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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun! Got a highscore of 55.

The weapon icons don't feel very intuitive, it'd be nice if they were more reminiscent of the attack pattern.

I also died a few times due to running out of ammo on a weapon without realizing it, then promptly shooting the super slow laser while having bullets right in my face. Playing a unique audio cue for each weapon when its selected could help here.

(1 edit)

I love your interpretations of what the items are! It hasn't even crossed my mind that the screwdriver looks like a knife, which is hilarious.

Well, 7 areas worth. I didn't really even start the 8th area. Still, why did I spend that long on this?!

Reindeers tend to get stuck carrying trees while the storage is full, resulting in no sleighs being able to depart and no more storage space ever getting freed up. Bit of a dead lock that has to be manually solved by placing more storage or reindeer schools (and sometimes a bit of luck if all newly availablereindeer decide to still ignore the sleigh).

That being said, excellent job. You've successfully wasted 8 areas worth of my time.

That's actually a really good point. I'll keep that in mind in the future!

Made it to "they aren't" on the first run, which I believe was the 4th wave? Reminds me of Typing of the Dead. Overall pretty good, though I cannot imagine getting to wave 10 with this difficulty curve.

This is quite a playable game given the time constraints. Managed to beat it without raising the alarm after a few tries. The player hitbox felt a little too large, which made it impossible to sneak past some objects that looked like they should be easily avoidable, like the plants on the upstairs balcony or whatever the thing at the bottom is. Still, great job!

Yeah, sound effects were on the list but in the end there just wasn't enough time for them. Maybe if I had started on Friday instead of Saturday. Thanks!

Oh wow, you're totally right now that I look at the screenshots. I didn't even notice!

It was actually listed as one of the modifiers and as my color choices were... Not great initially, I decided to just go with the ones suggested. You might notice some other games that also use this palette. I've already stumbled upon 2, I think.

The screen fill issue is almost certainly my fault. I messed around with the window and never fixed it as it worked for me fine during development with KDE. Definitely something I will keep in mind and not do in the future. I could make a new build that fixes the window, but I'm not sure if I should. Out of curiosity, I would love to see how it looks for people so I can determine which thing I did breaks it.

And the controls... The driftiness was kinda intended, as it felt like a running speed up/slow down mechanic, but I can see how it could feel annoying. The player bumping on flat terrain is definitely not intended though. I'm relatively new to Godot and couldn't figure out how to make physics behave properly without breaking everything. Definitely open to advice for the future, but obviously not something that can be fixed for now, considering the rules.

Looks good, though it got quite boring after just kiting the zombies for a few minutes. I'm sure it could be more fun with some more people though. If you're indeed planning on working more on this, please make the voting popup move the camera accordingly, as currently it feels like it's blocking the entire upper half of the screen.

And how did you manage to make 4 maps in 2 days?!

Looks great and definitely is a good start, but I guess you ran out of time before you could get to a finish. Still, had fun and as PseudoBytes said, it could make for a fun party game.

Looks and sounds great, but it's definitely lacking that bit after the 9 blocks we get to dig. I sure enjoyed that little bit of digging we did get though! Sure wish I could see what you would've done if you had spent more than 8 hours on it.

The graphics look great, the music and sound effects are a nice addition too, but Godot runs really badly in a browser. Playing at the clearly intended resolution, close to what the intro screens are, makes the framerate acceptable in my case.

Personally I think that the extra life leading into a death pit is intended to be a free reset, in case you missed a jump and/or jumped past the first pit.

I was unable to get past the jump on the second level and after 10 lives I just gave up. It seems to be possible, but it's always just ever so slightly out of reach.

It also seemed to be impossible to walk up hills. Not sure if this was intended or not, but in case it wasn't, I believe the move_and_slide function would've been the appropriate solution here. Nice to see other people using Godot, too!

Quite playable once you get used to the controls (and realize that they're listed in the main menu). The difference between some gifts like the blue and blue ones was a little too subtle for me though.

Ah. Yeah, definitely not very useful. They just walked right past it.

So, what chain of events lead to you guys giving Santa an absolutely deafening shotgun?

Good game, and pretty decent looking too. What did you use to make the voxel models?

The download is indeed mistagged. No Linux or Mac executables in there.

That being said, it works and isn't insanely easy for what it is. Not much else to be said about it.

Neat game! What does the tree do? I guess it kinda seemed to slow them down, unless it was just coincidental.

Nice story, had a few chuckles. Now, the question is: does Han. D have hands for feet too?

There should be dynamic controls hints in the bottom left corner, but I guess you wouldn't be able to see those if they're getting cut off. They're actually quite simple, though! AWSD for movement, E to grab/throw things, Q to use the held item, if it has any actions.

Game started just fine on Debian for me (Java 8).

As for the game, tank controls are my worst enemy. Kept dying before getting to the twenties. Definitely playable though, if you're not as inept as me. Appreciate the readme file too.

Your game is incorrectly marked as having a Linux and Mac build without actually including any binaries for those.

Huh, odd. Maybe some stray controller input? And yeah, I've learned of Godot a while ago and wanted to try it. It's pretty neat!

Cool idea and pretty well made. Reminds me a little of some promotional game I've seen speedran in the past. Good job!

Took me a second to figure out how to get the trash, but it turned out to be pretty obvious. Appreciate the Linux build!

You forgot to include the .pck file in the Linux download. Fortunately it can still be taken from the Windows one.