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A member registered Mar 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ok, firstly, wow, this looks and feels amazing! Love the style and aesthetic! I had some problems understanding the rules to defeat the dice in the beginning, though. I wish it was communicated better. After you get the idea though, it flows very nicely thanks to easy comparison between numbers side by side. The only real critique I have, is not being shown your highscore at the end, as this would really help the highscore hunting arcade lovers.

It's a very cool concept, thoug I feel what holds it back most is missing visual feedback and the controls. Most isometric games I do play use the up button for top-right movement, so the top-left movement feels off to me. Also I feel that the shadows, could have been used more to indicate where the die itself is in the space. Right now I find it difficult to gage where the die is flipping over from, so I die (haha) a lot of times to not being able to determine the position of the dice and myself in space. Aside from that I think it's a good start for a arcady game.

(1 edit)

An good arcadey spin on the the memorization of die sides. This feels very streamlined and executes the premise very well. I also do like the systems intended to help learning, which makes it not as hard as other games in this vein, which I appreciate! The prompts are easy to get and for people that like to set highscores I see this being entertaining. The feedback communicates also very well thanks to multiple visual cues. The thing I personally would like to see is leaning even more into the arcadey feel. As ideas: making the visuals more colorful, having a pumping soundtrack that evolves the higher your combo is, generally not being so literally grey. Aside from that, I think this is a very polished jam game!

A interesting idea and i really do like the look and sound. Gameplaywise the idea is interesting, but being able to set up your own die makes the rolling part almost redundant, as depending on need you switch 4 sides to the wanted action. That way it feels like your "action" has a success chance of 4/6 or nothing. Also the switching sides becomes tedious after a while. If you maybe had pre existing dice which you could choose from to roll, I think the concept would be rounder.

I think its a fun looking, fun sounding game. The difficulty though is either really hard or triviallized by chain "jumping" mid-air. I whish the concept was more involved with the theme "dice", as it stands, it feels more like a square on a rope.

A very good looking and feeling game, sadly the menu seems broken, so you cannot switch levels without reloading the whole game. The idea is simple, but it works.

It is a really interesting concept, which is surprisingly difficult! Without looking at a real die it's quite difficult to remember the sides. Love the look and sound of the game. It also feels very polished.