Mamamia, what have we caught here..
Took u long enough (jk lol)
I dont think that has happened to me yet, idk bout others but nobody reported this. Tbh idk why its stuck there, I tried it a few times but couldnt reproduce it.
For the phone part, I wanted the player to be able to look around and as the days passed, the room would have small changes signifying the increase in anxiety. But as almost everything.. I couldnt add that in time xD
For the scroll part, again. I got no idea why that issue came, in the engine it seemed to work completely fine but after publishing I did notice that myself. Tip: u can click and drag the scroll bar instead
Also, I did want to add a Quality of life thing that the chat would auto scroll until the player dragged it up, but again :) I couldnt add that in time
I kinda did but it felt clunky so I just removed it for the time being
I definitely plan to finish this sooner or later. Would love some feedback whenever the finished game releases
Thanks for trying the game out, really appreciate the honest feedback! :D