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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback!!

This game is insane. Good art, good sound effects, good game design, everything is amazing. The use of the spin wheels challenging the player to change the strategy is a very good idea. The art and the gameplay remembers me to Hollow Knight. This game (with little changes) can be perfectly in Steam.

Sometimes simplicity is the best solution. The game is very funny and with only just shooting and moving has a lot of ways of doing interesting boss mechanics. Very good job!!

I knew that the table generation would be problematic, next time I would try to do it less random things because they are to incontrollables. 

La idea es buena pero creo que hay ciertas cosas que echo en falta. Como a veces teleportarte al boss implica recibir daño involuntariamente, yo añadiría alguna forma de recuperar vida. Respecto de la vida esta bien que se haya integrado la vida del personaje en su sprite pero yo añadiría algo mas fácil de ver (corazoncitos o una barra de vida)

Thank you so much!!

Wow!! You did it!! Nice art and music, and the spin with buffs and debuffs it is a good mechanic for playing it multiple times.

The visuals are amazing, it remembers me to the 2d metroid franchise. I think the octopus is a bit confuse and difficult to reach the weak point.

I think that I found a bug. When I hit the dummy with the sword then appears a lot of text on the screen and can't perform any action. For the rest, the art is very beautiful and I like the UI and how interact with the player.

Very good game!! Each combat is a more difficult version of the previous and includes new mechanics. Animations are very cool and all in general has a good design!

Thank you so much. This was our first experience doing games so this words help us so much.

This was our first contact with a gamejam. In a future we will do more games longer than this.

Gracias por tu apoyo. Como gente que está empezando en esto del gamedev nos ayudo mucho estas palabras de apoyo.

Muy chulo el juego y el arte mola mucho. Como pega diría que a veces no sabes muy bien dónde está la punta del cursor y hace que no aciertes a la hora de hacer cosquillas.

Buen trabajo