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A member registered Aug 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Pretty innovative game. Very fun to play and figure out. I liked the concept, the gameplay, and the music. Could definitely be a good game developed further. Some things were a little obscure like the boxes activating the barriers. Otherwise pretty good Jam submission. 

Very good use of the theme. Fun game , like others I just wish there were more of it. The sounds and visuals were really good. And the controls felt good as well. 

This is a a really fun game and a good use of the theme. I like how fast it is and the camera movements feel nice as you move around. One issue I had was I couldn't get very far because the spiders are able to remove the orbs they drop when they run into them. This made it really hard to evade spiders while also picking up orbs. It would also be helpful if Spiders always gave the red glow. Sometimes the glow disappears and makes the spiders harder to see. 

Otherwise really great game!

Pretty good simple game. Nice job kind of flipping the theme to refer to the enemies instead of your player. I like the way you control the lion, it probably would have been better played on a mobile device though, I was playing on pc. This could definitely be something worth spending more time working on. Maybe fix the health bar and make it a little easier to pull the bulls away from the cows.

Other than that, nice game!

Really neat game. Loved the puzzles you created for both players. Some good additions if you decided to continue developing it might be checkpoints within levels. Also, maybe working more with the physics of the blocks you push. It's kinda jank in some areas, especially for a first person game. Maybe even make it a third person game if that could help.

Otherwise great game, really solid puzzles and use of the theme. 

Pretty good concept for the jam. Made good use of the two person puzzle aspect. 

Some suggestions would be reducing the acceleration of the players(it feels a little awkward to move) and fixing the button logic, it's a little weird when you have multiple players on 1 button.

Really cool game. Love the presentation, the visuals, the small indicators, the scene transitions. The puzzles are good and my only complaint with them is that there aren't more of them. Also good use of the theme. 

One other issue is that you can just spam the lasers to keep them in place. One suggestion I have is maybe have an item that you put down to make them focus, like food or something, and when it is used up they lose interest and you only have a limited number of these items before you try for lasers. Or put some cooldown on lasers.

Either way I enjoyed playing your game. 

(1 edit)

Pretty fun game. I definitely like the way the wolves slowly surround you, it kind of heightens the sense of urgency. I also like the indicator arrow towards the ducklings so you're not just groping around in the dark and that you included difficulty levels. Lol the game is pretty dark thematically, especially when you finally get surrounded and just sit there waiting for the wolves to jump in. 

My only criticism is that maybe it's a bit easy to keep going indefinitely if you just manage to get more than 1 duckling every 10 seconds. I'm not sure if this is already a thing but a good idea could be to slowly decrease the time between when wolves start surrounding you, slowly ramping up difficulty.

But other than that this was a great game and a great use of the theme. 

This game is pretty fun to play. The art style compliments the silly premise. The game was engaging enough that I finished it. I think the difficulty is at a good place to where I had to think about what I was doing. The explosions of the houses were really cool. The grouping of the spiders was really well done, and I loved watching them al jump each soldier. 

Some issues I had though: 

  • It got pretty boring just walking from house to house. It would be cool if there were more movement options like sprinting or jumping and attacking the enemies yourself.
  • The game does get pretty boring. Sound effects could help. But also maybe smaller but connected maps or more varied groupings of spiders and soldiers. 

Interesting concept. I didn't try playing this with someone else, so I don't think I got the intended experience. I will say it's a good use of the theme. But, the opening walk to join the magnets was a bit long and boring. The platforming was also very awkward since you're not able to adjust yourself when in the air and the acceleration is hard to judge at times. 

One suggestion I have is maybe levels where you start off as separated and must get together to be able to make it over long gaps or over obstacles you couldn't do alone. 

Very cute game and has a lot of potential. 

I like the visuals, the music, and the use of the theme. Very appealing game. I feel like it struggles in the gameplay department. Combat doesn't have much feedback. There also isn't much strategy outside of fighting the boss enough times to get enough money. It's really easy to just fight the boss alone a few times to quickly build up your money then recruit a bunch of people all at once. In future updates I'd suggest some other ways to earn money or maybe an increase to the amount of money you get when you have more people, to incentivize spending all your money every time you get back to the tavern and having a bigger party. 

Pretty good game though and great use of theme.

This game is really fun! I  really enjoyed playing it. The visuals, sounds, and controls are all great.  The gameplay is addictive and the sense of speed feels really good. The powerups are well spaced and the obstacles don't seem unfair.

Some issues though: 

  • I didn't really see a way to get the groups of apes that were right behind obstacles. It seemed like every time I got them I couldn't avoid hitting the obstacle in front of them and therefore lost them all. 
  • The game also get's really easy once you get a big enough lead that you can take a few hits and keep going.  I made it to about 3000m before I got bored. One suggestion I have is having the tsunami speed up the further you get into the game, making it more dangerous to mess up. 

Other than those two this a great game! Great use of the theme.

Very cool that you were able to make a rhythm game like this in a week. Song was pretty good, but got a bit repetitive after a few more goes. I'll be honest once the G key got involved it was a bit too chaotic for me.  I guess with more plays I could have memorized the asd parts so I wouldn't have to think about them as much. 

Also great use of the theme. I was thinking the game was a bit boring in the beginning and came to the comments to see if other people thought the same. Then realized you could unlock more band members by getting better scores. Having the other band members definitely makes the song better and the game more fun, so the entire game is stronger together. 

My only suggestions are more effects when you hit a note, maybe a faster note mode so they don't bunch up as much, and an indicator of when you unlock the next band member. 

Great game!

Pretty fun game. I like the look of it. You did a great job with the art and animations. The concept and the gameplay are fun and there's a pretty good range of difficulty amongst the children you're chasing. The stamina bar is a good touch. 

Some issues I noticed: 
When you get a kid who'll help you, it's not really clear HOW they're helping you. They seem to just walk off. 

The only real strategy for catching kids is to chase them to the edge where they get stuck, or just go find slower kids. Maybe the kids who help you are supposed to make you faster? I didn't notice that but it would have been a good addition.

Maybe add an indicator on the menu of how many children you've caught already. Not a huge deal just would have been nice.

Overall this is a fun game and could be great with some fixes and additions. 

Good use of the theme, and great visual style. The camera was a bit too sensitive and weird to control. Also, more uses for other ducks besides opening doors would have been a good addition. 

Other than that, fun game.

I'll admit I didn't play all of the game so I may not have the full picture. It seems like it was going somewhere but nothing from the beginning really gave me anything to be interested in. Then I got stuck in the sewer with the guy who owed money.

Overall probably a good experience that just wasn't for me. 

Interesting concept. I like the focus on exploration but I feel like there should have been more indication of what was explorable and what wasn't. I like the movement system it feels weighty and would definitely work in a platformer. But I have a problem with the controls, having B for the boost control is very unintuitive, and I couldn't figure out how to use it on the jump after getting it. 

I also feel like the dialogue was very intrusive and didn't need to pop up every time I respawned. 

Cool use of the theme. I like the movement but the platforming itself is a bit awkward. And the hitbox on the player seems too large, I kept getting stuck on the sides of the platforms. I also never felt like the shooting attack did anything.

The music was really good and some of the sprites were really impressive. 

Neat game but I agree that it's a bit broken for whoever goes first. There's no reason not to defend every time, let your knight die, and then bring out another one next turn to attack. Unless I just got lucky and kept getting Knight cards. 

Other than that, the card synergy was pretty good and definitely represented the theme of the jam. Also I think the issue people have with the text is that the card you highlight sometimes stays behind other cards even when maximized.

I feel like this game could have used more things to purchase to help you build up.  More automatic instead of clicker help. I also feel like more information about things you've already purchased would be nice and more of a representation of your soldiers than just the number. 

I got the 1m ending.

Really interesting concept. I'm sorry you guys had trouble on the build you got uploaded. The puzzles seem really cool from the level I played. I did have a few bugs like the tinker building the box immediately instead of waiting for me to place it, unless that was intended. Also my players got stuck on the fans in the lower level. 

Overall pretty good use of the theme and interesting game. 

Managed to finish the game. This is a pretty fun game, I really enjoy the checkpoints and the AI was pretty impressive. There were a few times they tried to head me off, which was neat. I feel like the game was less about stealth and more about trying maneuver between enemies. 

Good implementation of sightlines but there were some times where they jumped around a bit. Overall good game.

Really fun game. Movement and shooting feel really good. Great use of the theme and interesting concept. I also really liked the CRT effect.

Only criticisms I have are that the camera seems a bit too far zoomed in. It felt like I had to be really close to the foxes to actually see them.

Otherwise great job on this! It could be really cool as a full game. 

Wow, thanks so much! Hate to sound like some fangirl but I've been watching your videos for a long while, so this means a lot. 

I played it both downloaded on PC and on mobile. It ran really well. I didn't even realize you could play browser games full screen on mobile. (Will keep that in mind for future projects.) I DID run into an issue where my replay changed the actions of the fight  and ran out of moves before finishing the fight, so I got stuck watching the replay and had to reset. 

This is actually a really fun concept. It definitely has the strategy aspect you were going for. Also, has pretty impressive animations and art for something done in a week. You did a good job of picking actions that flowed well together. Superkicking an opponent away, waiting for them to charge in, then jumping and landing right as they get under you was pretty satisfying. This could have the potential to create really complex looking fights between two people who spent time planning for their moves. 


Fully aware this could have been a technical limitation, but I'd be interested in seeing the actions play out at a faster speed. And if not during a fight, at least during the replay. It would be interesting to watch the fight back a full speed.

Saving multiple replays.

Customized Loadouts.

Letting players rearrange cards.

Really love the look and the animations for this game. The character models are really cool, and I like the camera controls and the idea to put the health on the back.

As others have said, the combat is pretty clunky, but with more time and polish I'm sure this could be a very interesting game.  You should definitely keep working on it to fix some of the issues people have brought up and expand the game to a full story.

And thanks for playing and giving feedback for my game as well.

Really enjoyed the controls and the feedback from movement in your game. Also enjoyed figuring out the right paths for each level. Great use of the theme and very good entry to the game jam.

Thanks for playing my game and giving feedback as well. 

Hey thanks for playing my game! One hint I can give for that one that wouldn't be an outright spoiler is that the puzzles in this game fit the theme in that they kind of go against what the normal game expectation might be. Like the buttons in the first room being objects to place instead of functioning buttons.

Also, the 2 larger pictures on the other two walls serve as a hint. They aren't necessary involved in the solution

***Spoiler Below***

And the last hint, that would kind of spoil it, is: Opposite.

Thanks again for playing! Did you submit a game to the Game Jam? If so, link it and I'll play yours as well.

Great looking game. I really like the stationary camera with 3d moving and your use of the theme. I wasn't able to get passed the first fan though. Is there a sprint button I'm not aware of?

Very funny narration and scenarios, and excellent visuals. I enjoyed playing through this and repeating to hear the different dialogue. 

Good looking game. I felt like the camera sensitivity was too high, but that might have just been me. Pretty fun submission. 

I'll be honest, I got stumped in the room with  3 rows on one side and 2 on the other, maybe room 7. Thought maybe it was something with the previous rooms and binary, but couldn't work anything out that worked. 

Thanks! And yes you're right about the room size. I'll definitely keep that in mind for next time.

Thanks for playing! Yea I just realized I messed up the ending and there's no way to win now. Wasn't intended, but I guess we'll call that bug a feature now. Sorry about that. 

Got the flame sword, but lost my patience looking for where to use it. Nice job for you first game jam. Love the movement, music, and that "LIE"byrinth graphic. Would have prefered the hallways be a little shorter or having something else to do while navigating.