Really fun with a level of jank that compliments the gameplay. It took me quite a while to realize that you can move your mouse to angle your swings. You might want to tell that to the player. Also, you probably wanna highlight the object that you are focusing on for the grab, or maybe putting some visual indicator to show the person what they are about to grab.
thanks for playing, there's a brief controls overview buried in the how to play section in menu i really need to make a proper tutorial asap. i'm planning on making an optional simple swing mode for people that dislike the directional system that controls more like a traditional first person melee system, where you left click to go left and right and hold left click down to do an overhead. the grab highlight was planned i'll probably also put a value tag on objects that are highlighted
the upward swing tends to drag along the floor so it would be nice if the fulcrum was raised when you do that move, or if the angle was more diagonal. Any time I swing in that direction, I intend to hit something ahead of me and not the floor.
I never figured out how to control my swings, but the physics are brilliant so I think you have some leeway when it comes to unusual controls. It's easier than playing toribash at least. For the record I never played mount and blade or mordhau
Hitting the balls was great fun. I think some gentle auto aim would make it even better. Add a batting cage if you don't have one already.
I didn't like how the bat is always dead centre because it blocks my view.
The premise is fine for a tech demo, but I think being directed to rack up property damage is at odds with the very personal and anarchic feeling of smashing something with a baseball bat in first person. Knowing that I'm doing what I'm told is robbing me of the joy of destruction.
I want to see my robot's ordinary life and get a taste of his frustration, so that when he snaps, I can feel his catharsis. I want to target bullies and their cronies and until the other cogs in robot society come down to bring me to heel and I realise I'm the bad guy Falling Down 1993
>the upward swing tends to drag along the floor so it would be nice if the fulcrum was raised when you do that move, or if the angle was more diagonal. Any time I swing in that direction, I intend to hit something ahead of me and not the floor.
this was quite a bit worse before i created some fixes for it but there's still a few angles where it catches the ground. i will rework the system so this never happens as i agree its quite frustrating
>I never figured out how to control my swings, but the physics are brilliant so I think you have some leeway when it comes to unusual controls. It's easier than playing toribash at least. For the record I never played mount and blade or mordhau
this should be alleviated when i create a proper tutorial (which i really should have this time but lol). i will also be including a simple swing toggle in the menu for players that really don't like the directional swing mechanics and feel it ruins the game for them
>The premise is fine for a tech demo, but I think being directed to rack up property damage is at odds with the very personal and anarchic feeling of smashing something with a baseball bat in first person. Knowing that I'm doing what I'm told is robbing me of the joy of destruction. I want to see my robot's ordinary life and get a taste of his frustration, so that when he snaps, I can feel his catharsis. I want to target bullies and their cronies and until the other cogs in robot society come down to bring me to heel and I realise I'm the bad guy Falling Down 1993
i'm considering expanding the scope of level objectives, i like the idea of a high level of interactivity but with simple arcade objectives, most of the story telling will be inferred from the world and the type of human behind the robots actions will merely be implied. i might have simple straight forward combat focused levels where you simply have to reach the end alive. the levels of the game will be mundane real locations, with the final levels being something like a social media company headquarters. thanks a lot for the feedback i was going to be playing your game later today, looking forward to it.
It's a matter of personal taste obviously, but I find it much easier to identify with an autonomous robot than a robot under the influence of a human. If it makes development any easier, I don't think this game needs any humans at all
the humans not directly controlling the robot, the implication is its a jailbroken embodied agent that gets free will at some point after doing enough destruction . i'm still playing with the setting and plot its still pretty open ended. i was thinking of adding humans you have to kill but tonally it doesn't work with the game, there probably wont be humans seen at any point, just implied.
Really fun with a level of jank that compliments the gameplay. It took me quite a while to realize that you can move your mouse to angle your swings. You might want to tell that to the player. Also, you probably wanna highlight the object that you are focusing on for the grab, or maybe putting some visual indicator to show the person what they are about to grab.
thanks for playing, there's a brief controls overview buried in the how to play section in menu i really need to make a proper tutorial asap. i'm planning on making an optional simple swing mode for people that dislike the directional system that controls more like a traditional first person melee system, where you left click to go left and right and hold left click down to do an overhead. the grab highlight was planned i'll probably also put a value tag on objects that are highlighted
Best game so far in this DD, already has a lot worth showing on youtube/twitter. Keep it up.
thanks, i'll probably do a more fully public reveal on twitter once i have a better vertical slice. hopefully this month
i'll be fleshing out the HUD to give the player a better indication of where the swing begins and ends. i'll turn the knives down
this is fun
Here's some feedback if you want it:
the upward swing tends to drag along the floor so it would be nice if the fulcrum was raised when you do that move, or if the angle was more diagonal. Any time I swing in that direction, I intend to hit something ahead of me and not the floor.
I never figured out how to control my swings, but the physics are brilliant so I think you have some leeway when it comes to unusual controls. It's easier than playing toribash at least. For the record I never played mount and blade or mordhau
Hitting the balls was great fun. I think some gentle auto aim would make it even better. Add a batting cage if you don't have one already.
I didn't like how the bat is always dead centre because it blocks my view.
The premise is fine for a tech demo, but I think being directed to rack up property damage is at odds with the very personal and anarchic feeling of smashing something with a baseball bat in first person. Knowing that I'm doing what I'm told is robbing me of the joy of destruction.
I want to see my robot's ordinary life and get a taste of his frustration, so that when he snaps, I can feel his catharsis. I want to target bullies and their cronies and until the other cogs in robot society come down to bring me to heel and I realise I'm the bad guy Falling Down 1993
>the upward swing tends to drag along the floor so it would be nice if the fulcrum was raised when you do that move, or if the angle was more diagonal. Any time I swing in that direction, I intend to hit something ahead of me and not the floor.
this was quite a bit worse before i created some fixes for it but there's still a few angles where it catches the ground. i will rework the system so this never happens as i agree its quite frustrating>I never figured out how to control my swings, but the physics are brilliant so I think you have some leeway when it comes to unusual controls. It's easier than playing toribash at least. For the record I never played mount and blade or mordhau
this should be alleviated when i create a proper tutorial (which i really should have this time but lol). i will also be including a simple swing toggle in the menu for players that really don't like the directional swing mechanics and feel it ruins the game for them
>The premise is fine for a tech demo, but I think being directed to rack up property damage is at odds with the very personal and anarchic feeling of smashing something with a baseball bat in first person. Knowing that I'm doing what I'm told is robbing me of the joy of destruction. I want to see my robot's ordinary life and get a taste of his frustration, so that when he snaps, I can feel his catharsis. I want to target bullies and their cronies and until the other cogs in robot society come down to bring me to heel and I realise I'm the bad guy Falling Down 1993
i'm considering expanding the scope of level objectives, i like the idea of a high level of interactivity but with simple arcade objectives, most of the story telling will be inferred from the world and the type of human behind the robots actions will merely be implied. i might have simple straight forward combat focused levels where you simply have to reach the end alive. the levels of the game will be mundane real locations, with the final levels being something like a social media company headquarters. thanks a lot for the feedback i was going to be playing your game later today, looking forward to it.
It's a matter of personal taste obviously, but I find it much easier to identify with an autonomous robot than a robot under the influence of a human. If it makes development any easier, I don't think this game needs any humans at all
the humans not directly controlling the robot, the implication is its a jailbroken embodied agent that gets free will at some point after doing enough destruction . i'm still playing with the setting and plot its still pretty open ended. i was thinking of adding humans you have to kill but tonally it doesn't work with the game, there probably wont be humans seen at any point, just implied.