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A member registered Apr 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, I had made it so enemy spawning starts slower and increases over time so the longer the game goes on the harder it gets but maybe I made the starting spawn rate too low and increased it too fast, I didn't have much time to do a lot of testing/balancing so maybe making the spawning start a bit faster but then increase at a slower rate would have improved that.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed.

The game was a lot of fun, I especially like how you often need to go get a key or hit a lever, or have a path that branches off to get a coin, then go back to screens you were already at rather than it all just being totally linear.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed

Oh ok, I had missed your comment on the game page and just hadn't understood why the white/red ones weren't getting picked up but now i get it

Thanks for playing, I agree the background probably needs to be changed but I found that if I made it darker the bats were difficult to see, I considered making a whole new background, maybe making it a different color or something, but was pretty limited on time so just kept it as is for now.

Really fun game, I made it to level 17. My only issue is the drops are a bit confusing, sometimes I can't pick them up and I can't tell if the different colored ones are having different effects or if they are just visually different.

It's simple but it's pretty fun and challenging, my best score was 2940. I think having the water be in random spots was a really good idea because it makes the area you have to work with each time just a little bit different so it stays interesting.

Its a simple but fun little game but it seems like there's not really a reason to explore because as far as I can tell there's not downside to just staying at the same water spot the whole time. Maybe the water at each spot should get depleted and disappear after you have used it too much so you would have to find new ones? Also I think just showing the time survived at the end would be nice.

Cool idea for a game, I just think a short tutorial or adding what each action does to the description would be a good idea because what some actions do/how to respond to some obstacles is a bit confusing, for example at first I thought the up/down would raise my shield higher or lower to block rather than jump/duck so it took a bit of trial and error to learn what everything did. Also I'm not sure if there just isn't supposed to be any or if there was some bug stopping it but there was no audio for me.

I played it again and yeah I think it's better now, you can run into the monsters a bit and play a little more aggressive without worrying about getting stuck in place

The game is really fun, simple with a good level of challenge. The only thing that seemed a bit strange to me was how when you fall, whether you crack or not, you almost always just have to reset to the checkpoint so there didn't seem to be much point to the cracking. Maybe their should be some obstacles like spikes or something on some platforms which crack you so it could potentially happen more of the time, not just when you fall.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed.
When you say the large interval between shots are you talking about the normal shoot you do when you press S or the shotgun spread shot you do when you press Space. If it is the normal shot then there shouldn't be a very long interval and if you mean the shotgun shot I had intentionally made it so you cannot shoot for a little bit after. That way you have to make the choice between the quicker normal shot that requires more accuracy or the shotgun shot which needs to be less accurate and can hit multiple targets but temporarily leaves you unable to shoot, otherwise the shotgun shot was almost always the better option over the normal shot. Should I add a note to the controls about how the shotgun shot makes you unable to shoot for a bit so people know it is not a bug?

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Fun game, good music

I really like the art/animations but I ran into some issues with the game. For some reason the web version wouldn't load for me so I had to download it and even when I tried to change the settings there was no audio. Also I know the description says the game is very short but I'm not sure if there is something I am missing at what I think is the end. I got to the door which opens but as far as I can tell there is no way to go in or interact at all, not sure if that's just the end or if it goes to another level and I just couldn't figure out how to interact.

So far the best total time I've gotten is 234.04, let me know if you beat it!

Thanks for playing, I had considered it but at that point I had made most of the levels and thought making it so the projectiles bounced would make hitting all the targets in those levels a lot easier than intended. I think if I were to make it so projectiles bounce I would want to have designed the levels with that already in mind.

I like the game but I think you should be able to walk through the monsters (still taking damage of course) if you get surrounded you just end up being unable to move at all and just need to wait to die.

The games really fun, my score was 11975. I'm a big fan of the music.

The art style and music are really good

Cool game, I really like the graphics/artstyle

I wanted to make moving the ship  and the turning more about controlling your momentum and knowing the level layout than just quick reaction. I had made the turn slow so you have to start turning early which I thought made it so you could improve a lot as you learned the levels and figured out exactly when/how much you need to turn.

(1 edit)

Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: You control a spaceship and race through levels while shooting targets along the way trying to get the best time.

Feedback: Anything, it's the first game I made so I'd like to know any way I could improve.

I need help on: Getting the game to work as a web game, when I tried uploading an HTML version it was extremely laggy so any tips on how that could be optimized would be appreciated. (edit: I got the web version working ok, turns out it wasn't an issue with the game, I just had the "Use hardware acceleration when available" setting in my browser turned off)

Cool game, I like how the color palette and character all change when the season swaps and not just the obstacles it effects. I did run into a bit of an issue on the last level, sometimes when I died (maybe 1 out of 5 times or so) the game would just crash. I didn't die too much on the levels before that so idk if it's an issue specific to the last level or if I just got lucky and it didn't happen until then.