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Joe Moose

A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you enjoyed it.  That pizza troll was a direct inspiration for this game!

Thanks for playing!   I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks so much!

The catapult mechanics are well done.  Feels pretty slick once you get the hang of it.   

Very cool visual style.

Loved the whole thing, start to finish.   Downloaded this to play on my analogue pocket and it works great.

The silly broken font made it hard to read, which made it hard to enjoy the better half of the silliness which comes from the actual characters.

I dig the goblin art.  He looks proper sneaky.

That was fun.  I feel like this is the kind of game that Game Boy was built for.

Really enjoyed this game!   Is the soundtrack available anywhere on it's own?  The songs get stuck in my head and I keep restarting the game to get back to them.

Move over old favorite, this game is my new favorite.    I'm done playing and I've still got the game open in the background so I can listen to the music.

The world feels like the Constantine movie.  I dig it.

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It took me a long time to realize I could actually dodge the enemy attacks.  I was just dumping ammo and thinking "this would be a lot better if I could move out of the way."

Overall great game and really unique game boy experience.  I've been sending it to my whole nerd crew so that they can check it out.

Very cute!  Took me a while to get the hang of it.  I got vacuumed a lot.  A whole lot.

The art is amazing.  The game play is fun and harder than I expected.  The theme is also incredible.  "Conscripted soldier fleeing a fascist state" is about as scary as it gets.

Love your sprite work and the lighting from the lamps.   The ghoul's walk animation is adorable.  

That pesky kid in the graveyard kept undoing my hard work.  He's a real jerk. 

Thanks for playing!

The sarcasm on his no-food easter egg ending doesn't convey well enough via text.   If I could go back and change one thing I'd try to make that ending more clear.   He'll get fed either way though.  That's why he brings you back after the fake credits to be eaten.

I got sucked into this one and spent a long time slaying goblins.  Great entry!

I enjoyed this one.  The friendly ghost put a smile on mt face.

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I had a lot of fun with Candy Curfew!  Played it all twice to make sure I explored the whole neighborhood.

Thanks for the reply!   I had one other person get a weird hang after the title screen, but it seemed to go away on it's own as well.

Wow!  Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks for the feedback!   Can I ask you a little more about the hiccup after the 5th guess?  I'd like to try and replicate it for troubleshooting.  

Did the game get stuck completely or just start running slower?  Did it get stuck in the "no" animation or later on during his feedback on your choices?

Thanks again for playing!

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Phenomenal entry!  It's all good (even bob's writing) but the sound track is really next level.

I suck at platformers, but I am determined to reach the end of this thing.

update:  I got through that damn locked gate!  

That was a great experience!  I was rushing to cross the highway before curfew and didn't make it in time.  Had to play again to make sure I didn't miss any other areas.

The level of polish in this game is unmatched.   It feels like everything a game boy house of the dead might have aspired to be.

Great game!   It felt hard in the tradition of the games that inspired it.  If this were in an arcade cabinet it would be slurping my quarters.

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Very cool blend of genres.   Great art as well.  I wish the dialogue, cutscene animations, and fights were all sped up by about 50%.   I was always ready to get to see the next bullet hell section.

Vampire Survivors but I'm a minion master?   SIGN ME UP!  This is my favorite game so far.  I saw in another comment where you want to fix the soul counter and life for future builds, and that has me excited.  I would also like an option for increased difficulty.   I hope you revisit this in the future, because I would *love* to play more.  

Let me axe you a question?  You sever seen so many fine looking zombies in 1 spot?

Really enjoyed the art.

Love the dance mini game.  Wasn't expecting the cute critter to come with jump scares.  Great game!

Cool sound track.  The boss song was my favorite.   Your concept art is also phenomenal.  It looks like a Metroid boss. 

Very strong game boy vibe.  Also revealed itself to be deeper than I expected.

Beautiful world.  It was spooky, but also peaceful.  I could live in this village.

But they wouldn't want to give me a job as a fisherman.  My fingers couldn't keep up with the buttons.

Very spooky.  Visuals were gorgeous.  I have no idea what's happening, but I played again for the vibes.

Thanks for playing!  This is the first game I've completed and it's been real treat to see other people try it out.

Jack can be pretty picky.  The correct answer is randomized at the start of each play through.  I think the best approach is to determine how much food he wants, and then focus on which specific foods he likes or dislikes.  He won't often give positive feedback, but pay attention if he does!

Thanks for playing!  I enjoyed your video.

Try starving JACK.  I'm sure he really likes that...