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A member registered Feb 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback!

great game, jumping was a bit difficult but mechanics felt good overall.

thank you for the feedback

loved it. nothing else to say.

thanks for the feedback!

thanks for the feedback!

i mean i enjoyed it. it was good frustrating, kinda like Pogostuck.

A NEW DAWN. My first Game Jam. Hope you enjoy! (short and fun game)

nice game. very cute, love cats!

oh didn't think about the left side. thanks for the feedback!

great game overall. loved the graphics!

thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.

great platformer. really frustrating too :]

the artist bailed last min. had to do it all myself :\

great game overall!

A NEW DAWN. My first Game Jam. Hope you enjoy! (short and fun game) Final Version

enjoyed it, no music tho :(

great game! controls are excellent. 

mine is a platformer too (kinda ;) 

A NEW DAWN. My first Game Jam. Hope you enjoy! (short and fun game)

great game! controls are excellent.

not bad, kinda similar to my game

mine here, first game jam. Home you enjoy :)

i loved this game i can't believe this was made in a week. best game i tried until now!!

oh okay, the game was great for one  week work :)

i loved the idea of the ghost. great game overall! (a bit difficult tho :)