the trick card via the "Death Save" chip


I love how you categorized the chips into effectiveness, and I completely agree with you. I think the extra money chip could use some tweaking, but I tried to avoid must buy chips every game (obviously failed with the death chip)

The explanations for the chips in the Useless? category could have been longer if I had the foresight to create a new popup for the descriptions of the chips. These were ideas I had early on and I thought that they would be good, but then realized close to the end of the jam that they were not that good lol.

Your Strategy: 

Love this part. Your breakdown is very thorough and concise. I don't have much to say about this part, it's very good.


I didn't even realize that the end screen could be taken as which card was the trick. I was trying to think of ways to show which one was, and I didn't think of that somehow but its so obvious. I ended up not getting to it in lieu of other features, but if I ever clean this project up I will certainly add that.

Thank you for this breakdown, it's so cool to me that someone would take such time with one of my games. I'm sure to other creators who's games you've done this for feel the same way. 

I'll likely add most of this information to the itch page when the jam is over, I'm not sure if I can do it right now. Sorry if you felt that there wasn't enough information on how to play and you had to make your own tutorial... life got in the way of this jam for me and I couldn't add everything I wanted to :(

I love suggestions so don't worry! Maybe I'll go through and clean up the project when ratings are over (i would have to check if thats allowed first). The counter is something I wanted to do, I actually wanted to do a notes tab so the player can write anything they want down but I didn't get to it

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I really think that the biggest thing missing from the game was a tutorial but I just didn't have the time to put one in.

Yeah, losing was playing the trick card OR running out of guesses, there's no limit on how many cards you can play. 

The buttons were something that I just completely spaced, it was on my list of polishing but I don't know how I missed it :(

Thank you for the compliments! I appreciate the long comment

It would have, I just ran out of time with school being absolutely insane

No it's not your fault, I didn't have a lot of time to make the game and I had to skip the entire tutorial because of it. Don't feel bad, you're not doing anything wrong lol. Thanks for the compliments!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it this much! I was unsure if I wanted to work on it some more after the jam, this might make me clean things up at least! Thank you so much

Thanks so much!

coming back to say this is still my fav submission, i've been playing it at least once every day

All valid points! I did want to make a more interactive tutorial, but I had restarted the game several times and didn't have time to do one so I threw together a quick how to play button, and scroll speed was on the list of things to add but I forgot it in the final build. Thanks for playing!

I love the idea, and I got the hang of it, but I wish it was easier to tell when you hit and when you missed a note, it left me guessing if i was doing it right for the first half even after the tutorial. Good game

I wish I had playtesters before the night of turning it in, I would have fix a lot of problems including this 😭 thank you for the review!

Loved the video! Thanks for playing and putting me in :D

Thank you so much! Maybe a bit too hard haha but oh well

Yeah, I've gotten that suggestion a lot and I really like it, I'm honestly not sure how I didn't think of it myself, i was just like "Okay the hard mode is hard but surely I'm just bad lol", I may add those in after the jam's over, thanks for playing!

I giggled every time i died or beat a level, very fun

I enjoyed level two a lot, and the implementation of the theme being a mind game where it "diverges" from the usual expectation is very cool, great job!

Very clean and fun to play, only problem is I'm not seeing where the theme is implemented. Good game!

Very cool and creative concept, really like it!

<3 thank you!

This is such a good and crisp feeling version of a classic mania rhythm game, one of my fav submissions so far, great job!

I love bullet hell rhythm games, I thinks its a genre we need more of. Great game!

Very fun game to play, simple and enjoyable

Thank you! I wish I had people playtest earlier, this is the main thing I'm hearing haha, nothing to do about it now though

My favorite game so far personally, everything is simple and thats its biggest strength. Good job!

oh haha that's good I was worried. yeah, I wanted to do more tracks but my friend (the composer) had limited time so we went with two

Thanks so much for the review! Yeah, barriers should have been in the how to play section, but I put that together last second and forgot to mention it. If I update the game in the future, I'll definitely make the tutorial level better!

I'm so glad you liked it! However there should be two tracks... did it not come with both? Tutorial and Vergence? I'll have to look into that, thanks!

Game feels nice and the controls are easy to use, my only problem is how loud the hit sound effect is, it kinda hurts and there's no way to turn it down (volume slider only does music). Good game!

Once I got the hang of it I loved it, feels very polished for the limited time we had, good game!

Yeah I got a lot of the same feedback last night before releasing it, if I could go back and add one thing it would be custom keybinds, I just got used to WS and didn't realize how awkward it was. Thanks for playing!

I failed every level past 3 except for the finale, and I can see the vision for sure, but I couldn't see anything when the fog cloud appeared in the finale

Love all of the art in this, from the visuals to the music and sound design its all fantastic! I did have a problem on the web version where it had severe input lag which ended up in me needing to spam click to beat level 2, but overall I don't think that ruined my experience. Love this game!

The environmental rhythm was done well when it was there, I would say if the lasers were rhythm based as well it would be so much better. Very creative and unique premise, but I don't see the theme anywhere at first glance

This was very cute and fun to play! My only real problem was sometimes the rhythm notes spawned already past the line

So creative with the theme, having to swap screens is very unique, very fun!

Love the theme implementation, very creative!