I wasn't able to make navigatorOcluder work for the doors, so everytime you interact with them I place/remove a tile on the tileset for the pathfinding to work which yeah... doesn't look like the best way to go about it.
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I doubt anyone is gonna beat all 18 levels 😅it took me a while just to make sure the game is beatable. And yeah, it feels really weird to get used on moving both characters and thinking steps ahead to progress on both sides.
I may be biased but I had a lot of fun playing it lol, already finished the game a few times.
Thx for playing and giving some time to write some feedback 🙏
Yeah, the enemy attack number is its base atk and then it rolls damage, so sometimes on the early floors they can roll 0 damage. Also the screenshake is for when the player gets hit, but since there is no delay at all between the card effect and the enemy attacking it does get confusing.
We are already working on making the flow of a turn clearer and making it better to understand what the enemy just did.
Floor 100 sounds a lot of fun, I can only imagine how strong your deck was.
Awesome to hear that you had fun, our first Jam game submitted was really not a video-game and to be able to create something enjoyable is amazing. And yes, we are really proud of this game considering the short timespan we had to complete it.
Now for the excuses, the armor was the last card I implemented so I might have not tested it properly, Makai noticed that on the final hour of playtesting along with the burden of having to spam click upgrade, but since that was the final hour I didn't want to do code changes. So that is a lesson to finish the game earlier, or even one day earlier, to get whole lot of play test.
About a tutorial or tooltips we really didn't think about that haha. Will be writen down.
We wanted to create a boss but we ended up leaving it for last over and over and then we didn't do it.
Tyvm for the feedback and again we are really happy that you enjoyed it.
I'm glad you liked it! Even though the "forging" part isn't as elaborated as we hoped.
All the enemies have different values for damage rolls so some really do pack a punch, not saying that it doesn't sound unfair 😂
We might or might not do some final touches in the game after the jam but our objective with participating in the Jams is to get experience going through the whole process of making a game and applying that to another project we are doing while there is no GWJ going on.
Tyvm for playing