Thanks, I welcom your critique. You make very good points, some things like movement and writing could use more polish, but also other things. I guess I learned from comments, that some people find this boring, but others do not. So next time I have to think of something to make the game appealing to a wider audience.
As for terminal, I was thinking about that word when still working on the game, but decided no to change it. Maybe I mistunderstand the word, but I though it could mean an interface of the device that plays the log.
I didnt like the asterisks too, but didn't know how to do that better at the time.
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Very nice game concept, however also very hard and punishing like other's mention. This is not necessarily a bad thing as I like punishing games, but for many might be too much. I also didnt fully feel the kicks, like something was out of sync, for an improvement I would focus on making it more fluid, maybe an indicator close to the middle of the screen?
maybe you werent running game at 60fps? below that character would move slower. i've done a few test runs, 8-9 minutes to get to the end asap, and 15 when listening to logs. I've shown this game to someone who never played a game on pc and they are at log 12 in 10 minutes, when I had to explain how to play a game on pc
Thank you. These are harsh words, but all perspectives are important. The game was indeed designed to be a quite slow and the aim was to give eeire feeling. Movement is somewhat sluggish, and it definitely improve if I had more time to refine it. But I don't feel like it's too slow, if you skipped all logs you can get to the end in like 8 minutes.
This is really cool concept, I liked the visuals, atmosphere, and the work you put in. But its somewhat lacking in audio department, some bg music would go a long way. Also I didnt that much fun, the mechanics feel too complicated to me, really hard to get into. I saw the help card, but too much is thrown at you at the same time. But I guess with more time and proper tutorial(which requires time) it would be much better
Intersting, this is pure godot, built for windows x64. Do you meet all the requirements? System requirements — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English.
I can try to build web version, but I dont know if its allowed for game jam.
I wanted to clarify whether we are permitted to utilize assets created by or associated with Vedal. These include any resources specifically crafted for use during streams. While it might be generally acceptable to incorporate some assets, there could be restrictions on specific ones. For example, Neuro's covers might be off-limits due to copyright considerations. Could you confirm the guidelines for using these assets to ensure everyone is on the same page?