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A member registered Jul 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Mamamia, what have we caught here..

Took u long enough (jk lol)

I dont think that has happened to me yet, idk bout others but nobody reported this. Tbh idk why its stuck there, I tried it a few times but couldnt reproduce it.

For the phone part, I wanted the  player to be able to look around and as the days passed, the room would have small changes signifying the increase in anxiety. But as almost everything.. I couldnt add that in time xD

For the scroll part, again. I got no idea why that issue came, in the engine it seemed to work completely fine but after publishing I did notice that myself. Tip: u can click and drag the scroll bar instead
Also, I did want to add a Quality of life thing that the chat would auto scroll until the player dragged it up, but again :) I couldnt add that in time
I kinda did but it felt clunky so I just removed it for the time being

I definitely plan to finish this sooner or later. Would love some feedback whenever the finished game releases

Thanks for trying the game out, really appreciate the honest feedback! :D

you truly deserve the words!

Gave u a follow, will definitely try them out after the jam! :D

Eyy, thanks for trying the game out! :D

Hope to see u guys try the finished version (Whenever that happens xD)

Haha, thanks for the feedback!

I joined annother jam right after this one ended so work on this project has been paused
But I definitely want to complete it!

Thanks for giving it a try

Not gonna lie, as soon as I saw the screenshots and realised that this was a bullet hell, I wasnt expecting much. Ive always been bad at them and dont like them either


I died 91 times to finish the game (so atleast better than 1 developer xD)

The game wouldnt have been easy at all to understand without the tutorial, you guys made a wonderful tutorial which explained 1 thing at a time very well

The most important thing: Im still craving for more levels. The game was actually fun and I seriously would love to play more levels

Death wasnt a punishment which restarted the whole level but it was rewarding xD

Ngl I like that you can have as many boxes as u want and they are not limited.
Yes if u just blindly walk, u can win. But that will just take more time and you, by instinct want to complete it as quickly as possible so atleast after dying a few times and reaching close to the end, you just strategize more instead of blindly dying 

On the note of the audio and visuals, I liked both!

The sound effects and visuals were very well implemented and designed respectively

You guys did an amazing job. Hats off to you, Hit me up if u add more levels in the future!

The game was fun, as usual I didnt read the controls (even when they were shown at the start) and didnt figure out until my third attempt that I could shoot xD
Id just run to the corner and juke the monsters to repair 

Speaking of shooting, it was kinda hard to aim, the hitboxes felt off sometimes.

But I really loved the art and sound design, you guys did great in that department

I really respect that EVERYTHING was made from scratch.. WOW

You guys did an amazing job to make this game!

Game was short but I just have 1 question.. what will happen if the oxygen runs out? :)

The art looked amazing btw, those leg animations were smooth!

Alright, I played this and finished the game in around 7 minutes

I didnt read the controls so it was fun to finally find out after getting the confidence blade that I can dash xD

The idea was good and the game was also fun, more stuff for the combat would be interesting.

The only annoying thing was the sslow camera transition to spawn after each death

But I have 1 question.. HOW DID YOU GUYS MAKE THIS IN 1 WEEK??

All the music, the different weapons, outfits. (you did mention sound and art assets were taken but idk how much u guys made out of it). But still you had to do  alot of work and it shows, stuff burned with the flame sword (sometimes u too xD)

The controls felt a bit janky but nothing too bad

But seriously, you guys did an amazing job to make this, Id love to try a more expanded version of this game in the future if you guys work on it further

You guys really deserve more ratings!

Hope to see more of your work :D

First of all, that artstyle is freaking amazing. The background, the character. They all look soo slick

The banner art, the name art. They all look too good

I was expecting the game to be a platformer but ig it wasnt that (would like if it had more platformer elements)

The combat minigames were also really fun. I really liked the different attacks for different enemies and Id love to see more variations in future versions

But the way you set the atmosphere, the music choice. They made everything perfect

In all, you guys did a solid job, hats off to you!

My favourite part was punching the first person I saw and finding out that they punch harder xD

It was hilarious that yoou can just pick a bear and drag it to a van outside while ppl with super human punch stength chase you and you do that wobbly ass walk xD

You really nailed everything in the game

The sound and art design were also amazing

At first I was really surprised how you guys managed to make soo much stuff in 7 days
I was still very much surprised after seeing the team member count

But still managing a team and making a game, that too with this much stuff in 7 days is crazy

You guys did an amazing job, each one of u!

Hey thanks alot for the feedback

I joined another jam so took a break from this project. But I plan to finish this after that jam :D

Really appreciate you trying the game out!

Tbh I didnt think at all for a longer or infinite mode
Could be fun if I add more features for the skydiving

Thanks alot for the feedback! 
I really appreciate it :D

You just did that good of a job!

You deserve it all! :D

"I think the best feeling is to know that something we made was able to connect with someone like this and that you had fun."
I 100% agree with this!

I noticed that the sounds didnt pause when I paused the game haha.

But you guys really nailed the placement for all the music. It felt really polished

U really deserve the positive words :D

Heyy, thanks for trying out the game :D

I did plan to finish it as soon as possible but just joined another jam :P

But i still dont plan to abandon this! Will definitely complete it

OMG This is such a great fking game.

The music is fire and dont you dare say "we didnt make it". I mean ya u said it already, but it isnt just as easy as to place music wherever. Your music placement, length and choice were perfect

And it was just fun till the narrator was calm, but the game literally dialed the gameplay to a 11 as soon as the "fight" began. I havent managed to beat it yet (37 attempts in xD) But seriously, the game is great.

You guys did an amazing job with the UI based puzzles. The way the game calls you out for trying the same trick twice..

I loved this!! And I feel proud that after this rating you guys will reach the 20 rating count!

I havent beaten it.. yet

But I have another jam to work on, so Ill take a break for now

But seriously, The game is reallly fun!

The shop icon can use more visibility xD

The sound effects were also amazing, nice job with those

The visuals, simple yet looked good!

I love the different skills you can buy, the clone is kinda chaotic but u get used to it pretty soon.

The difficulty isnt THAT hard (even though I was not able to beat it) but it isnt too easy either. The lag in browser version increases the fun xD

But in all the game is really good, Ig all it needs is some Quality of life changes. Otherwise you did an amazing job

Hope to see more of your work!!  :D

Hey, you can very well update the game with some minor changes and it'll be perfect

Its definitely fun and got a charm to it

This game is really underrated tbh.

You did an amazing job! :D

This is such a cool idea, The game is actually really fun!

A little bug tho lol, if the first fake coin spawns at the center you instantly get caught xD

But seriously, the art and the game, both were amazing!

The only nitpick is that the fish's center tries to get to the mouse and the fish kinda starts to jiggle really hard, that can cause it to catch a net it wasnt supposed to.

But if that is ignored, this is actually a very fun game!

Would love to see the idea more expanded if you make future updates :D

Nice job!! Keep it up

Heyy, I remember seeing your art in the discord when the jam was going on, nice to try the game too :D

Nice game you got there, I love the artstyle. It felt a bit inconsistent (like some things felt simple but others were more detailed). But the overall style was pretty to look at. The parallax background also added to the scene

The controls were fluid but the jump acceleration felt a bit too instant. Other than that it was a lovely game :D

Nice job for the submission!

Keep it up

Amazing work done you guys!

The gameloop felt kinda hectic, the amount of tasks of you dont know where to look can be hard but the choice to control the task cooldown and total time was appreciated

Really reminds me of those old amogus days, you guys managed to capture a pretty good chunk of that games feels in a literal week..

The Models and the map were also done amazingly but maybe a little more variation couldve helped

Some UI for the tasks would be handy too

And a map definitely!

But seriously, you guys did an amazing job in the time you were given, Id love to try this later if you guys add more updates! :D

Eyy, thanks alot for giving this a try :D
While developing, it became second nature for me to just press x, I kinda forgot to add any tutorial for that. I later added it in the games description when someone mentioned it xD

I am planning to complete this, hopefully soon. but lets see where it goes

Thanks for the feedback :)

Is the maze procedurally generated?? Either way, it looked soo cool!!

The others were not lying when they said the ambience was cool

Id love to try it out if you complete it after the jam ends

Amazing work you guys did in the given time frame :D

Such a lovely game, when I pressed "least rated", these were the hidden gems I was looking for and Im glad I did

U really should promote this game in the discord or something

At first I thought this was some lazy pixel artstyle, but soon realised.. noo. This was soo cool, I loved the style, literally everything. Ive tried before to animate a 2D character and it really isnt as easy as it looks. your animations were perfect too

The only complain is: I wish it were longer.

when the water level appeared, I remembered all the controls and thought it had something to do with interacting and just as I fell in the water, I saw the log and then realised the meaning of the final sentence.

I really appreciate how you credited literally every sound you used lol! Really respectful

Nice job you guys, keep making more games :D

The game is really fun, the  waves keep getting harder.

I found a strategy too to save the container health, just stand inside the room behind spawn and snipe u get a better chance at survival

Would love to see the game more expanded if you update it in the future, more weapons, more enemy variations etc

Nice job for the jam :D

Eyyyy, a tycoon. I remember I loved these 

Havent played one in a while, thanks for making this!

I see u got caught in scope creep too. Same as me lol. I really have respect for you guys tho, you didnt just make a playable tycoon which is already a bug task, u guys also made the assets from scratch.. Really amazing work

The visuals and audio were also amazing

Will love to see the updated version after the jam!

Keep making more games :D

Thanks for the comment! :D

It WAS supposed to have an ending

Im just gonna say that in the final level you and your friend would actually skydive..

Ive started to rework on things that i did haphazardly due to time constraints.

I really plan to complete it as soon as possible

Thanks again for giving it a try :)

Ofcourse the art was sooo freakin good

Other than that, the story was fun to go through too, I loved the music and sound too

The minigames were also fun, could have been more varied, ig 

But srsly, its an amazing game, the dialogue writing was also very fun

The jokes, the conversations, the thinking parts. All written very well!

Nice job :D, keep making games!

I love the concept, it really is great.

But when I clicked on land, nothing seemed to happen, I maybe missing something tho

But really, in the amount of time we had, this mustve taken alot of effort, nice job! 

Would love to see the final product, you really should continue to work on this!

Hope to see more of your work :D

The concept was really great

The artstyle was fun and so was the SFX, I dont know how to create sound effects and to see other ppl who made their own for the jam. It really baffles me. 

Congrats on completing your first jam, you made a very fun game, would love to see what the other artifacts on the right side can do!

I hope you complete this after the jam :D


Thanks  for the review and feedback

And no, it was not your fault, the games just that buggy xD. You were supposed to see a screen after that said something like "Hey, this was all I could make, sry :D"

I did want to add the points mechanic, thats what the rings would be used for. But just messed everything up lol

And im sorry for blowing up your ears too xD. It was definitely not intentional (but funny)

Ill def try to finish it and post newer versions after the jam ends :D

Do try them if you are interested 

Thanks again for the review! I really appreciate the positive words :)

(1 edit)

Hey, just tried it out and u gotta go easy on yourself

And I get you, I also couldnt finish my game and worse? I couldnt even complete level 1 xD (Have 3 levels, all 2 of them easily breakable and the last one not even beatable.. you cant even see the end screen where i said that "welp I couldnt complete the game, sry")

And for the game critique (The below aint some biased review btw)

- The game is actually kinda fun.. (Short but fun)

- You say the art was bad, but the start screen looks fabulous (and the inner art? I call that simple artstyle lol)

- The sound effects were good too

-When I saw the first floating coin, I knew that it was gonna have some way to get to it, and that exactly what was told in the next screen, I ran back to the last one and grabbed that coin

- Secret endings are always a bonus (especially in jam games). I think I found yours

Alr, final words

The game is broken? yes Does that mean its not fun? No, it IS fun

You think it doesnt even fit the theme? Well I saw another game (mario like artstyle) and ppl in the discord were loving it, it had similar concept to yours

I hope to see more of your work! Dont stress it, you did good
Also hope to see you in future jams :D Keep working hard!

The idea is amazing, at first I was kinda confused as to how this fits the theme. But after reading the answer, the game name and actually playing the game.. Absolute cinema

The levels were also fun too

The music was also very charming

the ui was kinda confusing at the start but nothing too hard to figure out yourself

The bug where I flew to the ceiling was amazing lmfao

Truly an amazing game, keep it up! :D

This must've taken you guys so much time and effort

It all shows in the game

At first it didnt feel very complex, but on level 5 when we had to go backwards. I saw that you could control the torque on the engines and man was that fun.

My vehicle got suck in the last hole lol (too big)

I was not expecting such well designed levels tbh. They were fun (Especially the one with the crane in it, My vehicle did a 360 after reaching inside and got stuck on it. I did not expect but saw the intentionality right as the car got stuck)

Would love to see some more levels 

Loved the artstyle (especially the parallax background that scaled according to the camera zoom)

The music was amazing too!

Seriously a very addictive game

At first I was about to say its kinda too easy but as things ramped up, I was just locked it

The different blocks with different conditions!

My highest score went to around 244k

Amazing game!! Nice job :D

Thanks for trying the game out! :D

Im so happy it made u feel the way it was supposed to! (It would be so amazing to try this in VR, unfortunately I dont have one lol)

Ive already started to work small stuff to complete the game, hopefully will be done soon :D

Thanks for the review and kind words :)

This is such an amazing game!!

And your first, Youve done an amazing job! Congrats on its completion


- For going up, maybe W wouldve been better instead of space? 

- I get that the slippery left to right movement is intentional, but felt too slippery

- The artstyle is amazing, great job with that

- The sound design was on point! loved the music

In all a great entry!! Keep it up :D

Hey, the web version doesnt seem to run either :(

But I think u can still update it, if you do pls reply Id love to try it out :D

Not a game i see, but the models and animations look truly amazing

Nice work!

Loved the pixel art, not just the final dishes but also the ingredients art also looks amazing

The sound design was also on point

Though some hints would be much preferred

Like another reviewer said, the cooking reminds me of Breath of the wild cooking, would love to see the cooking failed sound effect when we cook something wrong

Amazing work tho, kudos to u guys!