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A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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The models look very nice. Sensitivity for the mouse was a bit much. Good job overall!

Great job

Particle effects were nice. Easy and fun. It'd would've been nice to have an automatic gun instead of spamming LBM. 

Good job though! 😁

Really liked the art style. Text was a bit hard to read but overall it was a fun game. Good Job! 😁

Pretty difficult but really fun! 

Nice job on the models. Glad you got your project submitted

Loved the sound effects of the bees, made me want to hit them more often 😂. Fun idea and good job on the pixel art.

Easy to pick up. After wave 5 felt pretty chaotic to me. Audio was good but loud. Overall it was fun :)

You have the choice of playing in browser or download. Browser doesn't support compute shaders so you won't get visuals but still playable.

Chaotic mess. Loads of fun

What was the vertices count on the enemies? Having so many spawned in was making my fps drop pretty hard. Interesting Idea though :) 

Wonderful message to be told that a lot of us have thought at one point. Keep up the good work!

Great looking art and animations. Soundtrack fit perfect for me 👌

Landing on that spacebar inbetween the spikes was difficult but fun! Great job 😁

Great job on the art!

Great story telling and use of theme. All done in a few minutes. Great job all round!

Keeping the speed up and not running into a wall was pure chaotic for me. Tons of fun!

That speed tho!

Easy to pick up and fun. I enjoyed jumping on the little heads. 

Cool idea to throw the potions and change the knight. Good Job

Oxygen depleted a bit quick making it hard to gather scraps at the beginning of the game. Easy to get lost to. Overall, i loved the art style!

Game broke after second wave. Chaotic for sure by switch through the arrows. Might of wanted to add a box collider to the shield boi's. You could stand over them an shoot to defeat them. Fun.

Interesting & sort of a trip. Camera controller made it difficult to look around fersure. Happy you were able to submit something atleast! 😁

I'm putting together a list of games to play. Leave a comment and I'll happily play your game! 😁

Link to my game:

Straight madness right off the bat. Those little orbs of death could have spawned in a little slower and maybe not so many at a time. Good Job though!

What was the idea behind this? 

Got to the house after all the traps and wasn't sure what to do than. I didn't hit the heart next to the house so maybe that was a parameter in the code i needed in order to progress?
Had fun with the traps, especially when dying after spawn 😂

Puzzles were pretty tricky which made it pretty fun. Total moves for all 20 levels was 449.

Definitely chaotic to keep the cars sorted and to watch out for bombs. Highscore of 305. Would've been cool to add a leaderboard to the main screen.

Loved the art and music. Level design was great too! 

Loved the art and music. Level design was great too! 

I found out you can drag your old body parts around with the mouse and push yourself; played with that mainly. Music and the art was awesome!

Game was easy to pick up and fun from the start. Great use of fracturing the models. Nailed the theme.

Pressing E is a bit janky btw.

Pressing E is a bit Janky

Pressing E is a bit janky 

Sad it wasn't saved by the bell. Bell shaped character saving hostages... belling them out.. 😅 My wonderful idea going to waste lol.