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A member registered Feb 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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!Please play in fullscreen!

I found myself playing the game multiple times trying to get a better score, which speaks for itself i guess.

I really love the artstyle. The gameplay seems fun as well. But i had a hartd time figuring out what exactly i have to do.

I love te idea of the game and basically everything else about it. The only problem i had was that it was really hard because there were no checkpoints. I also noticed that i got stuck on people i already shot (In the death animation). But i dont know if that is intended or not.

Really nice game! I love the artstyle and the music. I didnt have time to play the whole game yet, so i propably missed some content, and didnt fully understand the implementation of the theme.

(1 edit)

hey, updated the Game page with the controls. I‘d be happy if you could try again and please play in fullscreen, otherwise it wont work.

Thank you for your feedback. And those are some great suggestions!

That was just great! Nothing more to say.

Really fun game. Its just a little bit too hard and i got stuck quite often. But i especially like the artstyle and the enviromente. Great job!

Really nice game.  the visuals and the music are very relaxing. Great job!

I focused more more on the built Part of the theme, and that you have to Build the House you saw the shadow of 1:1 in scale, but i totally See, why that might not fit the theme really well…

Thanks for the Feedback 

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Danke für das Feedback!

Bei den Trolls wollte ich nicht machen, dass man zum Beispiel einfach durch den Boden fällt. Daher habe ich das Zahnrad item eingebaut. Dabei sind auch z.B. die höhere Sprengkraft oder Geschwindigkeit ein Troll, da sie dir definitiv einen Nachteil geben. Aber diese sind natürlich auch nicht so spannend wie die drehende Kamera oder der Meteoriten Regen, den du leider nicht gesehen hast. Ich habe daher nicht Chat ganz verstanden warum du meintest, dass das item kein Troll sondern eine spielmechanik ist, da der Troll halt als spielmechanik ins Spiel eingebaut wurde. 

Du hast definitiv recht, das coyote Time und Jump buffer fehlen. Habe ich leider vergessen😅.

Ich habe mir auch gerade noch den livesteeam angeschaut. Leider ist da aber der Großteil des Videos stumm. Daher habe ich nicht dein ganzes Feedback mitbekommen.

Ich habe aber gesehen, dass du den bug entdeckt hast, bei dem der Spieler im Boden fest steckt. Den habe ich natürlich auch bemerkt, hatte aber leider keine Zeit mehr den zu fixen und wusste auch nicht wirklich wie…

Danke fürs spielen!

Würde mich über feedback freuen

Solange es irgendwie mit dem thema zu tun hat kannst du machen was du willst.

I really like the concept of the game. I saw the video before i played the game, so  i knew hhow the game would end and what i had to do. But i think some people might not understand the game if they didnt watch the video. But the art and especially the intro was really nice. The player movement was fine, but the camera was way to fast imo. 

Overall really nice submission.

I really like those speedrunning games and you did really well with the movement. The implomentation of the theme was really good as well.

Good job!

This was a really nice game  you really managed to keep the original feeling of the game really well.

Really fun game, especially the art was really nice. But i think it would have been helpful if you would be able to see the cursor. But overall great.

Really nice game. I especially love the art. It just would have been nice if there would be a tutorial or something similar. But overall good job!

really nice idea. Love the artstyle. I had to get used to the controlls at first, but i played threw the whole game. good job.

Really nice. Love the idea and the game was really well balanced. PB: 204

I saw some other Flappy bird games, but this is by far the best execution of the idea. Weell done!

Thanks, i will play your Game as soon as i have time for it.

Oh, i see. It was a bit confusing.


That was a really nice game. There just was a weird bug, where the enemy would stop moving and the box would start moving.

But overall great.

Thank you! That was the intention of the first level.

This was one of the best games so far. I love the visuals and the mechanic was really well made. But At some point it just got too hard for me.


I had a lot of fun with this one, I especially like the art style. The puzzles were designed really well. With a few more levels this would be perfect.

This was really fun. I just think the crabs and espacially the camera were moving a bit too fast. But everything else was really cool.

Really nice. I especially liked the art and the What the golf inpired title ;)

It was just a little bit too hard.

Thanks, I wanted to add the feature u mentioned, but i couldnt think of a solution that I could imploment within the tim eleft.

The game is propably too hard, but i just didnt had enaugh time to fix that. and in the tower game you are allowed to miss two.

I was thinking about that mechanic, but i felt like i didnt had enaugh minigames to do that.

Very funny idea. I also really like the detail, that the face of the tree changes based on how many lives you have left. But it would be nice to have some more clearly information about your lives. The art could be better, but overall good job!