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A member registered Jul 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Continuing the saga, on Debian Trixie (unstable) it appears openssl 1.0 is totally unavailable as far as I can tell, and replaced by openssl 3. Or if I go back to older versions I can get openssl 1.1, but it still doesn’t have the symbol versioning junk that is expected by something expected by openssl 1.0. Haven’t been able to dig up an old version of the libssl1.0 .deb yet, and trying to do some ugly hacks to make the 1.1 deb function hasn’t succeeded; I’ll keep looking.

Edit: Works fine in wine so far though.

I would legitimately would play another 2-3 levels of this. Good work! :D

…also needs a secret cheat code where you can unlock a cat. (Sorry.)

After playing it a bunch more and getting many many gnomes murdered and/or eaten, I have a list!

UI papercuts:

  • Would be nice to have a quick way to move stuff from location to inventory – double-click, ctrl-click, etc
  • show what classes can equip what equipment in the description/mouseover?
  • Can’t organize inventory – keeping everything in the inventory ordered by default might be an easy way to do it. Order by item type, then quality.
  • might be nice if there was an indicator if you read a map showing where it revealed, maybe don’t let you use a map for a location you already know
  • Not obvious how the “for sale” box for gnomes in the tavern works, makes sense when I figured it out but didn’t expect it to work that way.
  • Not sure why items have different colored backgrounds
  • Not obvious that clicking on the eye/alert icon is how you see quests, I expected it to be under Log.
  • Do multiple trophies of the same type (ie boars’ heads) stack? Maybe a “renown” score in the tavern or something.


  • In the Friggin Cold Tavern location there’s “Take a relaxing bath” twice and the first one is just “your party frolicked”
  • When gnomes come with starting equipment it looks like the equipment is not accounted for in their stats. Same happens when you give them two weapons and then remove one, if you remove the one giving them the bonus it doesn’t automatically show the other one’s bonus. Not sure if this is a display or math bug.

Very addictive little game though, someday I’ll beat it. <3

Oof. Well speaking from experience… antidepressants help, therapy helps, and knowing that the Asshole Brain telling you these things is fictional and just a result of brain chemistry helps a lot.

The fight never really ends, but with the right tactics you will win a lot more than you lose.

Holy crap I have no idea what’s going on but I love it. Good music, entertaining sounds, fun little puzzles that aren’t too horrific. I really like the VVVVVV style names for the screens.

what what’s going on I guess I– oh shit they’re after me– oh jeez there’s tons of them run oh heck run aaaaaaaaaaa

I love it! Needs some more terrain features, it’s easy to get lost in the play field. Might also be nice if the objectives disappeared when picked up.

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…little too relatable. Babe in the game could use some self-care. <3

I don’t like many puzzle games, but this is charmingly addictive.

I love the story, but hoo does the difficulty scale up fast.

Good little thing! I like the combo system, takes a bit of figuring out to make work. Big Streets Of Rage flashbacks.

Only downside is it crashes whenever I punch a trash can… I can also walk off the edge of the universe, but I consider that a feature.

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Many brave gnomes died this day. UI polish would help, since the game is like 80% UI, but I absolutely love this sort of thing and look forward to digging around deeper. Maybe I’ll figure out how to accomplish quests?

Oh, and the music~

holy crap

Ahahaha the developer mode is just part of the TIC-80 framework, and it never occurred to me to disable it for the actual game release. Glad you made your own fun, and thanks for crediting me with way more cleverness than I actually possess!

Link to full article is here:

Huh, that's weird.  Do you mind posting a screenshot of the backtrace or such?

Woohoo, it works!  Thank you so much for the guide.

Heyyyy, you're right.  Thanks!  I need to make the game handle different resolutions before that will work, apparently.