Hi! Love the art! I'm a developer with 10+ years of programming experience and 5+ years of experience with unity would love to chat more about the project. Feel free to add me on discord :) indiecage#3575
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Couldn't help but notice that it has been more than 3 months since you first did a post like this. Might be time to update the text?
Hello fellow jammers!
Just wanted to make a quick post highlighting something that I saw alot in the recent GMTK jam. When you build for WebGL using unity your game (probably) wont run if you havent done the following:
Go to: Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Publish Settings -> Compression Format and change it to "Gzip"
I'm not much of a discord person so if any of you are and feel like this could be valuable information for people there feel free to let them know :) (and if this shouldnt be a post but a comment somewhere else feel free to remove and redirect me)
Couldn't get it to start in browser, I had the same issue when I first uploaded and this solved it for me, Go to: Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Publish Settings -> Compression Format and change it to "Gzip" and it should work with itch. ( I don't think you are allowed to do this now because the jam is over, but for future reference :) )
Watched the video, looked really cool, liked the roles reversing mid gameplay rather than as a whole, good job :)
Regarding the error, I had the same issue with the game not running in the browser when I first uploaded, this sorted it for me. Go to: Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Publish Settings -> Compression Format and change it to "Gzip". I dont think you can do this now but for future reference :)
The music and the art give a really cool atmosphere, but I'm afraid I might be too dumb to figure out how to play :P I don't know if it would be against the jam rules to update game the page, but if you wanna leave a reply with a description of how to play/how you thought about the theme I'd love to replay and try to get further :)