I feel like this kind of game would benefit greatly by having 3rd person view. Idea of piloting flying squirrel like an airplane sound fun.
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Cleared whole island, seems pretty basic so far. From what i can tell the units seem to be immortal, could be cool if your group of raiders was a "resource" that you have to manage. So you have to make a decision to proceed further into island or leave the raid with what you got. The acquired gold could be used to buy more raiders.
If you collide with island when sailing the ship it just comically sinks lol. I guess it could be fun mini game when moving from island to island dodging reefs and cliffs.
It was hard to tell why the main guy (with axe) sometimes doesen't attack, even though stamina (green bar) seems to be full. The small guys sometimes got stuck in action (when burning the house, guy was still throwing flame at it when the house already has been burnt). Also having some visual or audio cue when units start to perform specific actions would be nice.