Lol, yeah that's how I realized it was a word lol , Thanks for writing that in!
The Quiet Men
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I’ll check yours out very soon! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors. Feedback would be great:
Hey I’ll check yours out shortly! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors. Feedback would be great:
Hey, I'd really appreciate constructive feedback. I’ll check yours out shortly! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors:
Hey, I'd love some feedback! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors:
I'll check yours out soon!
I’ll play yours soon! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors. Feedback would be great:
I’ll check yours out shortly! Here’s mine: My Pop Up Power Up Shop, where you grow herbs for warriors. Feedback would be great:
Awesome! I hope you have fun!
Some folks were confused about what to do so to give you a heads up. There's a real time battle going on where 3 heros are up against a boss that inflicts a bunch of status effects on them (you can monitor the fight in the 'Fight' tab in the menu, you play as a farmer who plants herbs that can cure certain status effects. After planting and reaping the herb, you have to manually cure the status effect by clicking on the plant in the fight menu.
Just rated your game and commented. I tried to give as much feedback as I could. If you don't mind, you could rate my game and give as harsh of criticism as you can :D
My Pop Up Power Up Shop: A famring sim/ autobattler where you plant herbs that heal status effects of heros engaged in a turn based auto battle, you can check it out here:
Very interesting kind of puzzle game! I love the freedom that you've given us in how we want to make the piles. Awesome work!
p.s. I saw your thread that you wanted some feedback so I have some thoughts.
1. I think the controls could be simplifed further by merging the extendo arm and the mouse click. Since there's no real difference, I was just pressing Q to pick up objects near and far. Also, maybe set the angle and power of a throw with just the mouse position rather than both mouse and spacebar. That'll make it easier to get precision shots.
2. Sometimes, objects pile on top the object I'm holding when I move, and no matter how much force I put in, I can't launch the object. So maybe have the throw ignore them, or pass on the momentum to the other objects too.
3. The character moves a bit slow, even when not holding an item. This kinda made it hard to get around.
4. This is a small one, but the character was a bit hard to see on some backgrounds, since they're grey.
But overall, you made a fun game and I think the level progression was nice. I'd really like to play more if you ever expand on it.
Hey, if you're looking to top a leaderboard then you can try your hand at my game: My Pop up Power Up Shop, a farming game/ autobattler where you prep herbs to help rpg heroes in battle and heal status effects. Currently ANNA has an impossibly high score and I have no idea how they managed that, so... good luck!
You can play my game here:
BTW, your game looks super intriguing, I'll be sure to check it out in the morning
Thanks for the excellent comment and feedback! I wanted to do the autobattler pixel art myself so I ran out of time for more enemies but I totally agree that it would be great to slowly introduce more status effects from specific monsters.
P.S. also the seed sprites were a complete oversight, thanks for bringing it up. Gotta fix that in a future version lol
Wow! What a chilling, tense and daunting story! I could see different players tacking this game differently.
I, for one, wanted to resist but I also tried to keep my family safe so the "family in danger" text really shook me, and I caved lol. Also, the limiting of choices later on adds to the weight of the story.
A really perfect and excellent interpretation of the theme and well executed!