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just the dani

A member registered May 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Very lovely :D

Very much so :P
I don't think I've made it past 2 minutes lol

Happy to hear you enjoyed it :D (and happy ya like Connie!)

Haha I wish we coulda made a grand quest :P

I for sure agree that you should be able to crouch, it offers a strange freedom in any platformer

And yeah we should definitely put something in place to stop you from being able to kill yourself, as I did that many a many times


Very nice! Reminds me of Neon White!

Bit lost on what to do and what keys did what, had no idea what was going on ;-;

Very nice art style tho :D

I won't lie, giving the cat the name Cinnamon made it go from an 8 to a 10

Playing through the game doing a wizard voice going "Cinnamon, cooperate with me here, please, Cinna-CINNAMON, we both want to go home, just, work with me Cinnamon" is truly a wonderful experience

Played through it all, loved it, very nice (great attention to detail having Cinnamon's eyes track the laser!)

Haha looks like all of use crashed during the boss :P Fun game regardless

As a gal who loves spamming the soldier's syringe in Risk of Rain 2 this game was perfect for me

Though I'll be real I never felt the need to SMITE instead of upgrading, maybe if the SMITE only used half the bar I would use it a bit more

Overall great submission!

Nice song but unfortunately the AI art really ruins this one for me

Great time! Far above my own ;-;

And I agree that maybe we should make the crystal shot maybe 1-shot enemies, it is your life essence after all!

(Additionally your pfp kicks ass!)

Thankyou! Happy the jams weren't to loud :P

Thankyou kindly! Happy you enjoyed it :D

Thankyou Thankyou!!!

(and yeah stomping is for sure the way to go :P)

Ah that's how it always is :P

Awesome magic system, was a good bit confused about the constant red particles, I couldn't exactly tell what was happening with those ;-;

Very nice! Art style is wonderful

Really nicely done! Love the artstyle and music! The gameplay was nice too, just wish there was more but hey that's 72 hours for ya :P

Thankyou so much!!
(and I'm happy the comic was decently funny :P)

Thankyou thankyou!!

Funny you noticed that about the intro comic as it actually was drawn as 3 separate pages that I coalesced into one because I put the "Of course Ms. Ruby" reaction on the wrong page and it broke the flow ;-;

I agree that some thicker outlines would for sure benefit it!

And I like the idea for the audio cue for the low crystals, would definitely prevent some self-inflicted demise :P

Thankyou so much!! :3


It took me a second to understand how summoning the light works so my first run was just with the mace and I was very lost, but then I learned the art of "Light Baseball Frisbee"

I loved the learning process of finding out how to fight each enemy, especially having to use the recall on the light against the knights to get their unarmoured backs! That one got me so giddy :D

Additionally the art is all spectacular! The character render on the side is amazing I adore how the (I think) Vampire's eyes glow in the dark!

Amazing job!


Great stuff especially as a solo dev! Love the almost Risk of Rain 2 Command style of upgrading. 

Super fun, super polished, 10/10

Very cute and charming! I can't help but agree with Gear below me that a VR mode would be rad as hell

Very nice looking game and a nice ambient track to boot.

Platforming was questionable at times but far from bad

Unfortunately the game crashed in the middle of the boss fight (was playing the web build)

Just all around very nice game! The random generation of the level is really seamless and feels great, coins are kidna hard to grab but I suppose those are challenge pieces. Incredible work especially for 72 hours! 
(Best score was 19500)

Tyler... What the fuck

5 Stars, played the whole thing through, loved the dialogue, wonderful Touhou-Bullethell, masterpiece ending



Thankyou!! Happy you enjoyed my silly little comic :P

Yeah I had that happen too while trying to get footage for the trailer :P
And yeah ideally we would have had 2 running animations to match the different speeds better but I won't lie, it took like, an hour just to get the 4 frames of running we have so that would've been not so great with our time limit ;-;

Thankyou so much :D 

as for the input issue I'm not certain what could be causing that, I know I had issues playing in browser so I recommended trying the downloadable version instead

Very well done! Having that circle around the level was a fun way to lead to some interesting bounces :D

Pac-worm :D

Mi español es terrible so I really couldn't understand too much of the story but the cat platforming was quite nice and the art is very lovely :D

Very nicely done! The visuals remind me of Ape Out! Love juking the monster out when confronted with a dead end

My best time was 137s

I had to put 5 stars for enjoyment because the juxtaposition of these whimsical beings of magic with their bright colours and cute appearances getting merc'd by just some dude with a gun is incredible. I was sent into a laughing fit with every shot of the gun and flash across the screen with the poor magic people crumbling before the power of a .45 ACP.

Lovely art, platforming could use a bit of work tho

Thankyou very kindly!! The pose took forever to get right :P

Very cute art! Love the characters, especially Bad Cat :P
(bit of advice tho, just do one background on a layer and then do the Light and the campfire on another layer because having the stars dance around made me feel queasy)

Incredible game! I wish there was more!!! Wonderful art, super charming atmosphere, and well thought-out combat system!

I died to the Captain so many times that for some reason he kept moving down and was eventually in the middle of the room, only after I finally defeated him did I realise that their were pickups that give you more hp

Do I get a trophy for beating it on 3 Health Hard Mode ;-;

Very cute style! I do fear I "square holed" a bit much  though, but hey I guess that's puzzle solving :P