Hi Sanskaar,
Im very happy to hear that you enjoyed my game (and suprised that you played it a lot in 2 weeks). If it help, there are only 2 mask upgrades that are hidden in the game, other stuff are easily found.
Sincerely thank <3
hi bashindan, thanks for playing. Your idea of 2 barrels at the start is a great suggestion, we will try that post-jam.
For the obstacles in Put boss and Bartender map, they are designed as cover for player (from Pit boss charge and Bartender molotov), but maybe the placement is not great so you feel it awkward.
Can i ask the SMG you mentioned is from the normal archetype barrel (that you got at the start) or from the Automatic archetype? Maybe it just a bad number and we can tune it down. The current recoil system is also quite rudimentary and need to be upgraded.
Thanks for the feedback!
Well use of theme with very pleasant graphic. Control feel tight and responsive. However I think the boss design can be improved. Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't later phase of the boss is just more water beam? It can do something different for variety, such as projectiles, or water waves. Overall not bad, keep working on it!
Cutesy style, but I find the gameplay rely on luck too much. In addition to that, to spin required player to collec chips, but the boss is way too aggressive with their bullets. Maybe tone the boss down or make the chip cost lower, or make it easier to spin the payline will make it more friendly. I tried a few time and the closest I get to take down the boss is 2 hp left. Artstyle wise they are very cute and delightful. Music could be better with more suitable genre. Overall it not bad, just a bit too difficult for a first boss.
Very surreal, remind me a lot of those old school flash game. However, I feel like the game lean on the theme "Spin" too much that make it hard to enjoy. The control are really hard to use and clunky. Boss design wise, they are all very creative and plenty of moveset. The camera work during the fight is great too. Overall, great game, looking forward to see how it develop <3
Very cool idea, make me suprised several times. I guess it must be quite technical to code this. However the execution can be better. The control at the tutorial is buggy (Space or Enter to continue dialog?). The combat mechanic also dont't flow with each other very well (or not "spin" enough to go with the theme). The game would be great, so keep polish it up. Good work!
Great game, simple to pick up and very fun to play. The graphic, along with the announcer voice, feel very authentic. Gameplay is pretty creative too. However, I have some 2cent that I think may improve the game more:
- Multiply the score by 100 (and maybe add combo). I see the Hi Score has a lots of digits, yet everytime I defeat an enemy, it only give me 5. It could be give 500 or 5000, so it would feel more sastifying (and justify the massive HI SCORE digits)
- SFX unbalanced: Alien growl and explosion sound significantly louder than the game BGM and announcer voice, which make it a bit annoying.
Other than that, great work!
Since it's just starting to learn gamedev, this is a quite good project. Some improvement I can think of is reduce the distance the player travel when you just tap the movement button, make it more precision. You can also tune the camera smoothing, it's already built in with the camera in Godot. Make it more pleasant to play. Keep learning and making game!
In term of gameplay, it is very good already. Lots of content to enjoy through. The audio could be a bit more exciting (probably because of the limited time so not big deal) and the graphic is simple yet aesthetic. Some of the UI UX could be improved, such as label what the fish power do (i keep forgot them), current stat and switching the fish power. Overall a great entry!
I loved it. The animation for manual, the old school internet music, the low-effort voice acting and the wonky artstyle melt together very well. The UI part can be improved a bit, such as label the bar as oxygen/wait time and label the food in fridge, but it not that big deal. Suprisingly, my favourite part of the game is reading and enjoying the manual. Great job!
Btw, is the music you make yourself? It's really catchy so it would be great if there a standalone version of it.
Very relaxing and has pleasant graphic. I think it can be too easy (or I didn't go in the right direction) but maybe spawn more aggresive enemy sooner will make it more exciting imo. The sfx is simple but effective, give enjoyable feedback. I also got a bug where the first egg circle ui always show even though I have no more usable egg, but it's not a big deal. Great work!
A clear inspiration from Risk of Rain game. It's impressive what you managed to made in the jam. The game is enjoyable and easy to get in. Some stuff could be improved is balancing the health of enemies: For example, I found the rock bat is way too tough compared to the prism enemy, which just make it kinda weird. Otherwise a great jam entry.
Very philosophical dialog, which is a breath of fresh air for usual game in jams. The narrative is well paced, and I like the mechanic of level 3. Some pet peeve I have with the game is switching left and right teleport the player a small distance. Otherwise a pleasant experience playing the game. Good job!
Thanks for playing! The game has no sound, sorry. I didn't have enough time so please bear with it. And Yes, Im aware that font size is an issue so Im thinking on either just make it bigger, or add a magnifying glass to use. Either way, it won't be a problem in the full version.
For the result, I don't think it gonna get any decent because lack of content, though haha. But I didn't mind, cause seeing a lot people like the premise of the game is already a reward for me already.
Thank you. Yeah, I planned to add some mimic-human monster, but slightly off (like, Uncanny Valley). But I'm unable to spend enough time on the jam so it has to cut short (Check the GitHub commits and you see I barely made any progress first week haha). For now, maybe we can considered invalid documents as something "aberration"? They're a bit stretching but it's there.