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A member registered Apr 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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nice graphics, simple but effective. I loved the music getting muted on special occasion :]

looks good but it's hard to get funding for polygon research you know ? I guess that's the life at the Polygon Lab

While playing I've imagined the main character as a DEBT COLLECTOR, getting his sweet money back ^^

I've enjoyed playing this game, and it has great soundtrack.
I found the firsts level a bit hard as the enemies deal a lot of damage, then the weapons becomes so powerful that the enemies are a no longer a problem.
Only the movements are a bit "buggy", I have the impression that the main character use a capsule shape for it's collisions which make it very "slippery" around edges, also the character can stick to wall (that's a common things when using straight up a physics model and applying forces based on inputs).

Well done!

Thanks for playing and for your feedback. For me the big takeaway from this jam is definitively supports for how other peoples plays (inverted mouse;  left handed players), I honesty wasn't paying attention this... but now I see how it is important! For the keyboard layout the native versions uses keycode (theoretically the layout doesn't matter as long as this is a standard ansi/iso keyboard) but the web version is kinda broken...

Yes I've played your game too!

interesting mechanics.
my only remark is that the first puzzles can be done without using either the crystal has a platform or as a spawn point. It took me a while to figure out that it can be used as teleportation ^^

yes, it's a bit too much hopeless :)

it's a ten!

nice, obviously a reference to super hexagon, right?

yeay completed in 48minutes... It's ... hard. maybe more props floating around would help navigating without spending too much fuel.


It was really a rush to get the movements right and being able to push crates came very late. I wished to make a bigger level, or more than one ... Thanks!

yeay I survived! very nice. I've really liked the lighthings and the rain, this really adds a lot to the ambience.

Thanks! I whished to build a bigger puzzle but I was already running very low on time.
I also thought that the mouse sensibility was a bit low, but I kept the initial sensibility anyway ^^

> Also sometimes my vision glitched in the walls
yeah, that's the movement code is a that is bit buggy

it does work, but ... it is a bit short.

well done!