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A member registered Aug 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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There were a few kinks in the initial design that we'll be fixing in the future, thanks for playing the game! We're currently overhauling everything!

Could have used a little bit of polish on teaching the players the flow of the game but overall well done!

Really neat game! Good graphics and audio, they suit the game really well!

Overall pretty cool! The game was certainly interesting 

Graphics and audio were pretty good but it could definitely use a bit more.... "Game" 

Controls were a little difficult to grasp at first, my ball took about 1 minute before it finally reset and it didnt exactly explain

double jump was a bit complicated but overall good idea, pretty fun

Has a few flaws but overall kinda fun, Needed a bit more polish 

In the future we will definitely be adding a whole bunch more to the game including a much better tutorial sequence!

Thanks for playing :)

Well made! Could use some variation with the mechanics but really good

You win mate, almost flawless but I did manage to bug it out ! you did amazing for such a short amount of time!

Really well done! Im very impressed with the feel of the game, webgl doesnt do it justice!

Really really well done game! congratulations!

Pretty good game overall it feels smooth and the mechanics are pretty good

Unfortunately due to time constraints and lack of a sound engineer we had to go with low quality sounds, this will be improved in the future!

Its a puzzle platformer but in future we will definitely be expanding on the mechanics and making things much more clear :) 

Really well done! Maybe some more enemy types and clocks types later would be nice but otherwise really neat!

Pretty good game overall, really relaxed atmosphere :) 

Pretty good game! I was a big fan of the explosions!!!!

I couldnt actually attach the anchor on the Webgl build!

I vibe so hard with this game, We allll know where the inspiration from this game comes from and you nailed it! Honestly I could play this for hours with some more enemies and such!

There was a delay for some people on WebGL i believe its due to the FixedUpdate cycle but it will be completely overhauled after the jam :) Thanks for playing!

Pretty fun game overall! I enjoyed the music a lot :) 

Uhhh, unplayable?

I enjoyed the game a bit, could use some tutorial stuff and maybe a lives feature but overall not bad! ps in future dont use development builds as release for WebGL!

Really fun! i enjoyed the animations and style of the game, could be a cute mobile game!

Thank you so much! We will be improving this by far after the jam has ended! Time constraints and all we werent able to implement half of what we wanted so look forward to more puzzles in the future!

Pretty neat idea, the slider feels a little too slow and the movement feels a little sluggish for how responsive it is, otherwise good game!

Really cute but difficult game! making the platforms a little larger would help, and I did run into some issues with the jump, other than that really fun!

Really well done! I like being able to see my positions! really neat feature!

Overall pretty fun! The jump was a bit too tall and not quite forward enough but otherwise really fun!

Interesting to say the least :) Fun little game to pass the time!

Pretty fun! More levels would definitely be nice :) 

The large saw blade level caused a lot of issues, I got caught in an infinite death loop but it was pretty fun till then!

Im not a fan of the control scheme and I also was unable to move up for some reason? otherwise not too bad!

Thanks man! really appreciated, your game was really amazing too! youll have to show me some webgl stuff later!

Overall not too bad, It definitely has its charm although it did feel a little random at times and the hit boxes were a little off, otherwise pretty fun! Neat idea!

Really well done, it felt pretty clean, some of the level design was a little frustrating not from a challenge perspective but just because it didnt have much flow like many games like this has, Work on the idea for sure and maybe add scrolling levels! definitely could make it to mobile markets!

Not too bad, I had some issues at the start, Game crashed a couple times but not too bad

I read at the start of the jam you could create a team, which I have, there's a few of us, however how exactly do I go about that? do we all join the jam? Is there a special way we need to sign up or?