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A member registered Dec 02, 2016

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This is so awesome! The art is amazing, the characters are very likable, the music is awesome. I would love to see more of this after the jam

While the characters are awesome, at the beginning the dialog felt a bit too long, I really wanted to see what those choices I'll need to make are. On my first try I killed everyone :(

Hope you'll keep working on this, I would love to see a completed game. Great job honestly!

This isn't much of a game but I still feel like it has an interesting idea somewhere in there. I would love to see this turned into an actual game

Awesome game! It's quite funny and the art style is charming. I would love to see this one worked on more after the jam. Great work!

A really cool game, feels pretty polished for only two days and one person. It may not be as closely tied to the theme as other games, but I like the interpretation and the concept is quite unique

The music is really cool and the art is nice, though the green and orange are a bit too bright in comparison to everything else

I found myself changing my mind about the placement of my knights a few times, it would be really nice to be able to undo your moves before ending a turn. And just a thought, when an enemy gets to your base and a knight is there, maybe it would be better if it attacked the knight first and then on the next turn attacked your base

Overall, awesome work!

The game looks really cool and the music is nice, but the character is too slippery so it's a bit hard to control. Jumping with w was a bit awkward, so maybe more options would be nice. I liked the idea of rolling dice for different blocks, though unfortunately I wasn't able to get very far. The limited hearts made it frustrating to try and get further than the first level. Overall, good effort! I hope you keep making games in the future

Quite a nice little game! Jumping on the chips is very satisfying, I like the little bounce. Though I noticed that when you jump on the last chip, the sound effect is missing. And just a small sidenote, having the arrow keys plus spacebar as the controls is a little awkward. Maybe having more options would be nice? I hope you enjoyed making this game, nice work!

A really nice idea and the dinosaurs are sooo cute! The different abilities they have are fun and changing the world is interesting. The game could be even better with some music and sound effects though. I also think it would be a good idea to make it more clear of what's the goal, maybe give the number of dice to be collected? Cause not knowing how many there are and the dice reappearing after you collect them is a bit confusing. All in all, good job!

The idea behind this game is quite cool, I really enjoyed it! Just a small observation, there's a bit of a mismatch between the chill music and being on a timer. The controls are a bit fiddly, but after a few fails I was able to figure it out, maybe a more fixed camera wouldn't be bad? In general, really fun! Nice work

Lmaoo love the voice acting

Pretty cool little game, easy to understand, fun to control. Nice work!

Nice idea! The colours go together quite well, though just for the future, maybe make the controls a bit less jerky, cause it makes it a bit hard to be precise. Good job on your game!

Nice idea! The colours are quite nice, though I feel like maybe adding a bit of a challenge by penalizing the player for getting the colour wrong would not be a bad idea. Congrats on your first game btw. I hope you keep making games :)

The idea is nice, but there are some things that could be done better

The presentation is a bit of a mess and while there's nothing wrong with using assets for a game jam like this, it's good to choose ones that fit together well

Maybe it would be better to change some of the effects, I got less time for pong and even though I didn't miss I still lost. Making things harder is fun, but making them impossible is a bit frustrating. Also, there could be effects more interesting than just a normal game or a free pass

In general, not a bad idea but execution could be a bit better. Nice work!

The art style is really nice and the music is cool, but there's not much of an actual gameplay. Some randomness in a game isn't bad but this feels like a coin flip. It looks like a cool foundation but it needs a way for players to have more control over what happens

Quite fun! Though I keep running off the edge lol. Poor grandpa :'(

It reminds me a bit of those mobile game ads that look fun but you knooow aren't what the actual game is

Just a little side note, it would be better if the controls were consistent, so either clicking the boxes and clicking restart or pressing some keys for the actions and pressing R for restart. Also a pause button would be nice

In general, it's pretty fun. Good job!

The gameplay is quite fun though it would be nice if it was more obvious that rolling the dice also attacks at the same time. Nice work!

A pretty charming little game, I like how the dice theme was implemented. Though the effect of the bear traps went a little further than their image making it a bit frustrating to get around. Also, loved the beach balls lol

The art style is simple but nice, I love all the cats in the background! Trying to navigate the environment with the different abilities you can get is really fun, though the camera is too all over the place and I feel like it could maybe make some people motion sick. In general, I quite enjoyed it, good job!

Loved the art style, the crocodile is very cute!

The concept is fun, though I feel like the different elements don't quite fit in a satisfying way. I honestly had the most fun when I just left the sidebar as is and played strategically carefully chosing my targets according to damage numbers. But then sometimes the reload time would be very high so I would just run around  waiting and then try to kill as many enemies as possible without paying attention to the numbers. On the other hand, fiddling with the sidebar would be ok at the beginning, but as the the game got harder there just isn't enough time so I would just start ignoring it

In general, I quite enjoyed the game, though it would be nice for the different elements to be more balanced

Nice work!

The look of the game is very simple but pleasant, I liked the theme and the rabbit is cute! Though compared to the sound effects, the music is a bit too quiet

Personally, I found it a bit frustrating, the rabbit either stuck to the sides or bounced off. Though I could see people that like difficult platformers enjoying it. Would be nice to see the dice scoring more integrated with the gameplay to give you more of an incentive to hit different dice combinations

Nice work!

Such a lovely game! All the cats are so cute and the music is nice and relaxing. Great job!