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John Papello

A member registered Oct 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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I saw the playthrough on YouTube and I really liked the idea. It is very difficult though and I only managed to beat two levels. I absolutely love the graphics. Especially the cross hatched shadows ( How did you implement them? ). The music and sound effects are also great. Overall, a great game that is a bit too hard.

I really like your take on the theme since it's very similar to mine. I love the story. It feels like you are doing something forbidden. Hacking the game to progress. The sound design is also very good. Overall great game!

Hello! I'm glad you liked the triplanar texture effect. I implemented it by accident, but it looked so cool that I decided to keep it. When it comes to the level variety, I just didn't have enough time to add more mechanics, traps, contraptions etc. to make each and every level unique. Thanks for nice comment!

I really like the sound design. All the sound effects are well chosen. The gameplay itself is interesting, though the reload mechanic is a mystery to me ( It wasn't explained very well ). The controls are comfortable. QWE layout lets you easily deploy various types of projectors without constantly looking at the keyboard. Overall, good game.

Thanks for playing and feedback. I plan to turn this game into a full-fledged version so all the feedback is very much appreciated.

An unforgettable experience for sure! I love the man-made sound effects. The game itself is simple, but playing with physics is always fun!

Thanks for playing! I really appreciate it. Interesting solution to the puzzle btw.

I like the overall idea but a grace period at the beginning of the round definitely would help. Essentially, once you spawn you are instantly getting obliterated. The art is good and the sound effects fit well. The main character kinda look like ocelot from Minecraft.

I absolutely love the intro. It was very well made and funny. The gameplay itself is quite simple but I like the variety of the objectives. The art and voice acting are definitely the best part of it.

Cool game! I love the art style. My game actually relies on the same concept. I like the music and the fact that you implemented the leader board.

The art is amazing and so is the music but without any tutorial I have no idea how to actually play. I lunched the fireball at the character. She told me to stop. I lunched it in a way to not hit her. I died wtf. The instructions on the game's page are unclear. Some tutorial section even in a form of a simple text would be much appreciated.

Great art and 3D models. The idea itself is very cool and I enjoyed playing it.

Best game on the entire jam! Love the idea! It was super fun to play and I enjoyed every second of it. The Minigun at the end was like a cherry on top. 5/5 awesome game .

I love the fact that the game displays actual games from the jam. The gameplay itself is quite simple. I like the sound effects and the overall puzzle like format.

I like the cat's charm animation. It looks like it is casting a spell on the humans in order to possess them. The visual style is good. Some background music would be nice though.

Cool game! I really like the soundtrack as well as the art style. The progression system is quite satisfying with all the different creatures to choose from. Great job!

Cool game! I like the idea with the script editor.

I love both the concept and the art. The animations are funny. It's way too hard for me though. I think that allowing the player to grab the enemy for a few seconds would be a nice addition.

I absolutely love the contrast between janitor's night and day shift. Fighting murderous monsters at night and cleaning the mess made during the combat during the day. I think that there should be more time to clean the floor during the day shift. If I understand correctly the uncleaned mud turns back into monsters the next night. I like the art style and the music. It's incredible that your team managed to make all the assets during the jam. Great game!

Great game! I really like the work in progress like aesthetic. The idea itself is very interesting. I like the added variety in a form of the kill zones. The UI is smooth and very polished. I especially like the loading animation and sound. This game has a lot of potential and I can definitively see it as a fully fledged game.

Thanks for kind words and feedback. I have a ton of ideas on how to improve this game. Many people suggested the same things as you. I will definitely take it into account while updating the game. Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I wish I had more time to add more levels and mechanics but the Moving and Rotating platform took way longer to implement than I originally anticipated.

Interesting game. I don't fully understand the way it works but I get the overall concept. I like the combination of a card game, rhythm game and a little bit of math. The art is good but some sound effects would have been nice.

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Cool game! I really like the storytelling aspect of it. The gameplay itself is quite simple but fun. I really like the broom mechanic where you have to wiggle your mouse to clean the floor. I love the fact that the player can slip on the banana peels. I'm not sure how to win though. The meter stops at like 80% and the game ends even tho I haven't finished cleaning. Other than that I really enjoyed playing it.

I love the aesthetic! The idea itself is very interesting and I enjoyed playing it. It's a bit tricky to win. I like the fact that you can see what card will the opponents play next. When it comes to feedback, I think that it would be nice to add an option to organize your deck. This way it would be easier to make the sets and counter the mechanic of loosing cards due to stealing. Overall great submission!

I really like the Universe character. The art kinda reminds me of a game called "Before your eyes". The gameplay itself is quite simple but I like the fact that the planets attached to the dog influence it's gravity. The dynamic between the Universe and the dog is funny. Great game!

Great music and art. I really like rhythm based games. The idea itself is quite simple but I like it.

I love the intro animation. It's so well made. The gameplay itself is good but the controls are very uncomfortable. A normal WASD layout would greatly improve the overall experience. Other then that I enjoyed playing it.

I really like the overall idea. It's a bit hard to actually accomplish the mission but I enjoyed it. I think that the visual aspect of the game  could use some work but it's not terrible. Good job!

Such a simple yet enjoyable game! I absolutely love the idea! The fact that the calculator manually types in the questions is hilarious. Small details like the screen shake really boost the overall game feel. Amazing submission!

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Wow! This game is amazing. Everything is so well done! Voice acting, music, coding minigame. You even created a working sprite maker! This is without a doubt the best submission I've played so far. I especially enjoyed the coding minigame. It was just hard enough to get you thinking, but not so hard that you couldn't beat it. The jokes were fantastic too (the one with no gravity is my favorite one). Incredible submission!

Cool game! I like the simplistic art style. The music fits the gameplay well. It's quite hard to win given the fact that the pieces are physics based. They would often push each other off the platform. Overall I like your take on the theme. Great job!

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Great game! I love the idea (especially since my game is also a platformer where you control the level). The art is clean and pleasant to look at. I like the fact that the cat/player turns into a ball when it's jumping. I managed to beat it without any problems which is quite remarkable considering it's a jam game. Overall, I like your take on the theme. Great job!

I like the word play ( Barry Potter). The idea is quite interesting though I'm not quite sure how it fits the theme. The music is good. The movement is quite slippery (I don't know if it was a design choice but I would probably make the player more responsive). Overall I'm quite impressed by the fact that you made all the 3D models during the jam. It's a very time consuming task so big kudos for that.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Your game is great too!

Very cool and enjoyable game! I really like the music. It adds to the overall feel of urgency. The level design is also well made. Each room with different layout and unique button associated with the task. I think that it's a bit too hard considering the complexity of some of the sections and the amount of time you have left. Overall I really enjoyed playing it. Great job!

Hello! Thank you for your review. I like your idea about the Camera controls and I will definitively test it after the jam.

Hello! Thanks for kind words and valuable feedback. I'm glad you liked the aesthetic. There are certainly many things to improve and I can't wait to add updates once the jam is over :)

I love the art as well as the overall idea. The added variety in a form of a NPC running minigame (rapid space bar pressing) was also cool.