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Hyperspace Wizard

A member registered Feb 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I'm working to make more. I've been thinking about pickups, environmental variation, and a few different game modes. I've worked on it for about 2 weeks so far

I managed to get to 1100. This is a solid game

(1 edit)

👀 Wow, that's insane. You clearly win, haha. I can see what you mean, I set it up that way so -% upgrades would have diminishing returns and not go negative but I'd like to take my time and redo the whole upgrade system. I've uploaded a new build where the camera shake is clamped 👍 Thank you for playing and your feedback!

I think for me the driftyness / turn speed made things a little difficult. The speed could be okay if there was more control over the ships direction

Looking through your design doc, I love the concept of this. The UI was pretty jazzy too, I really liked the sounds and aesthetic. I'm excited to see where this goes in production

The graphics and vibe are pretty nice and drifting racing games are super fun. I like the voxel ship. I felt the vessel was a little hard to control though, particularly when boosting

Overall this is a pretty solid prototype. It doesn't look like there's currently a fail state but I think that would bring interesting tension to the combat

Thanks for playing! I agree with you. I just added an update that lets you choose between a few types of encounters after a battle 

I got to 55. This is very elegant. I think you did a great job in putting together a simple concept that looks polished given the time constraint 👏

The sound effects were generated using sfxr:

And yeah, a shader was used to invert the colors when gravity changes.

Thanks so much for trying out the prototype! 

The smaller orbs in the prototype give you a speed boost but I didn't add a lot of visual feedback to it so it's easy to miss

You can restart from the last checkpoint by holding R. I should have added a way to pull blocks but I was pushing the time limit as it was

Noice and simple, good job making it in only 2.5 hours!

Thank you!

Shoot, I forgot to put in the description that you can hold R to restart from the last checkpoint. Thank you for your feedback!

This looks really good. The 2D speedlines are trippy but I like them

This fits the theme very well and is a pretty cool idea. I found it to be pretty difficult but could see it being pretty addicting if the snowman had less gravity or the characters had tighter acceleration.

If I had more time I would have added different difficulties that changes the number of checkpoints and added balance assist but alas, I was already over the time limit.

Good job getting through it all! I'm glad you had fun with it

Thank you! It took a few iterations but I landed on something I enjoy. I'm not great at drawing so I usually just put together simple primitive shapes.

Thank you! I'm glad you made it through, it's pretty challenging. Wildly tumbling around was my favorite strategy by far, I think it would be neat to make a game centered around just that.

Thank you! I agree that the difficulty might have been a bit too tough. I thought about locking the rotation when jumping but I also thought it was kinda fun to wildly flip about sometimes. Thank you for your feedbac

This is quite a challenging game. It's perfect for the theme, smoother controls would have been nice but it's hard to do a lot of polish in 3 hours.

10/10 would egg again. The artwork fits together perfectly and this is some pretty solid gameplay

It's pizza time. It looks like the score just increases with time as apposed to landing pizzas successfully so you can just do nothing and have the score keep going up. It can be hard to get everything done in 3 hours but I can see this being a fun minigame with a few tweaks. Well done!

Thank you!

I'm thinking about rebuilding the game for mobile. If I do I'll definitely add an online leaderboard

Thank you!

Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you had fun with it. These are some good ideas. I'm a little confused about the orange arcs though since all of the arcs themselves sort of define a specific place where the mouse needs to be clicked.

(1 edit)

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions

Pastebin Links:



Hey there, Lauritz. Thank you so much for checking out my game, I appreciate the feedback. 

Regarding the grappling mechanic, I'm actually utilizing the physics system in Unity rather than raycasts. The code is a little messy but I'll add some links to the grappling system on pastebin anyway. I'll try to explain what I'm doing as that may be a little more helpful than digging through my spaghetti code.

The grappling hook system consists of 2 main components, the "GrapplingHook" (I sort of think of it as the gun) and the "Grapple" (the projectile fired by the grappling hook). You could certainly do the "Grapple" part with a raycast instead of shooting out an actual physics projectile. When the grappling hook is fired the grapple projectile gets shot out and has a GameObject variable for storing what it is attached to initially set to null. When the grapple collides with something it checks to see if it is in the "grapplable" layer specified in the GrapplingHook script, and if so it sets its attachedTo variable equal to whatever it has hit. Otherwise, if it has hit something not grappleable or goes beyond a maximum range an UnGrapple() method is called to reset the grappling hook.

At this point we can fire the grappling hook and tell if the grapple has hit anything. Now I messed with a distance joint attached to the player object to get the physics behavior I wanted whenever the grapple actually did hit something. The details of this are in the Grapple.cs OnCollisionEnter2D() method. On the DistanceJoint2D I was sure to check Max Distance Only so that there isn't an unnatural feeling pole vault behavior where the grappling hook cannot reduce it's length.

The simple idea of pushing stuff around is neat, it can be easy to get the items stuck though. The sound effects and art are nice though. good job

Thank you! Yours was pretty cool

At first I thought the movement of everything was pretty slow but as the number of cars and chaos increased things started to even out. Having the chicks lag behind adds a layer of depth to moving around everything. The hitboxes on the cars could have been a bit tighter but this was neat.

I enjoyed this. I think pushing the boxes was a little slow and my first go through I ended up getting a box stuck in a corner and had to restart. The combat is simple but engaging with the dash. Well done.

Did you make the graphics? It looks pretty beautiful and the calm music adds to the atmosphere.  the progression of difficulty was pretty nice. I found that sometimes my ducks would wander off a bit or not follow me immediately but it kind of added to the experience of feeling like a mother duck.  The delay between actually pressing the jump key and jumping was kind of weird at first but it grew on me. Very well done.

This is a pretty cool idea but its pretty unforgiving. I found it pretty hard to actually get a collision with the blue orb and most of the time when I did I still took damage from it. The laser attacks are pretty cool but the warning is pretty short and in the later section where one goes off after the other I found that I often fell into the one I just thought I had dodged because it stuck around so long. All in all I think this is a pretty neat idea with a lot of room to improve one's skill.