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A member registered May 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you all for your supportive comments! I've been very busy since the jam ended so I'm sorry I can't reply to everyone individually, it means an immense amount though that you'd engage with something we've created. Both myself and the artist behind the game are incredibly grateful. I'm having a lovely time going through everyone else's games, it's an honour to be amongst such creative and diverse developers. Thanks again!

We didn't have time to finish all the different dance moves, alas maybe in the future. Thank you very much for playing!

Thank you for playing! My number one regret is what you've pointed out here with the disconnect between reading and inputting dances moves, voice over is an interesting solution.

I think the art was really cool! Love the retro 3d aesthetic and the usage of the word dude felt very 80s

Fun game! Had a great time trying to beat it, keep up the good work!

Really enjoyed the graphics for this, very well polished with a very clear aesthetic!

Really well polished! I greatly enjoyed the mechanics and had a lot of fun with this one

This is incredibly polished! Great effects, really satisfying and I love the recoil mechanic, that's really clever. 

I think something that encourages players to move around would be good, such as collectable power-ups or treasure, at the moment I found myself camping in one corner. Show off the great movement mechanics!

That's a really interesting idea, having it as more of an icebreaker thing, it works quite well as this sorta weird interactive notice board.  Thank you for engaging in the concept!

Hahaha glad you found it funny :D, yes wasn't sure how people would react to the jumpscare of one speaking for the first time but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Was always interested in doing a "seaman" style game and this was an attempt at that, being able to have the creatures grow and learn things is a really good direction for it, thank you for the suggestion :)).  Also I would love to have done text-to-speech but had no idea if Unity had one, alas.

Yeah, just the phrasing of "core memory" has a really visceral feel to it, sadly couldn't think of a more interesting way to implement it but maybe with some development time! 

This is a super well polished but yeah it's kinda a tech demo atm, good work on it though pathfinding is super hard!

Insanely well-polished, with more mechanics and more levels this could easily be a completed game.

I think more clarity could be given to the user in how they failed, I didn't even realise there was a time limit which was very confusing! Just a little "time's up" or something. 

The interpretation of the theme is amazing, such a unique idea to do and I think the concept is really good. The idea of a game taking place in a file system is really good.

Think my main issue is that it needs to have some goal to work towards such as trying to open files as quickly as possible. Maybe adding in some elements to further emulate an OS would be good too, like moving around windows and creating files. Lots of potential here!

Very impressed by this! I really like how the intersection between gameplay and story (as in the gameplay reflects how the character feels in the story). Some good puzzle design there too, I can see a lot of potential there.

Think the stories presentation could be changed, maybe the text is delivered through book pages or something? A way to apply context to it and allow users to focus on it. I Like the idea of an element only accessible by the older self, but I reckon the presentation may have to be something other than a bridge.

Love the atmosphere and think easily the best part of the game is the echolocation system, I think focusing on this element could be really interesting. Also props to the music, really impressive to make in such a short time period.

I feel some story could go a long way to engaging players a bit, some sort of goal or something. I also feel some sort of movement mechanic could be interesting to complement the sonar. 

Ah yeah, my bad. Forgot to add that in :(