Thanks for the review, happy that you liked it !
And yeah sadly we add to keep the same level and just change the complexity of the objects layout due to time and production constrain, but of course idealy we would have produce a completly different level.
Also sorry that the game didnt worked with your controler as it is effectively the best way to play it.
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Amazing game, the concept is really cool and you used really well with all the ingredient and mechanics of the game, the puzzle and level design are really clever and i felt obligated to finish every maps.
Loved the artstyle and the sound design
Great level of polish for only one dev, you can be really proud !
Also did not except this ending and also your cute cat lol.
I really love the concept, i didnt manage to really dig the lore but i will come back to it to try getting deeper.
I'm not really familiar with all the cmd command but you made it accessible enouth so i could manage to navigate through the game without problems !
Good job, the game work very well look so good and is really polished.
Really impressive that this is your first jam game and from only one person too !
Also i'm not sure if its a bug but sometime minigames that where suppose to have only + (like 3 + and one 0) still made me lose progression on one of the 4 bar.
I like the mood and the game look cool but i must admit that it lack terribly of some sort of onboarding, I was kinda lost and didnt really understood what i was supposed to do and where to avoid dying.
Just adding some sort of explanatory screen before the start of the game would help players to understand better the context and the objectives !
Thanks for your comment, really glad you enjoyed it !
Also we are really sorry for the issue you had, sadly you are not the only one reporting this to us and we had a hard time to try to replicate it on our side.
It appear that it might be some setting of our Unreal Project that might be causing those issue with some specific rigs or hardware, and we don't want to risk breaking the game by trying to fix it at the last time before the end of the bug fixing period..
Loved the upgrade idea, it felt a bit too "grindy" tho with the amount of money won not really scaling that much with how fast you did.
I made it to 15 secondes with the bigest propulsor set up and the extra grippy wheels.
I kinda wanted to so how fast i could get but getting 45.000$ to upgrade it completly felt like it would have taken me too long.
Enjoyable and addictive, good job !
Really really cool concept, loved the twist on the genre.
The visual are really cool and i love the music and the way it was integrated (specially the way it start back after chosing a card)
Very good job on the polish and the gamefeel, the way the numbers of surviving or score go up is so satisfying to me.
Btw my hightscore was arround ~24.000 but my game crashed wave 19 due to hundreds of soliders exploding at the same time lol.
Your game deserve way more visibility imho.